Thanks! I'll try all this and see if I can actually make some headway.
Upgrade pulse jets and photon cannon damage/cooling. Space battles become a complete joke.
Thanks! I'll try all this and see if I can actually make some headway.
So any black hole you go through takes you closer to the center?Finishing Atlas path lets you see black holes on the galaxy map. That's how people are making it to the core so quickly.
So any black hole you go through takes you closer to the center?
The patch seems to make Sentinels slightly more of a threat. They don't suddenly deactivate when you sit in your ship anymore at least.
Yeah, but regardless of that your wanted level always dropped to 0 when you got in your ship.Planets have different aggression levels for sentinels.
Yeah, but regardless of that your wanted level always dropped to 0 when you got in your ship.
Sentinels will shoot your ship now.
Finishing Atlas path[...]
Found a planet with pearl pods and deep cave systems, makes collecting them very easy, the best part is the local space station has +104% on pearls![]()
. "[I got] dozens of messages from people who congratulated me for really sticking it to these 'dirtbag' devs, when that wasn't my intention at all," he said. "People were taking the post and using it to fuel their own indignant anger. The final straw was when a YouTuber sent me a link to a video he'd made with the information in my post, and it was like 'Sean Murray Lies For X Minutes' or something... People were crediting me in their take-downs, and I stopped wanting any part in it."
Really? Maybe it just fixed a bug that I had with that system then hahaAlways did. Only if u fly away from them you will lose the wanted level.
What's the trick to space battles? I tried and failed miserably to fight off 3 ships that pulled me out of warp from a planet to the space station. I don't even think I did any damage. Since then, I've switched to using a DS4 for flight, hoping that would make it easier and got smoked again just a few w minutes agoany tips?
Also, it always say my photon cannon is at 0%, yet I can shoot, and am unable to "recharge it with oxides" as it keeps begging me to. Am I missing something?
The guy that made the evidence list against no mans sky on Reddit was interviewed , and says why he felt he had to delete the post.
I am trying to find zinc for the 1st time. Any suggestions where I can find zinc in order to get my ship up and running for the 1st time?
I am trying to find zinc for the 1st time. Any suggestions where I can find zinc in order to get my ship up and running for the 1st time?
Yellow flowers
Zinc is always in a flower form, scan and look for the yellow icons
Didn't` people said that it was because he got death threads?
Thanks. Can't find any in the immediate vicinity of my crashed ship on the 1st planet and I have to go walking and exploring. Doesn't help that my environment is somewhat hostile, decreasing my life support systems every 5 minutes or so. Ughh. Want to get out there and travel the planet already!
They assumed it was death threats from the "defense force" but there was never any evidence to support that. Ironic and unsurprising that Reddit was wrong again!
Thanks! I'll try all this and see if I can actually make some headway.
I think it's an Easter Egg - named after Sean Murray.
I'm having trouble with space battles also.
I think I've shot down like 2 Pirates in over 20 hours of play.
So I first get into the galaxy map and just free camera my way straight for about 10 mins and didn't even make it 10% to the galaxy center. Wtf.
Some of the biggest creatures I found, on an incredibly ugly green planet:
So I first get into the galaxy map and just free camera my way straight for about 10 mins and didn't even make it 10% to the galaxy center. Wtf. I chose a random Star and set a way point and now it's slowly taking me back home to my current position. I can't quit out of the Galaxy view and I'm just waiting. But seriously what the fuck at this size. I thought spore was big. I thought Elite was big. I thought my GAF sized dong was big. I was wrong.
Finishing Atlas path lets you see black holes on the galaxy map. That's how people are making it to the core so quickly.
It seems like a bug/oversight, but it works to your benefit. My photon cannons simply never require oxide recharging.Whenever I try and buy a new ship my photon cannons are stuck at 0%. Bug? Fix?
I end up closing the game and starting from a previous save.
Ok cool, so there is no loss of power then?It seems like a bug/oversight, but it works to your benefit. My photon cannons simply never require oxide recharging.
Some of the biggest creatures I found, on an incredibly ugly green planet:
Nope. Still crashed a half dozen times for me in one session.Did the PS4 patch do the trick with the crashes?
That text is pretty misleading. You need all three warp reactor upgrades installed to get to those systems. Not sure if they have to be built next to each other for the bonus, but I'm sure it won't hurt.I'm in no way a hater. I've spent a lot of time with this game, and enjoying it. It is very relaxing.
But one thing that is really pissing me off is the bugs with the Warp Reactors. One of the "rough around the edge's" aspects of this game.
Try to pick up 'Warp Reactor Tau' blueprint. "You already have that blueprint." No I don't!
Eventually it dropped off a crashed ship area and went into my list of blueprints, but still, it was frustrating and I thought I was subject to a game breaking bug.
Then now, "You can't fly to this system, you need Warp Rector Theta". Err, I have that one installed on my ship. Sigh. Very frustrating. I hope the patch has fixed this.
Is this trick just using bypass chips multiple times on a single relay thing?I'm at a comm tower right now. Going to sacrifice my save, update, and confirm once and for all if the Gek trick still works.
Edit: Gek transmission trick still works!
Is this trick just using bypass chips multiple times on a single relay thing?
Is this trick just using bypass chips multiple times on a single relay thing?
It seems like a bug/oversight, but it works to your benefit. My photon cannons simply never require oxide recharging.
And thank god that they don't. Can you imagine? It'd be like Luke Skywalker having to throw coal in his X-Wing to get his lasers to fire. But IMO all combat mechanics should be self-charging, both in space and on ground. I also think they should take the charging requirement away from the hazard-specific shield upgrades and make them a depleting meter like when underwater. This game is recharge-crazy right now and it detracts from other mechanics.