Has anyone successfully scanned a bird in the sky yet without shooting it down first? I never manage to find where it lands after shooting it down![]()
Trying clicking in when zoomed with R3.
I accidentally found that out earlier.
Sure... You have to track it really well with the reticle.
So, a few things.
1) I used the pre-order ship so I never got a distress signal to get the blueprint for a hyper drive.
2) I have a new ship, lost my old one, no hyper drive.
3) Cannot get blueprint for hyper drive. Stuck in this star system.
Yes you can, just have to keep at it.
How hard can it be to compile patch notes? They have to track what they change, so... Why isn't it out??
I need to know if this fixes the ship cheesing bug. I wanted it to try it after im done picking up golden balls
Here's my starter planet with the Portal monument on.
I was going to say - I can't stand mining. The only time I do it is for upgrades (which only require a small amount) and shooting at plutonium crystals from time to time to fuel up.
Just wait until you find a special resource planet and hang out by a trading post, empty your inventory and do a few runs around the post filling up your inventory, sell and repeat. I was making 400k per 5 minute sweep of a venom sac planet last night. It doesn't matter that they don't stack, each resource is worth more than a stack of gold or emeril (edit - well not really, but it's worth a lot), and is far quicker to get.
Once you've done that a few times you can buy pretty much any resource you need as you need it. Personally I think running around dodging sentinels for 5 minutes is a way more fun way to rake in the cash than shooting at rocks. And if you kill the sentinels they drop good stuff too.
Also I found a glitch where if you grenade the ground from under a dog sentinel it deactivates but the warning doesn't go away, which means you can run around collecting stuff with impunity for a while. It's weird because although the sentinel falls in the hole it's eyes stay on the surface looking around :/
I was trying the ship farming thing since I was on a Gek system already. While breaking down the mods from my old ship and transferring to the new one, I was able to get a whole bunch of rarer stuff - Omeganon (however it's spelled) and vortex cubes amongst other things which I thought didn't stack. I never noticed before, but some do - you may just need to manually do so.
I don't want to leave this planet until I have some bank, but I think I sort of broke it - I have a whole bunch of crashed sites markers, but are filled with ships I left behind because they had less slots or they're my old ones
People have said it does not fix it
Ok, how do you actually get ships? I've been using the same one and have no idea how to buy a new one.
Sorry for the noob question!
I was trying the ship farming thing since I was on a Gek system already. While breaking down the mods from my old ship and transferring to the new one, I was able to get a whole bunch of rarer stuff - Omeganon (however it's spelled) and vortex cubes amongst other things which I thought didn't stack. I never noticed before, but some do - you may just need to manually do so.
I don't want to leave this planet until I have some bank, but I think I sort of broke it - I have a whole bunch of crashed sites markers, but are filled with ships I left behind because they had less slots or they're my old ones
So, a few things.
1) I used the pre-order ship so I never got a distress signal to get the blueprint for a hyper drive.
2) I have a new ship, lost my old one, no hyper drive.
3) Cannot get blueprint for hyper drive. Stuck in this star system.
Ok, how do you actually get ships? I've been using the same one and have no idea how to buy a new one.
Sorry for the noob question!
You don't even need to do that to clear markers, you just need to walk up to whatever the marker is tied to. In a crashed ships case, just walk up to the ship. In terms of outposts/shelters just go to the save point.You can clear the markers without taking the ship by clicking on the sphere next to them and selecting one of the two choices.
Wish there were some HR Giger like super creepy planets. And Xenomorphs too.. Maybe in a future DLC.
Transfer back to your old ship.
Edit: Also you can probably get heridium by dismantling ship upgrades.
Does the ship have any other unnecessary upgrades that you can break down?
Or something in your suit or multitool that you can sacrifice for a brief period?
So, a few things.
1) I used the pre-order ship so I never got a distress signal to get the blueprint for a hyper drive.
2) I have a new ship, lost my old one, no hyper drive.
3) Cannot get blueprint for hyper drive. Stuck in this star system.
Restart your PS4,people said it helps.just got the patch, game crashed within 20 seconds of playing
oddly enough I havent crashed once since the patch (KNOCK ON THAT FUCKING TREE!)
I did it once.
Yeah, you need to move on to a new transmission tower after a while.
You can clear the markers without taking the ship by clicking on the sphere next to them and selecting one of the two choices.
This is the closest thing I've found to a Xenomorph so far. It had wings which made it even worse.
nailed it
This is the closest thing I've found to a Xenomorph so far. It had wings which made it even worse.
Speaking of which, on resource gathering with Plasma Grenades:Shred that tree into carbon!!!
Ship types on offer seem to vary system to system, so if you're shopping for something specific, jump around after you feel like you have a good handle on what a given system has to offer. Not sure if they vary based on the ruling race of each system or other factors.Thanks guys..only problem with this planet is there is little to no plutonium nearby as they're all in the caves with the vortex cubes, so continuous landings/departures can be annoying :/ ...first world problems haha
I soldiered through it and got a 48 slot fighter-type ship - I've only seen the space RV's or long tube ones here, so i guess that's a plus.
I ended up selling like 4 stacks Omegon (sp?) oops..should've checked first to see if I need it for crafting anything special. I'm not really going to worry about uprading my ship though. It looks like I have the majority of them by going through this process - I can't remember but I think I have like 10 or so free slots.
Anyone know if certain ship types are more prevalent with certain races? I want to try hunting for a nice sleek fighter
Has anyone successfully scanned a bird in the sky yet without shooting it down first? I never manage to find where it lands after shooting it down![]()
Got 7 more hrs of work so let me know dudes if it still crash-
That reddit list threadbis embarrassing. There's even one guy calling for Sean Murray to be arrested.
I just don't get it.
Speaking of which, on resource gathering with Plasma Grenades:
They do work on resource pillars, gold balls, copper floating eggs, etc.
They don't work on resource crystals, or the rare mats you destroy rather than collect (sac venom). Will just blow them up.
They work great for getting iron and carbon from rock/flora. Oneshotting trees with them is fun.
That reddit list threadbis embarrassing. There's even one guy calling for Sean Murray to be arrested.
I just don't get it.
That reddit list threadbis embarrassing. There's even one guy calling for Sean Murray to be arrested.
I just don't get it.
That reddit list threadbis embarrassing. There's even one guy calling for Sean Murray to be arrested.
I just don't get it.
That reddit list threadbis embarrassing. There's even one guy calling for Sean Murray to be arrested.
I just don't get it.