Or ...
get it? hohoho.
that's a good one, registering patnsu
Or ...
get it? hohoho.
Can my housemate and I sign up for our own individual NNIDs on my Wii U?
Does it tie to the Club Nintendo login, or whatever country login you have?
I hope they patch this into 3DS ASAP!
that's a good one, registering patnsu
Sony really should offer a name changing service. Once per 6 months or so would suffice to stop abuse.So is it like XBL where you can change your name from xXxw33d5n1p3r420XxX when puberty works itself out or is it a 'once and once only' kind of deal like PSN?
Don't worry, I'll be BGBW as usual...Lol! Don't BGBW... I already had to use a different gamertag(turkishemperor2) because someone else snatched my name.![]()
so it MUST be 6 or more characters :/
when your making a post, should be in the top right corner. just took one of Assassin Creed 3So I made a post to the NintendoLand community last night after playing the octopus rhythm game but didn't see the screenshot option anywhere - is that part not ready yet?
What's the maximum number of friends you can have?
Well as I'm in the EU I don't have a console yet but from what I have seen on streams you can have 100 friends and 1000 followers on Miiverse.
"Followees", if I remember correctly there's no limit on hoy many people can follow a single user.
Since this is the OT...
1. Imagine I have a Wii U console and my friend has a Wii U console. I go to his house to play Wii U. Can I bring my profile/save data with me?
2. If yes, can my profile be on multiple systems at once? How does DRM work for purchased games over multiple systems? Is it like the 360?
Add me, fools!
Why are there two ways to enter friends...?
The good way, searching via MiiVerse and sending a friend request.
The bad way, entering the NinID in the friend list and waiting for the friend to also enter yours
You have to enable MiiVerse friend requests.
Why are there two ways to enter friends...?
The good way, searching via MiiVerse and sending a friend request.
The bad way, entering the NinID in the friend list and waiting for the friend to also enter yours.
Crap, this is stupid. I've been adding everyone through the bad way. Now I have to go back and add through the "good" way.
User menu -> Settings -> Miiverse Settings -> Allow Friend Requests.This may be dumb, but how do I do this?
User menu -> Settings -> Miiverse Settings -> Allow Friend Requests.