Man I have like literally done less than an hour of gaming this week, I really want to get back to this and deck out my freighter... and keep going through Let it Die, beat Titanfall 2 and FFXV and Bayonetta 2...
I've kind of stopped playing for now because I was getting burnt out grinding credits for a freighter. Compounding the grind is the fact that because the teleporter only holds four systems, I'm pretty much stuck, unable to actually explore new systems because I've already got money-making systems in the save slots.
And given the crazy amount of PS4 games coming in the next few months, it's just not a priority right now. So I'm basically waiting for the next update to drop, and hoping it will add some sort of dynamic job system I think many of us are looking for to add more replay value.
Hmm, weird. I guess I had about 2/3rds of the cost for a freight already and made another few mil in the system I was flying around, bought that freighter but haven't done much to build it up or done any base-building stuff yet either. Sounds like you played a fair bit prior to this and got some enjoyment out of the update at least though.I've kind of stopped playing for now because I was getting burnt out grinding credits for a freighter. Compounding the grind is the fact that because the teleporter only holds four systems, I'm pretty much stuck, unable to actually explore new systems because I've already got money-making systems in the save slots.
And given the crazy amount of PS4 games coming in the next few months, it's just not a priority right now. So I'm basically waiting for the next update to drop, and hoping it will add some sort of dynamic job system I think many of us are looking for to add more replay value.
I hadn't touched the game in a while but played for a couple of hours today. The only thing curbing my enthusiasm about this game are the bugs. Between random crashes, glitches in quests (ex: I already HAVE a gravatino plant you motherf*****!!!), and finally, today, I encountered a glitch with my freighter for the first time where I entered my base area and found most of it just gone including my room with all of my storage containers. I thankfully was able to reload a previous save from the cloud but that was kind of the last straw.
Hmm, weird. I guess I had about 2/3rds of the cost for a freight already and made another few mil in the system I was flying around, bought that freighter but haven't done much to build it up or done any base-building stuff yet either. Sounds like you played a fair bit prior to this and got some enjoyment out of the update at least though.
Oh yeah, the Foundation update added new life to the game for sure. But it's just ironic that the base teleporter actually made exploring harder, though if I had a freighter it wouldn't be a problem because I wouldn't be stuck to my home base system. I'm just taking a break and hoping they add a job system so I can do take on some jobs to make money besides farming stuff.
I'd absolutely love a job system. Let me land on a space station and go to a terminal/noticeboard and take on bounty hunts, exploration missions, freighter defence, join up with a squadron to attack a pirate stronghold, etc. Would certainly add some variety to the space portion of the game. I suppose they could add jobs for the surface too like collect data on flora and fauna, investigate ruins, etc.
Foundation definitely breathed new life into the game but once again I've shelved it so I can focus on other games. Looking forward to and can't wait to return once the next major update hits.
No it says 16:9 and there is no just scan option as far as I can see. Editing the ps4 screen area setting does nothing. Overscan is turned off, on zooms it in even further. Same tv and cable as always. Well not exactly true, I'm now playing on a pro with its new hdmi. Does it matter what resolution you put the console in? I had it on automatic but recently switched to 1080, same as tv. Of course, the menus are easy to fix by simply moving the cursor but still.Have you changed the wide mode setting on your TV? Maybe it is set to zoom or something?
any hints/credible rumors as to when the next content update will drop?
Where do you guys keep your storage containers? Currently I have all of them at my base was thinking of putting them all on the freighter to have more space to build.
Where do you guys keep your storage containers? Currently I have all of them at my base was thinking of putting them all on the freighter to have more space to build.
Since I concentrate mainly on exploring but am still a bit of a hoarder, all of my storage containers are in my freighter. I find it much more convenient to just summon my freighter and land on it to unload/sell my ill-gotten gains and then just travel to the next world or system.
I haven't been to my home base in a long time...
Is there a visible limit, like a gauge, for how big your base can be? I just got to it yesterday sort of, and made som small rooms for the first two employees and some 4 or 5 storage containers, but I haven't seen anything indicating how close to maximum I am.
Thanks I decided to put everything on the freighter last night.
I think you will see it when it reaches 90 percent on lower bottom right corner.
So i had some extra time today and turned the recent LEGO x-wing microfighter into the Domanish S84 pre-order ship from No Man's Sky. I started building it right after stirpping it for parts to give to the TIE Interceptor i was making of the TIE Advanced prototype microfighter
Reference image:
no doubt the ship had some inspiration from the X-Wing, and its nice to return the favor
Shortly after posting, I changed up the rear to give it a "real" engine, and changed the wings a bit, streamlined the nose a bit as well.Very cool!
There's a video in the big boost thread on the last page but I couldn't tell what diff there is.Any pro boost impressions here??
I want to make some cash, what's the best way these days? I've done all base quests and I have about 5 pearl plants going. Should I switch to lubricants or do something else? Could use some base construction tips as well for this purpose. Are there any guides out there? Is there a point to having other kinds of plants after the quests are done?
ThanksLubricant is far and away the fastest, but with pearls you can set them and forget them; lubricant requires a boring crafting loop that you can't automate. That said, pearls also take a lot of difficult resources (Rigogen being particularly onerous). If you want to make money quickly, get 80 Mordite plants going, harvest, make lubricant, sell, and by that point your plants should be ready for harvest again. This will net you $25 million or so per hour and drive you absolutely mental. I scrapped my Mordite farm for pearls, but hunting down all that Rigogen takes a long, long, long time; it's just slightly more entertaining than crafting Lubricant. Whichever way you go, you'll need a lot of plants; my pearl farm is 120+ plants deep. I can harvest, sell, explore the galaxy for 20 minutes, and then come back and do it again.
After finishing the quests, there's no reason to keep a farm of anything, necessarily, although it can add some nice color depending on how you set things up. And obviously there's the benefits of the cash crops.
I just started the game and made my third warp jump (on the way to my first atlas visit).
Is it safe to sell those green trade commodities, or do you need them for anything else? Any other tips for someone who just started his journey are welcome![]()
At the end of the Atlas path I am appr. 170k light years away from the center - how long does it take to get there? With black holes a few jumps?