What is the quick transfer key to use for the open slot on a controller? Is it the same thing at the quick menu? (d pad down)
Just FYI for anyone else, what I was talking about here was pressing Y (Xbox controller) on an empty slot in your exosuit or starship inventory.For PS4 it is down on the d-pad. Up on the d-pad is for base construction.
What the fuck. Automated mining units are such fucking garbage. 5 mins of waiting for 20 units of a resource?! All of those materials to make one fucking mining unit and that's all it does. Jesus. I need a mod ASAP that makes it at least 250, but still fuck that because I have to go back to the unit to even retrieve the resource. Fucking pointless.
Ah. That's a really bad design then. You should be able to designate a base storage container for the collectors to teleport the resources into (until the container fills up), so that they just keep pumping out resources without user intervention. Otherwise it's not very automated.
Yup, either set and forget, or if it's meant to be going while you also mine, then up the payout with the mindset it will on yield once or twice. I'd much prefer it trickle "automatically" to a container in my base. I mean, that makes the most sense for an automated unit...Yea we need logistics please. Especially hoppers and way to organize.
If we had a way for it to dump and be processed then it could be left alone. Who cares about how much it gives then heh.
As long as you keep pushing the button. It's like Lost. I ain't got time to sit there and hit the button every 5 mins.Yes but forever.
1) in the original trailer about the update they are shown placing multiple units on the same resource node and mention marking it with a waypoint (which you'd presumably return to every so often to collect from and continue to build up into a bigger operation each time). Obviously this doesn't make them instantly more valuable but I believe that's how they were intended to be used, not actually as a one-shot more efficient alternative to manual mining.
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIYy3tT0nyk this guy has the same issues and proposals Unicorn is mentioning so I imagine they will make them more generous as the issue is raised
any alteration that makes it easier to get more resources from them with less effort is making them more generous.I don't think being more generous is the problem, it's having to babysit these things. Since to be practical they have to be somewhat near your base, that means just sitting around your base when you could be doing something fun. I know Sean seems to love farming materials so perhaps that's influencing the design here, but I just won't use these things if I have to go around to each one.
They should just make them automated as I mentioned, like putting collectors on a resource in Total Annihilation (or other RTS game). More focus on the fun, not the drudgery.
any alteration that makes it easier to get more resources from them with less effort is making them more generous.And again so far as I understood it the idea wasn't to babysit them or keep them near your base to collect every 5 minutes to have a single one, but to have a mining operation with a waypoint that you traveled to (with your ship if need be) every so often from multiple units and continually add more.
Anyway it's likely they will make some alterations based on feedback like I said since I see the identical complaints in this video. I have no experience with them (actually still haven't landed on a planet since the patch)
Oh, I assumed that you of course could do this, if not then even the original purpose they seemed to be advertising would make no sense.Hmm
Can you put an autonomous mining unit on some rocks, leave the planet, come back, and collect them..?
They could be useful if you have a huge cluster of rocks that you want to mine..
any alteration that makes it easier to get more resources from them with less effort is making them more generous.And again so far as I understood it the idea wasn't to babysit them or keep them near your base to collect every 5 minutes to have a single one, but to have a mining operation with a waypoint that you traveled to (with your ship if need be) every so often from multiple units and continually add more.
Anyway it's likely they will make some alterations based on feedback like I said since I see the identical complaints in this video. I have no experience with them (actually still haven't landed on a planet since the patch)
As long as you keep pushing the button. It's like Lost. I ain't got time to sit there and hit the button every 5 mins.
I can't wait, but I'm really enjoying this little self-imposed restriction to the skies of the system I'm in for the moment.True.But that idea of a mining operation sounds like a paper route to me...busy work. I know some people are into that, and I knew going in the crafting/farming side of this game didn't appeal to me as much. I just want to have the tools available to automate the things I don't care about so I can maximize my fun-to-time ratio in the game.
Hopefully they'll respond to some of this feedback, but I encourage anyone with ideas to send them to [email protected] ... I don't know if Hello checks GAF or not.
btw Hawk, you definitely owe it to yourself to dip down to a planet. The improvements to the terrain system are quite a pleasant surprise.
I dig it and I'm fond of Admiral Nidomartan, although (and this ties into the earlier discussion of how or to what extent you actually "own" your freighter), he thus far is a bit less fond of me:
Nice little touch.
if I buy a new freighter, will it have the contents of my old one? How does that work?
What? LOL
You don't use them like that. You're not supposed to sit there and wait, you're supposed to set them up and return every so often on the way back or to whatever else you're doing.
Though I have noticed that not a single planet seems to be geologically active. By that I mean volcanoes or fissures...no lava anywhere
The teleport always get the las 4 stations? So if wanna move to the center, or other distant place, your only options is keep the most distant teleport in the list?
Another thing, if you rename the systrm, the teleport list still display the original name?
Yes but forever.
Lol... yeah, no. I ain't wasting my time for 20 units. I'm also not going to fill 20 slots with items just to make 5 units to get 80 unit yield 5-10 mins later. How the AMU's work now it is not at all viable to do that.
So do AMUs not use up the resource you place them on?
People have asked for flowing water or water on different elevations. That's just river-shaped lakes.Someone ask for rivers?
People have asked for flowing water or water on different elevations. That's just river-shaped lakes.
People have asked for flowing water or water on different elevations. That's just river-shaped lakes.
Took me a while but I finally found a world that wasn't an irradiated hellhole to build my first base.
Though I have noticed that not a single planet seems to be geologically active. By that I mean volcanoes or fissures...no lava anywhere
So you're going to mine that material near your base permanently? I'd much sooner keep it as a regular, infinite source of income, but that's just me.
I really really wish I could just buy inventory slots for my ship to max it out instead of hunting for a new ship. I really like the ship I have. I also wish we could move the bits around like the warp drives and what not.
I can't remember what system type I found the one I have in. I was doing the crashed ship thing for a while then found the one I have on space station and I don't think I've seen another one since.
Since the game has a normal mode and survival mode, I feel like the prices of ships should be lowered a bit in normal mode. But that's just me, I've always had a bit of hard luck finding planets with cubes or pearls to mine but the ability to see if a planet has them before I land helps. I found a system where every planet had cubes on it but I had just come from a really crazy pirate fight and was about to get attacked again. And instead of just letting them kill me and retrieving my grave I stupidly fled to another system.
I have a heredium deposit by my base. I don't need it any more, but if I did, it respawns every time I boot up my game, so it's infinite anyway.
Here's my quick guide:
-Do the base quests until you can plant Carrion Root and learn the Lubricant recipe. That requires the Scientist and the Farmer.
-Plant Carrion Root. I initially had 3 but was short on Thymium and Mordite. You harvest Mordite from Carrion Root so that takes care of itself, but between harvests I'd go gather Thymium.
-Harvest Mordite from Carrion Root. Initially you should use it to plant more Carrion Root until your farm is as large as you want it to be.
-Once your farm is as big as you want, harvest Mordite and make Lubricant. The Carrion Root regenerates in about 5 minutes, so repeat until you're bored or have what you want.
-Sell Lubricant. You can teleport to the space station and sell, or better yet, build a shop terminal in your base and sell there.
With a farm of about 40 Carrion Root, I make about 1 million units per harvest. Actual farming and crafting time is 2-3 minutes, and another 2-3 minutes of waiting. So 1 million units every 5 minutes or so, but it's tedious. Your waiting time can be used to go gather materials or whatever you feel like doing.
IMO if you want a better ship, crashed ship hunting is still probably faster. But you can get enough to buy a freighter really quickly.
Suspension fluid is an extremely basic, easily and cheaply craftable product (50 carbon, which is literally less than my Korvax bros will just give me on the regular for free at any time)- it would be broken to be able to sell at those prices. The price you're charged from the trade network is essentially just a tax for not having the recipe yet.It seems like Suspension Fluid is broken and that it should be selling for much closer to what you buy it for.
If I understand your question right- there's no guarantee that a trader in a given system will have that need/premium for Dynamic Resonators, and it could easily be the case that they instead sold from the network there at an overcharge, so you found a good opportunity. Totally worth it. But if you hang around a system for a while and keep checking prices and trader inventories you can usually find something along these lines (edit especially if you hop from station to freighter to freighter to check all the traders you can find) to take advantage of- better or worse depending on your own capital and inventory. There is a trader in my system that pays out a ton for Grantine- and I have the recipe. Other traders throughout the system have handfuls of Aronium which the recipe needs, so I bought some and made all the Grantine I could, but quickly bottlenecked on Iridium, which I didn't come in with a stockpile of and is more rare for trading in this system.Also I kind of stumbled into a good early/medium method for making units just from trading.
At my local space station, I would buy all the Dynamic Resonator's I could at +/- 1% of galatic average and then sell them to one particular trader/traveller who would buy them at +97.6% GA. Made about $20,000 credits per unit sold. Not sure if this is only specifically possible/viable due to a bunch of random variables though. I.E. will at least one trader that visits the station be +~100% GA on DR's? If so, will the majority of other traders that visit be +1/-1 to GA on DR's?
It's not fancy and may not be common but you can make maybe 250,000 units every 5 minutes if not faster and while certainly not a good strategy for a well established player maybe (with farming), it was great for me. Before that I was mining Emeril at like $100,000 a half hour or so
How is buying/selling supposed to work?
I buy Suspension Fluid at around $20,000 but can only sell for like $1,000 a pop
I buy Dynamic Resonators at around $33,000 and can sell normally around that or at around $52,000 per a specific trader.
It seems like Suspension Fluid is broken and that it should be selling for much closer to what you buy it for.
I do hope this is tweaked a bit (maybe there's already a mod) to just be quicker in/out speaking to NPCs; the gameplay/trading dynamics themselves I've actually been enjoying quite a bit since the patch.IMO the UI for trading is extremely laborious due to all the slow, unskippable animations, but it's certainly possible to just be a trader and make decent money.
He's approximately 5 cylinders tall.
Also turns out my freighter isn't green. It's a bad ass black and red. Now I don't want to trade it in.
Found a system littered with Emiril asteroids 😯Cubes and gravitino balls aren't your money maker. Go find a planet with emeril (you might have to scan to find where it is, it tends to be underground). One slot of emeril should get you something like 60-80k and two slots will get you over 100k. If you are really lucky you'll find a trading post with Emeril right next to it (I found one with a ton of it and ended up netting about 2-3 million that way... except apparently there's a bug that the game forgets you mined something after a certain bit so some of that was some of the emeril coming back. When I saw that for certain I stopped but I bet I could have earned enough for a freighter doing that).