I saw an animal with an anteater head last night on a previously undiscovered world and it didn't surprise me so I *think* I've seen the anteater heads before.
Regarding the LOD On PS4, I haven't played since patch 1.06 or so (been busy with other stuff and was waiting for the dust to settle with the bug fixes) but I think I am seeing improvements in the terrain generation after having visited several new worlds the last couple of nights:
1) Flying over large oceans does not feel sluggish any longer.
2) I am not seeing as much terrain LOD "pop-in" but it is still heavier on worlds with more assets (trees, rocks, etc.). I haven't found a nice "lush" planet in a while so the jury is still out on how improved the LOD will be with a lot of assets.
3) I'm not seeing as many of those "rectangles" when terrain is popping in - I'm also not noticing as much of that "fuzziness" with the voxels popping into view. It is still there but it seems less noticeable to me.
4) This might have been mentioned before but I *think* that you can fly faster over planets now? I haven't done any comparisons with pre-patching and it might just be newish ship so I could completely not know what I am talking about here. Just a possible observation.
5) Speaking of observations, it is hard to figure out what is new/changed when we are dealing with a game using a procedural content generation engine for ENTIRE SYSTEMS.

6) Here's another observations: I use a lot of double quotation marks (" ") in my posts. I guess that's just what I do.