Yeah, the Atlas Path basically tells you repeatedly not to go following set objectives. It is, pretty literally, a joke.
And it's optional. It's a sidequest.
Yeah, the Atlas Path basically tells you repeatedly not to go following set objectives. It is, pretty literally, a joke.
Patch 2
For patch 2 our focus was on the most reported bugs or crashes. Our aim was to improve stability, and make sure players saves are safe in future.
Stuck under the world
It was possible for players to save their game stuck under the terrain, leaving them stuck. This was caused by getting shot down in atmosphere, and their ship reaching ridiculous speeds as it crashed to the planet. This has been resolved.
Whilst it won't happen anymore, if you are currently already stuck under the world, we detect this and do our best to rescue you.
Crash after warping
Occasionally at random the game would lock up after a warp, or return to desktop. This was due to very specific timing in hardware (a threading specific bug) meaning that unfortunately for some people it was regular, and for others they would never be able to recreate it. This was our most reported crash during gameplay, and has now been resolved.
Game failing to save until you died
If the player died, and then loaded the game ten times without saving, and then died, player progress wouldnt be saved from then on until you died again. This is fixed now! This was also causing players saves to grow in size.
Crash fixes in scanning
Quite a rare crash, but in certain scenarios it was possible to scan from space or on planet and crash the game.
Crash warping inside a freighter
When warping into a battle sometimes the player warped into the inside of a freighter and everything went crazy![]()
This is fixed now.
Patch 3
Patch 3 is targeted at our next most common support requests, fixing the next most common crashes, as well as trying to help players who have become stranded or have corrupted their save files.
Stranded in Space Station
If you died in your ship while in atmosphere of a planet with a damaged ship, you could respawn in a space station with your launch thrusters and pulse engine damaged. If you did not have the resources to fix them then you could no longer take off and be stuck there. This will no longer happen.
Loading Corrupted Save Files
Some players have corrupted save files, weve been working with them to still load saves even if they are corrupted (this can happen for many reasons outside of the games control). This fix has allowed many players to still load their save even if they have become corrupt on PC.
Crash fixes for next three most commonly reported issues:
- As the player gathers a huge amount of discoveries, there was a threading issue that becomes more prevalent the more discoveries you have, and could cause the game to crash.
- If you had collected a large number of blueprints, in a specific order it was possible to crash the game when you received a new blueprint. This has been fixed.
- Players who set a large number of waypoints could find themselves in a situation where they could crash the game in the Galactic Map, this is remedied now (PS. A better waypoint system is coming).
And it's optional. It's a sidequest.
From Steam:
Maybe this is patch #3 below?
I...Well that too. But everything is optional.
Yeah, the Atlas Path basically tells you repeatedly not to go following set objectives. It is, pretty literally, a joke.
As for that last point, I was thinking of doing this myself, but I've never found anyone posting that they actually tried it. How far out can you get?
Is it worth it to upgrade pulse drives??
Does it increase your cruising speed on planets at all?
Wow the path to the Galaxy center is definitely a grind. I'm barely making a dent so far with my fully upgraded hyperdrives.
So can people confirm that planets get progressively more bizarre the closer you get to the center? I've enjoyed exploring so far but if the procedural generation isn't going to ramp up on my way to the center I'm not sure I'll have the motivation to make it there....
1.05 update for PS4. What's this?
Wow the path to the Galaxy center is definitely a grind. I'm barely making a dent so far with my fully upgraded hyperdrives.
So can people confirm that planets get progressively more bizarre the closer you get to the center? I've enjoyed exploring so far but if the procedural generation isn't going to ramp up on my way to the center I'm not sure I'll have the motivation to make it there....
Wow the path to the Galaxy center is definitely a grind. I'm barely making a dent so far with my fully upgraded hyperdrives.
So can people confirm that planets get progressively more bizarre the closer you get to the center? I've enjoyed exploring so far but if the procedural generation isn't going to ramp up on my way to the center I'm not sure I'll have the motivation to make it there....
I'm now about 20,000 light years from the center, and I've definitely seen a lot of weird stuff in the past couple days, things I hadn't seen before. But it's hard to tell if that's because I'm getting closer, or just spending less time on each planet, and seeing more planets, with more chances at weird stuff.Wow the path to the Galaxy center is definitely a grind. I'm barely making a dent so far with my fully upgraded hyperdrives.
So can people confirm that planets get progressively more bizarre the closer you get to the center? I've enjoyed exploring so far but if the procedural generation isn't going to ramp up on my way to the center I'm not sure I'll have the motivation to make it there....
Wow the path to the Galaxy center is definitely a grind. I'm barely making a dent so far with my fully upgraded hyperdrives.
So can people confirm that planets get progressively more bizarre the closer you get to the center? I've enjoyed exploring so far but if the procedural generation isn't going to ramp up on my way to the center I'm not sure I'll have the motivation to make it there....
I kinda wish the undiscovered planets didn't have procedurally generated names. But were instead given designations. Like: P4C-555, MB3-211, etc etc.
I am 152000 ly away from the center and it's just like my first system.
It's the same all the way to the center.And after.
Same thing over and over and over and over again.
I'm now about 20,000 light years from the center, and I've definitely seen a lot of weird stuff in the past couple days, things I hadn't seen before. But it's hard to tell if that's because I'm getting closer, or just spending less time on each planet, and seeing more planets, with more chances at weird stuff.
The universe is a big place, I figure even if I only see something once on this journey, that doesn't mean it couldn't have been common for someone else, a hundred thousand light years away.
The only thing that gets progressively more bizarre is my willingness to keep going, if only 3-4 warp jumps every day.
I hope to arrive to the center by New Years...if at all.
Well I was a big dumb idiot last night and tried to AFK for the The Sentinel (Extreme Survival) trophy. Found a planet with frenzied sentinels and then popped into a shelter, but with only two health upgrades for my life support. Thought I could set my alarm and come back in two hours to refill my health and keep going.
I woke up in time but my life support had already failed. It respawned me outside the shelter but everything I was carrying is gone (had a full exosuit's worth of stuff) and now two of my jetpack upgrades need to be repaired with elements I know aren't on this planet. ughhhhh I'm so annoyed with myself right now lol
That trophy requires you to not die the entire time?! That's insane.
I actually died while playing last night to see what happened during a 5-star wanted level (spoiler: they throw multiple walkers at you). I died and then immediately reloaded my previous save, only to find that the gravestone was still there in my save and it doubled my inventory. I sold those 10 extra Atlus stones immediately, I'm sure people already know about this glitch?
Ok, this is something I don't understand.
I was exploring a planet on foot, trying to 100% it, collect some stuff, enjoy the scenery etc.
When I got all the fauna scanned, I uploaded the lot, collected my reward, gave the planet a name and uploaded that as well.
Went back to my ship, which took about 10 minutes, and left the planet. The moment I entered space the game crashed and I lost all the progress I made on the planet (I forgot to save when I was on there).
The part I don't understand: all the stuff I discovered, named and uploaded was gone as well. The planet was reset so to speak. But shouldn't that be set once you've uploaded it? I had a connection all the time I was playing.
10 hours in I still have ridiculously few inventory slots. Is there a way to upgrade quickly? And how do you upgrade your ship?
Well that's disappointing! I know there were mentions from interviews that they tweaked the sliders the closet to the galactic core, but it's that's not correct then I'm very likely not going to make it. I love the exploration from this game but traveling to the center is so laughably long that I need some kind of carrot to complete that journey. And from what I'm hearing about the ending, that isn't good motivation!
Ok, this is something I don't understand.
I was exploring a planet on foot, trying to 100% it, collect some stuff, enjoy the scenery etc.
When I got all the fauna scanned, I uploaded the lot, collected my reward, gave the planet a name and uploaded that as well.
Went back to my ship, which took about 10 minutes, and left the planet. The moment I entered space the game crashed and I lost all the progress I made on the planet (I forgot to save when I was on there).
The part I don't understand: all the stuff I discovered, named and uploaded was gone as well. The planet was reset so to speak. But shouldn't that be set once you've uploaded it? I had a connection all the time I was playing.
Ok, this is something I don't understand.
I was exploring a planet on foot, trying to 100% it, collect some stuff, enjoy the scenery etc.
When I got all the fauna scanned, I uploaded the lot, collected my reward, gave the planet a name and uploaded that as well.
Went back to my ship, which took about 10 minutes, and left the planet. The moment I entered space the game crashed and I lost all the progress I made on the planet (I forgot to save when I was on there).
The part I don't understand: all the stuff I discovered, named and uploaded was gone as well. The planet was reset so to speak. But shouldn't that be set once you've uploaded it? I had a connection all the time I was playing.
My guess is that it is somewhere in the cloudbut your local save does not know it. So on your console you reverted to the pre-upload state, but if somebody else visits the planet, they pull info off the server and will see all your discoveries.
My game only crashed twice in most benign places, but I always make it a habit to enter the ship, then exit to save, then re-enter and take off.
"Undiscovered planets."
Have alien buildings/NPCs
Have names already.
Have ships landing in and out before you get there.
Yeah, and this is what kills the true discovery vibe. All of the planets are already inhabited, are filled with research structures and trading posts and ships and commerce."Undiscovered planets."
Have alien buildings/NPCs
Have names already.
Have ships landing in and out before you get there.
18 quintillion planets. Every single one of them colonised.
Yeah, and this is what kills the true discovery vibe. All of the planets are already inhabited, are filled with research structures and trading posts and ships and commerce.
My guess is that it is somewhere in the cloudbut your local save does not know it. So on your console you reverted to the pre-upload state, but if somebody else visits the planet, they pull info off the server and will see all your discoveries.
My game only crashed twice in most benign places, but I always make it a habit to enter the ship, then exit to save, then re-enter and take off.
I'm going to take a guess and attribute it to you not saving after you "uploaded" your discoveries. Everytime I have seen this and issues where a discovery or planet is immediately renamed by another user, the person that brings it up does not mentioned that they saved after the fact.
Again, this is all antadotal.
Count me as one whos giving up. I've seen everything there is to do in the 20 hours I've put in. Incredibly bored and life is too short and backlog too big to spend more time on this. Will come back one day if other stuff gets added.
Would be cool if once you discover a planet, you're somehow responsible for setting up communications, trading, building outposts, etc..
Then it starts populating with NPCs/Trade routes...
"Undiscovered planets."
Have alien buildings/NPCs
Have names already.
Have ships landing in and out before you get there.
But I still find it odd. The fact I lost all my loot and the credits I got for uploading the 100% I understand, but if I restart the game and get connected to the servers, it should be visible for me as well as other players that I discovered and named the planet shouldn't it?
This right here is what killed all my will to play. Like, in a second. "Why i am naming and discovering planets that already are fully colonized?"
That and the fact there is nothing to discover. If you run a few meters in ANY direction, the game will spawn something for you. Always. In every planet.
Wow the path to the Galaxy center is definitely a grind. I'm barely making a dent so far with my fully upgraded hyperdrives.
So can people confirm that planets get progressively more bizarre the closer you get to the center? I've enjoyed exploring so far but if the procedural generation isn't going to ramp up on my way to the center I'm not sure I'll have the motivation to make it there....