Finished the Atlas path, and decided there wasn't much left to do but burn rubber to the centre. 10k light years in and I'm definitely seeing some different stuff. Just small things like different monoliths and number puzzles. Also found my first planet with super aggressive animals. Horrid little spider things that attacked me 5 at a time. Bastard things were everywhere.
Also picked up a neat biological looking multitool. It's all chitinous and looks just like a Warhammer 40k Tyranid weapon. Saw a multitool that was pure gold too.
Yeah, it's really bad design. They need to have it auto upload the completion when you get it.
Yes, I just assumed one could not get the 100% completion when there was nothing to see.
This screwed me over too. It's one thing it doesn't auto upload, but the element in the UI for it doesn't even look like any of the other buttons so I just interpreted it as a label telling me to manually upload each of the species individually in the little menu below, which doesn't unlock the bonus.Yeah, it's really bad design. They need to have it auto upload the completion when you get it.
That must be a PS4 bug. I tried it on PC and the bar isn't there to click on.
Yeah, barren planets just have nothing down there.
Pisses me off because that's the current milestone roadblocking me with Polo. I can't max out a single fucking planet.
It's really irritating, I left a few planets one or two species short after hours of exploration, checking caves, water, air and everywhere they could be. The ones I did complete after a few hours of searching were just species that I had never seen just randomly showing up on normal terrain, really irritating. The cash bonus on the ones I have up on would have been really nice. Especially in the early going.
What's the best way to get to the center of the universe, black holes your just following the path? I have al the warp drives and 42 warp cells finally ready to make a mad dash.
What's the best way to get to the center of the universe, black holes your just following the path? I have al the warp drives and 42 warp cells finally ready to make a mad dash.
Nice shout out to my favorite scifi writer, Jack Vance.
One of my moons I found last night is a beautiful snowy forest moon.
Will see if I can get my screenshots off the PlayStation later, there's trees everywhere.
Anyone know where I can find Electron Vapour?
And people say there aren't large animals (excuse the poor screenshot). Check out the size of that dude in the distance. They were massive up close (and docile).
As a fellow Dutchie, the term "Gek woord" amuses me greatly.
OMG. I have found a multi-tool upgrade which crashes my game. I am on a planet, I have just landed and saved the game, and I go inside the transmission tower. Everything works fine except if I press X to observe the multi-tool upgrade on the wall. Then the game crashes. I have my savegame to reproduce the bug. I have already reproduced it 3 times. I have reported it on the Steam forum, I don't know what else to do.
Maybe I try the experimental branch.
Yeah, barren planets just have nothing down there.
Pisses me off because that's the current milestone roadblocking me with Polo. I can't max out a single fucking planet.
I'm stuck on extreme planets. I'm sitting at 2.8 out of 3 sols and no matter how much time I spend on extreme planets, that number never changes. I think I'm bugged.
The counter resting specifically on 2.8 appears to be a bug indeed, several people on the Steam forums have that problemI'm stuck on extreme planets. I'm sitting at 2.8 out of 3 sols and no matter how much time I spend on extreme planets, that number never changes. I think I'm bugged.
That's not correct afaik, sol is a solar day. I think in real life it's ususally used for Mars. Its length would primarily depend on a planet's rotation speed, with revolution speed having an influence as well.Well, sol is our sun, so 1 Sol is normally a way of saying "one earth year", so it would be the same everywhere
No joke, this game has crashed at least 8 times on me throughout the day. Playing on PS4. I don't know if it's a bug after a lot of progress or something with inventory, but I had only 2 crashes total before. Ugly.
I'm in a system with 4 planets and 1 moon, but there are 7 things listed on the discovery page. (And one of my named planets got overwritten by a person who just names things with their PSN name. Couldn't be any worse.)
How the hell do you 100% a planet?
I have 2 species left, there are no birds on this planet and no water. I walked for an hour across cliffs and through caves and couldn't find the last 2 species.....
this post is brand new and very positive and i love all of the people sharing their gear and their findings, but im compelled do drop a link to all of the things we were sold on in the past that evidently arent in the game. it really puts into perspective why a lot of people were kinda perplexed by the game
its pretty crazy and eye opening. the NMS we got is good and all, but man, i wonder what happened to all of that stuff.for example, where are the dogfights in the atmosphere? or ringed planets? what happened to large-scale wars, or planets orbiting around their sun? i keep forgetting these systems have a sun most of the time
that said, i would be lying if i said this game didnt have its fair share of magical moments. genuinely beautiful planets can potentially keep you for hours, just so you can see these amazing feats of nature and capture amazing photos
I found 100% of the creatures on a moon, and didn't get the milestone...
Is it because it's a moon? Or did it glitch?
Bigger distances with normal warps, and nothing to repair in between warps.
By the way, could you find out which planet is the closest to the galaxy center? This is where I want to settle.
funny, you should say that, because I had exactly one of those on the PC version, I jumped into low orbit and was set upon by a pirate, he dove into atmosphere and I puersued him and shot him down (he didn't crash unfortunately, just blew up, like they all do)..
I had to stop playing because of it. I was getting a crash every 10 to 15 minutes. I love the game so much but the crashes were starting to really ruin the fun for me. Hopefully its sorted quick so I can jump back in. I couldnt progress it got so bad. I had maxed out everything and like 40 million credits so maybe a save file with lots of crap in it is the cause or something? I dunno but it was unbearable and I'm usually very forgiving when it comes to some technical hiccups.No joke, this game has crashed at least 8 times on me throughout the day. Playing on PS4. I don't know if it's a bug after a lot of progress or something with inventory, but I had only 2 crashes total before. Ugly.
funny, you should say that, because I had exactly one of those on the PC version, I jumped into low orbit and was set upon by a pirate, he dove into atmosphere and I puersued him and shot him down (he didn't crash unfortunately, just blew up, like they all do)..