Thanks! Was just about to email them - this is great, really looking forward to seeing what they can do.I already deleted the email.
All you have to do is go to their support page and email them with an issue you're having; the same auto-response message I received should hit within that day or the next.
Edit: No I didn't - it was still in the trash folder LOL!
I just did the dumbest thing ever. I went walking away from my ship and found a crashed ship and forgot to transfer over my cargo before confirming and lost 9 atlas stones with no idea where I left my old ship to retrieve them. When I went to reload my save the game had saved twice in the same minute so I couldn't revert back.
Thanks! Was just about to email them - this is great, really looking forward to seeing what they can do.
There was talk in another thread of them working on a new renderer (maybe in the screenshot thread? I couldn't find it). If that's true then it could upgrade the look of the game pretty dramatically in terms of textures and lighting.
We also know that they removed or largely curtailed planetary rotation in the day one patch so it's certainly feasible that that feature could return. Niether of those changes would neccesetate changing the seed code that the Universe is built off of, so those things may be reasonable to expect.
I think that a bit more interactivity between ships and factions would also be possible on top of their current build, and we know that they are planning to add more ship types and base building. Base building would suggest the possibility of more items being added to the crafting system.
I think it's certainly possible that there would be tweaks to ship handling and space combat but I don't know how much of a priority that is for the developers.
When you get into larger system changes like adding in planetary orbits, more elements for the periodic template, or making planetary climate more dependant on proximity to the system's star then I get more sceptical that such things could be added without resetting everyone's progress. That would neccesetate changes to the seed code and would change the interactivity of systems within the game. I don't have much hope for things like that being added back in.
Yeesh that's pretty bad then. Any other planets or moons in your system? Try flying to one and scanning/uploading there to see if the info sticks. If it doesn't then I'd contact HG's support to report a pretty egregious bug.
Well I guess I got my response, same copy/paste email people have been posting on the past page. Really sucks to lose all discoveries like this on a character that's traveled a lot.Nothing I do is fixing it, I did send them an email and hopefully get a response in the next 48 hours. I'll report back if I hear anything from them.
I see many of them on my planets.
Well I guess I got my response, same copy/paste email people have been posting on the past page. Really sucks to lose all discoveries like this on a character that's traveled a lot.
I think that means you're lucky.
No discoveries at all, even the planet I was currently on had its discoveries disappear. It's as if I'm a fresh character on the current planet I'm on. Which sucks because I've been to a good amount of planets where I scanned and uploaded everything.Whoa whoa... all discoveries on just one planet, or all discoveries you've made period?
Quick Question:
Without spoilers, to someone who knows what happens in both -- should I follow the Atlas path or the path to the center?
I'm torn, and I don't want to look up spoilers.
Well, I'll spoiler tag anyway, just in case, but it's nothing terribleQuick Question:
Without spoilers of any kind, a question to someone who knows what happens in both -- should I follow the Atlas path or the path to the center?
I'm torn, and I don't want to look up spoilers!
I find it interesting that most people (including me) went that way, guess the fact that it has some sort of narrative/quest structure really means something, even in a game which lets you do whatever the hell you want.The atlas path was a waste of time and inventory slots. Just not worth it.
I'm also following some guy on an atlas path. At first it was two people, one named SPACECOMPANY oddly enough. Now i'm following to guy with a name beginning with K but I can't remember off hand.
40-50 hours in and I'm still astounded by the beauty this game is capable of sometimes.
I see many of them on my planets. What is more difficult to find is something as disturbing as the early bushes that I have come across. The best vegetation on my 5th planet.
Hey friends, I have a code from preordering the game, but I'm not planning to use it. First person to quote this post that wants it can have. Here's the description text, idk if there are different preorder bonuses out there:
"Explore the universe using a Rezosu Z65 Multi-Tool, 10,000 units Starting Bonus and an Upgraded Alpha Vector Ship."
I did - thanks again gafferDid you see my edited post? I found the email lol! It was in my trash folder![]()
Regarding the end of the game, I'm a long way off presumably, but can someone tell me....
Once I collect all 10 of the Atlas Stones, does the game automatically send me to the new galaxy? Can I elect not to go right away and still choose to do so later?
Can I deviate from the Atlas path and then get back on it later? Getting tiresome always visiting Yellow Star systems.
One of my favorite aspects of the game so far personally. I love wandering and the sensation of noticing something I haven't yet encountered. I do wish it were easier to scan flying creatures like birds. I don't want to kill anything, and even using my actual mouse it can be very tough to trigger the scan.I have not been able to 100% any planet. I don't know how you guys manage to do that.
Your discoveries are not part of the database until you upload them. Before uploading them (whether or not you name them), it's basically the equivalent of playing in offline mode- where multiple people could "discover" the same thing. If you're offline I assume you can still "name and upload" things, but this isn't actually doing anything- if someone online went to the same planet obviously that stuff would be undiscovered.How is that even possible though? I discovered the system and planet, I named the system just hadn't gotten to naming the planet, but someone else was able to bogart my discovery? Or does it only count as "yours" if you're first to upload, not just discover? So if, and I know the chances of this happening are like ZERO, but if two people warped into the same system seconds apart would it literally just be a race to which one of them uploads the discovery first, and who actually got there first and found it makes no difference?
Make one more warp to one more Atlas Interface, and redeem 10 stones there for the end of Atlas questline.
I went straightaway, but I think you can stray and visit other planets, then get back to Atlas path using the map
Got pretty lucky finding an amazing solar system. I know it's not the photo thread buuut:
I'm for this all the way.It would help a ton if for the last animal they showed "air, land or sea" Make the search more bearable.
Got pretty lucky finding an amazing solar system. I know it's not the photo thread buuut:
Got pretty lucky finding an amazing solar system. I know it's not the photo thread buuut:
Saw a huge lump of Emeril on a fairly boring world and decided to mine some by hand just for fun (well it gives better returns and is weirdly soothing hehe).
Was a bit odd - there was a solid core of the substance that would not break either by hand or with the tool. After chiseling away and filling 1500 worth in my inventory, I decided to dig down and see how far it went - pretty far! So then decided to walk off a way to see how large it is on a scan - fecking HUGE. I chipped away some more before filling my inventory at 2000 pieces... but that thing must be near 10,000 total going by the scan... at 275 units a piece.
And now the thing looks to be taking some kind of shape, so I'm tempted to keep chipping away![]()
Fuuuuuuck. The last three systems I've hit have been full of dull, mostly lifeless barren wastelands with extreme hazards, angry sentinels and an abundance of space pirates. On the occasion I do find a critter, it's some angry crab or a crocodile-fish hybrid that has me "nope"ing right off the planet. Vy'keen systems are shit.
You can mine with the laser, melee, plasma grenades, and I believe the railgun adapter tech for the boltcaster. No idea what the bit about better returns meant thoughWait, you can mine resources without the mining laser? Via Melee? Better returns?
Just wanted to post links to some basic guides/info:
- Beginner Tips & Tricks (Bunch of stuff here including how to boost dash to get around planets quicker, stripping crashed ships for parts, finding early exosuit upgrades, grouping tech for bonuses, etc.)
- How to Set On-planet Waypoints (While limited for now, this works to find your way back to points of interest on planets you don't want to lose.)
- The AtlasPass and You (Info on how to get the AtlasPass V1 and what it can do for you.)
- Ship Progression Guide (credit to HalfBakedProphet, a look at some of the logistics behind acquiring better ships and example plans you can follow to do so.)
Fuuuuuuck. The last three systems I've hit have been full of dull, mostly lifeless barren wastelands with extreme hazards, angry sentinels and an abundance of space pirates. On the occasion I do find a critter, it's some angry crab or a crocodile-fish hybrid that has me "nope"ing right off the planet. Vy'keen systems are shit.