Hows Nanostray? Want to get this and TrineBtw, currently have: Nintendo Land, NSMB, Black Ops 2, Nanostray.
Hows Nanostray? Want to get this and Trine
It's a fairly solid twin-stick shooter, looks great and plays smoothly. But it's a game that's primarily for challenging leaderboards and your friends' high scores as there is not much in the way of narrative or anything like that, if that is of concern.Hows Nanostray? Want to get this and Trine
THIS!Remember: only add friends via Miiverse "search users" function! Otherwise they will never see an invite.
Been adding people all day. Some of you can't accept requests.
Remember: only add friends via Miiverse "search users" function! Otherwise they will never see an invite.
NNID: Lord_Alfred
Been adding people all day. Some of you can't accept requests.
Remember: only add friends via Miiverse "search users" function! Otherwise they will never see an invite.
NNID: Lord_Alfred
Ooooohhhhhhh crap. Guess I have some work to do when I get home. No one got the invites from me I assume?
Ooooohhhhhhh crap. Guess I have some work to do when I get home. No one got the invites from me I assume?
Still sitting on 20 provisionally registered friends. Accept dammit!
ID: Xtortion
youre doing it wrong...Remember: only add friends via Miiverse "search users" function! Otherwise they will never see an invite.
Remember: only add friends via Miiverse "search users" function! Otherwise they will never see an invite.
Remember: only add friends via Miiverse "search users" function! Otherwise they will never see an invite.
Also OP should add that you need to turn on Friend Requests to be able to accept them, otherwise I have to add you through Friends List and have you add me back without being notified.
BTW do we know how the icons on the home screen will change? I hate how the damn settings are there. I want to add MSF, black ops 2, or NintendoLand up there!
Somebody please explain how the messaging system works between friends and how the system notifies you when you have messages. I love u long time.
You send messages via Miiverse, but I don't think there is a notification outside of the Miiverse app. Sometimes the Miiverse app icon does something but I have no idea what that is saying.Still willing to pay Internet hugs for this info.
youre doing it wrong...
nintendo needs to fix this.
You send messages via Miiverse, but I don't think there is a notification outside of the Miiverse app. Sometimes the Miiverse app icon does something but I have no idea what that is saying.
there's a "messages" tab in the Miiverse. The home button on the Gamepad flickers on and off for a second whenever you get a notification (message, friend request accepted, so on).
couple of questions guys
1. how to interact with ppl in nintendo land plaza?
2. does anyone's miivers showing 0 comments for every community?
You think the name will still be available?
And I hate my nick for just having 5 characters
I registered the name through a friend so I could be sure it wasn't taken.