I'm curious who made this version since Arika seems to not have made this one. Are the credits easily accessible?
So, I guess Affordable Space Adventures did well enough for them to make DLC?
Haven't heard about sales and was worried it wasn't performing as well as they expected.
Does anyone have any input on the following Wii U eShop games?
Rock Zombie
Lone Survivor
Master Reboot
All of them are on sale (NA) at the moment. I've watched the trailers so I get the basic idea of them, but I'm wondering if any are worth buying. Like I know Rock Zombie is about beating zombies to death with guitars, but is it a decent beat 'em up or a boring waste of time?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Does anyone have any input on the following Wii U eShop games?
Rock Zombie
Lone Survivor
Master Reboot
All of them are on sale (NA) at the moment. I've watched the trailers so I get the basic idea of them, but I'm wondering if any are worth buying. Like I know Rock Zombie is about beating zombies to death with guitars, but is it a decent beat 'em up or a boring waste of time?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Unepic is a great sidescrolling action rpg and probably one of the best games on the eShop at all. BUY!Does anyone have any input on the following Wii U eShop games?
Rock Zombie
Lone Survivor
Master Reboot
All of them are on sale (NA) at the moment. I've watched the trailers so I get the basic idea of them, but I'm wondering if any are worth buying. Like I know Rock Zombie is about beating zombies to death with guitars, but is it a decent beat 'em up or a boring waste of time?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Does anyone have any input on the following Wii U eShop games?
Rock Zombie
Lone Survivor
Master Reboot
All of them are on sale (NA) at the moment. I've watched the trailers so I get the basic idea of them, but I'm wondering if any are worth buying. Like I know Rock Zombie is about beating zombies to death with guitars, but is it a decent beat 'em up or a boring waste of time?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Does anyone have any input on the following Wii U eShop games?
Rock Zombie
Lone Survivor
Master Reboot
All of them are on sale (NA) at the moment. I've watched the trailers so I get the basic idea of them, but I'm wondering if any are worth buying. Like I know Rock Zombie is about beating zombies to death with guitars, but is it a decent beat 'em up or a boring waste of time?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
man, Virtual Console is such a joke. weeks and weeks of terrible releases.
hundreds of amazing N64/DS games out there, and every week? nothin.
man, Virtual Console is such a joke. weeks and weeks of terrible releases.
hundreds of amazing N64/DS games out there, and every week? nothin.
Nintendo doesn't necessarily have the rights to the hundreds of amazing n64/DS games?
man, Virtual Console is such a joke. weeks and weeks of terrible releases.
hundreds of amazing N64/DS games out there, and every week? nothin.
I also hope that's a combined total, because - and I say this as a fan of the N64 - there are definitely not "hundreds of amazing N64 games."
Heck, I own around 70 N64 games, and I wouldn't even say there are one hundred "amazing" N64 games.
I posted this into the OT, hope you don't mind:I have mixed feelings on Dr. Mario Miracle Cure. ...
N64 was a tentpole system. ~1 historically great game every 6 months. Some good games in-between but not a lot, no.
3DS stuff:
Johnny Dynamite is actually pretty fun. I like jetpack and dynamite mechanics. I played about two thirds of the game's 54 levels already. It's not a long game, but it has a level designer if you're into that sort of thing. It's now $3.99 on the 3DS eShop.
I already picked up another $20 eShop card. It's so addicting, and I always want money in my account.
Got to decide what I want between Rayman GBC or the DSi-ware game, Earthworm Jim, Super Mario Bros 3, or that Steamworld Tower Defense game by the same dev who did Steamworld Dig.
What would people say is the best Match 3 game on the 3DS? I loved Puzzle Quest back on the DS (I think?) and Pokémon Shuffle is fun although you can't play for long without paying. So I'm looking for a good Match 3 similar to PQ really.
What would people say is the best Match 3 game on the 3DS? I loved Puzzle Quest back on the DS (I think?) and Pokémon Shuffle is fun although you can't play for long without paying. So I'm looking for a good Match 3 similar to PQ really.
I think I have a problem with my N3DS.
Even though It's connected to the cradle or directly to the charger it won't charge.
The battery keeps being at low (blinking red) and because of this I can't update the system.
Is this a known problem?
It's been in the charger when I don't use it, and I havent used it in two weeks.
So I only discovered it when I went and opened the system.
Sounds like you need a new battery? Your profile says you're from Sweden, I have no idea how customer service works over there but try contacting them.
I bought it from Amazon.fr.
Customer service in Sweden usually isn't that great. It's Bergsala AB who takes care of that, not Nintendo. If I'm out of luck they'll refuse to do anything since it's not bought in Sweden.
3DS stuff:
I'm also wondering what kind of sales we'll have around E3. I heard Ocarina of Time went on sale around then before. I have it on N64, but I don't have it on my 3DS yet, and now the game has gone up in price.
At least the challenge mode finally adds some sort of single-player content beyond the usual stuff, even if it is pretty meager.
I finished Majora's Mask last month and now I have $40 sitting in my account waiting to buy Ocarina of Time. Last year it did go on sale during E3 week: http://**************/2014/06/nintendo-eshop-e3-sale/
But I feel like its real foolish to expect the exact same sale again this year. Its more likely that we'd see Majora's Mask or Hyrule Warriors or something else rather than the exact same thing as the previous year.
I think I"m going to go ahead and buy it. I feel like a foolish fool if it does go on sale next week, but I'm going out of town on Monday and it'd be nice to have something to place in the hotel room while watching those conferences.
Rayman on the GBC is actually a pretty great demake that combines stuff from Rayman 2 and the original in 8 bit form. I recommend it over the DSi version.
If it were 10 years ago and handhelds were more prevalent in the west, we'd have probably gotten an awesome 3Dized version of the original Rayman with some expanded content or something.![]()
all GBC games are 8bit![]()
The direct for today is in one hour, right? So only one hour until they confirm Mother 3 coming to VC, right? Right?
It's the Smash Direct today. Unless they reveal that as part of the news about Lucas, it seems lol that would be saved for the Digital Event on Tuesday. It could happen during the Smash Direct to build up some extra hype for E3, though!
Hearing they threw a bundle that gives ALL OF THAT CONTENT at once. Anyone got pricing?
Hearing they threw a bundle that gives ALL OF THAT CONTENT at once. Anyone got pricing?
Yeah. Seems to be US only.
Yeah. Seems to be US only.
Nah, for everyone.