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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


The Amiga Brotherhood
Is there a way to see a playtime total in hours? All I can find is distance travelled on foot on the trading boot screen.


Unconfirmed Member
For the extreme conditions trophy, do I need to be on a planet that has "extreme _____" for weather? Or can it be on a planet that lists something else for weather but just sometimes has the "extreme" hud warning show up on the planet surface?

It has to be extreme for weather the whole time yeah, there's also an extreme version of the sentinels which counts as well. It also has to be done all at once, you have to stay on the planet and not die the whole time. The counter in the menu is sort of your 'high score' so if you want to get the trophy you'll have to stay on the planet until it reaches the highest milestone.
Yeah I've seriously looked everywhere.

Can someone maybe post a picture of what it look like on land and in space?

I need 400 to build tau warp drive and cant find or buy this shite anywhere lol.

I believe nickel looks like a very dark(almost black) with greenish hue. They're usually not as tall as the heridium pillars. The floating potatoes are copper.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It has to be extreme for weather the whole time yeah, there's also an extreme version of the sentinels which counts as well. It also has to be done all at once, you have to stay on the planet and not die the whole time. The counter in the menu is sort of your 'high score' so if you want to get the trophy you'll have to stay on the planet until it reaches the highest milestone.

I haven't hit an "Extreme" planet yet, but can't you just dig a big hole or hang out in a cave for the duration?
I think it has to say "Extreme [weather type]" for it to count as half of my planets have had extreme temps or storms at night and they haven't triggered the timer for me yet and i've spent hours on them. I haven't found a proper extreme weather planet just yet and I may be wrong but "Frenzied Sentinels" counts towards the trophy too if i recall correctly... but i haven't had one of those planets either so far.

I haven't hit an "Extreme" planet yet, but can't you just dig a big hole or hang out in a cave for the duration?

That's what some people have done and then set an alarm to remember to top-up their Life Support at regular intervals. The game has to be in focus on PC for the timer to run though, you can't just sit pretty and alt-tab out as far as i know.


It has to be extreme for weather the whole time yeah, there's also an extreme version of the sentinels which counts as well. It also has to be done all at once, you have to stay on the planet and not die the whole time. The counter in the menu is sort of your 'high score' so if you want to get the trophy you'll have to stay on the planet until it reaches the highest milestone.

Thanks. I'm having trouble finding a new planet that has extreme weather so I'll keep searching.


The Amiga Brotherhood
That's what some people have done and then set an alarm to remember to top-up their Life Support at regular intervals. The game has to be in focus on PC for the timer to run though, you can't just sit pretty and alt-tab out as far as i know.

Thanks! I'm on the PS4 but I gotcha. Thx. I'll have no problem with that as it'll probably just be barely longer than a regular session for me. ;)
Thanks. I'm having trouble finding a new planet that has extreme weather so I'll keep searching.

I found a planet with gravitino balls and the sentinels were extreme and it counted it in the Milestone if you find one like that you could just keep farming them while you survive the planet


Maxed everything out. Got a 48 slot ship with a design I love and added a bunch of upgrades strategically placed for bonuses. I still need to redo my multi-tool to max out the bonuses, but it's pretty good as is. Now to finish off the Atlas path. Or become a space pirate. Or start hunting Sentinels like a crazed, robot hating Rambo.
Well I haven't had a crash on PS4 since the 32mb patch. Anyone else? If not it seems like the major issues have been worked out, which would just leave the smaller issues and then comes the new content.

Hopefully the freighters/base building won't be too far off.

All I want is base building.


I haven't hit an "Extreme" planet yet, but can't you just dig a big hole or hang out in a cave for the duration?

Yes, or you can stay inside a cave, or even inside an outpost building. And the weather will be good on those places but still count for the extreme survival.
Just cant be inside the ship, as the time will not count if the player is on the ship.
I'm on a planet right now with heridium pillars that looks pretty much the sames as nickel pillars. Barely different color.

The easiest way to tell them apart is to scan them and see what color their resource grid shows up as. Herium always shows up as blue, Nickel I believe is a lightish red. Another one that often looks the same is Iridium, but that shows up as yellow/yellowish-green (and Iridium is more often found in arches than pillars).

I still found most of my Nickel in space, because it's way easier to mine quickly there. But if you can't find a system with Nickel asteroids, it can be a bit frustrating.


Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

Yeah I'm still suffering from that.



Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

I've been getting it since launch (no pun intended). I read somewhere that you should refrain from holding the take-off trigger/button any longer than you have and that helps reduce it.


That's awesome.

I hope you respected this marvel of nature and didn't even think about mining it.

I logged off at that point so I can come back and marvel this majestic thing one last time. I'm so torn on mining it. So close to the trading post and so much gold but at the same time, I already have a vortex cube planet (with sentinels who don't give a shit) in the same system so I don't need the money. I think I'll leave it and if someone ever comes across the planet Florida Christmas and manages to see that, they can experience it too. It's times like this that I wish there was a mod to set personal waypoints.
I had 4 hours of playtime in the game and am trying to get a steam refund.. they denied it saying I spent more than 2 hours with the game. Well shit, a 2 hour limit on refund policies is a little low?
Shit well then I might have missed it, I'll check it out again....


The easiest way to tell them apart is to scan them and see what color their resource grid shows up as. Herium always shows up as blue, Nickel I believe is a lightish red. Another one that often looks the same is Iridium, but that shows up as yellow/yellowish-green (and Iridium is more often found in arches than pillars).

I still found most of my Nickel in space, because it's way easier to mine quickly there. But if you can't find a system with Nickel asteroids, it can be a bit frustrating.

Yup, basically this, except I didn't need to scan the pillars specifically; you should be able to tell visually without doing a scan. Heridium and Nickel are both very dark in colour, so it can be easy to miss if you don't know what you're looking for (though I always found them easy to distinguish). Nickel, Iridium and Copper always felt more difficult to tell apart because the hues aren't that different and Copper is slightly? brighter but not necessarily by a lot.

If you're still having trouble, I can take a screenshot when I get home, I think I'm on a planet right now that has both Heridium and Nickel.

I had 4 hours of playtime in the game and am trying to get a steam refund.. they denied it saying I spent more than 2 hours with the game. Well shit, a 2 hour limit on refund policies is a little low?

It's a one-size-fits-all refund policy; given there are games you can finish within two hours, Valve has to set the limit somewhere where you probably haven't seen the majority of the game before asking for a refund. It's really there for technical issues you can't resolve or a game that really isn't what you thought it was at all, not "meh I decided I didn't like it after finishing it."

No Man's Sky is a bit of an outlier in that a) many of the early technical issues happened pretty far into the game, and b) it's hard to know if you've "seen everything" or not at the beginning, so I get the frustration. That said, Steam's refund policy is well-documented, as is the two-hour limit.
Thanks. I'm having trouble finding a new planet that has extreme weather so I'll keep searching.

The extreme sentinel planet that I've been on (now I'm only 3.0 Sols away from the Sentinel trophy) has been pretty easy as far as managing gear recharging; the weather kicks up occasionally and scorches me, but because I'm shooting down sentinel drones every minute or so, I've got plenty on Titanium to recharge the exosuit. I'd say about 1/2 the time I'm hanging out in a port with a shop in it so I can sell off the stuff I've collected during short exploration, but I imagine if I had some extreme environment to deal with as well that it'd be the pits. Sentinels are pushovers. The planet also has the most dramatic verticality i.e. huge rising mountains and deep canyons, that I've seen in my playthrough to date. Really striking stuff. The environments that NMS has been generating for me have been pretty breathtaking.

The easiest way to tell them apart is to scan them and see what color their resource grid shows up as.

Great tip. Though I always thought the colors were coded to their element class (silcate = blue, neutral = green, oxide = yellow), but I guess I haven't really been paying attention lol

Seeing those little energon cube outlines pop up is a good way to see how far the deposit extends into the ground, as well as a good way to get some bearings if you're digging a tunnel underground; scanning and then seeing a deposit pop up on screen tells you you're probably closer to to the surface, though I've definitely mined Emeril deposits that ran absurdly deep.


Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

I hope they actually do a button combitation, to let me do that when i want. I love it when i want to change planets, and im slingshoted right to the space. :D
I had 4 hours of playtime in the game and am trying to get a steam refund.. they denied it saying I spent more than 2 hours with the game. Well shit, a 2 hour limit on refund policies is a little low?

Pretty sure their policy is stated clearly that the refund needs to be made within 14 days and the game played for under 2 hours, so I dunno what you were expecting with 4 hours clocked into the game?


I hope they actually do a button combitation, to let me do that when i want. I love it when i want to change planets, and im slingshoted right to the space. :D

I can see your point...at the time I was flying around looking for emeril deposits to mine, made some decent money (200k to about 3 million)
Pretty sure their policy is stated clearly that the refund needs to be made within 14 days and the game played for under 2 hours, so I dunno what you were expecting with 4 hours clocked into the game?

I've gotten refunds on at least 4 games where I have over 5 hours of playtime before. I figured an extra 2 hours would be a fairly lenient amount of time.
Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

Stopped happening after patch from a few days ago, started again this morning. (Before latest install patch.) To reduce chances of hit happening I hit the break (er, reverse thrust?) but not sure if it really has any effect.
Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

I've had that happen to me a bunch of times, and well before the newest patch. I've herd it might have something to do with the geometry your ship has landed on, though that might not explain why it happens more often to me launching off landing pads as the geometry there ought to be the same regardless.

And speaking of piloting, man I wish we had an option to turn off the safety net for flying the ships, especially on planets; I've come across so many cool massive caves, tunnels, floating islands, etc... that I've wanted to fly under or through, but the training wheels auto-correct my height so I don't "hurt myself" :\ At least allow there to be a switch under Options to allow for ship-to-ground collision and let us let loose a bit.

I've gotten refunds on at least 4 games where I have over 5 hours of playtime before. I figured an extra 2 hours would be a fairly lenient amount of time.

Well I'd say you're pretty lucky then, but my experience with Steam refunds is that they've been pretty "letter of the law" with me in regards to time played.
Hopefully the freighters/base building won't be too far off.

I feel like they need to address the UI issues and fix some of the existing gameplay problems before moving on to new content. Freighters will probably have no bearing for me because I'm still on my pre-order ship and those freighters will probably cost an obscene amount of money. And base-building, it's just not my cup of tea. I don't see how base building by itself would deepen the gameplay. And that's the problem with building a feature like that; suddenly it's taking over the focus of the game as you bolt on all these other mechanics to make it relevant. Not to slag anyone who likes base building, mind you. I can see how it could be fun in a way, and I wouldn't mind building out a large ship.

IMO one of the best features they could add are dynamically generated missions. Have NPCs give you a gang of pirates to defeat, or to go find a unique item on planet X, smuggle some cargo to the next system, etc. I think this would address some of the complaints by people who need more objectives to accomplish in the game.

My friend just logged in and said there's a patch, any info?

Not that I saw. I just logged in and it's still 1.05, no update available. (if you're talking about PS4, that is)


I asked myself the same question this weekend and, if i understand it right, when you Warp you actually travel 1500 ish light-years but not in a straight line to the center. The distance to the center is expressed in a straight line (177000 ish light-years to the center).

Your warp has to go through "waypoints" which are the systems on your path. The path can be pretty chaotic sometimes so you really travel 1500ish LY but not straight to the center. When you warp you really gain 400/500ish LY of progress to the center.

That's what i got from my experiences, hope it was clear :)

I was wondering this myself. So instead of charting your own path to the center, it's best to just use the gold waypoint they give you for the center, then? I think the end of each waypoint is roughly 600 LY. Manually I can get 1500 but if that's not the real distance traveled then there's no point.


Did the latest PS4 patch take out "learning a new word" from the aliens? Usually you can learn a new word from them after giving them so many carbon. The option no longer seems to be there.
Do I really need to hold thrust and boost for 9 min to get to the first distress beacon?

If it's taking that long it's probably halfway around the planet. So go up out of the atmosphere and do a pulse boost (L1+R1) while pointed at the POI marker. You'll get there much much faster.
Did the latest PS4 patch take out "learning a new word" from the aliens? Usually you can learn a new word from them after giving them so many carbon. The option no longer seems to be there.

I definitely have done the "learn a new word"-- at least from the Korvax-- post 1.05.

This game may not be everything I hoped for, but it's the perfect zone out game for me. Very relaxing after a long day at work.

Totally. It's taken the place of other stress-relieving games that I love like Proteus


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

Been happenings since launch for me, before and after patches. It's annoying.
And speaking of piloting, man I wish we had an option to turn off the safety net for flying the ships, especially on planets; I've come across so many cool massive caves, tunnels, floating islands, etc... that I've wanted to fly under or through, but the training wheels auto-correct my height so I don't "hurt myself" :\ At least allow there to be a switch under Options to allow for ship-to-ground collision and let us let loose a bit.

Totally agreed. Let us crash if we want to. It's probably like this because collision isn't fully coded in or something. It feels a bit like a "quick fix", especially since the ships are pretty damn simple to fly. Could also be a fix to keep the AI ships from crashing when they're in atmo, since they absolutely suck at dogfighting when they're not in space.

That's why I was so excited when I found a planet with canyons actually big enough that I could fly through them, and why it felt so exceedingly rare.
I feel like they need to address the UI issues and fix some of the existing gameplay problems before moving on to new content. Freighters will probably have no bearing for me because I'm still on my pre-order ship and those freighters will probably cost an obscene amount of money. And base-building, it's just not my cup of tea. I don't see how base building by itself would deepen the gameplay. And that's the problem with building a feature like that; suddenly it's taking over the focus of the game as you bolt on all these other mechanics to make it relevant. Not to slag anyone who likes base building, mind you. I can see how it could be fun in a way, and I wouldn't mind building out a large ship.

IMO one of the best features they could add are dynamically generated missions. Have NPCs give you a gang of pirates to defeat, or to go find a unique item on planet X, smuggle some cargo to the next system, etc. I think this would address some of the complaints by people who need more objectives to accomplish in the game.

Pretty much agree with this, and it probably wouldn't be that time consuming and complicated to implement (as opposed to something like base building I mean), since some of the framework is already there (an NPC or terminal POI revealing a waypoint, distress signal appearing in space etc.). It's kinda difficult to have meaningful rewards for those missions at this point though, but receiving the rarest minerals and alloys and lots of cash might be enough for a while, until they maybe add some grander goals for a post-ending metagame (as I understand there's nothing like that later on and after you've reached the center).

Regarding NPCs and missions, it would be nice to see a hailing option when in space, so you can quickly communicate with smaller and maybe capital ships, space stations, expand that area at least a little bit, but it's kind of contrary to the design philosophy of the game so far.

Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

Hoo boy, I just had an even weirder bug for the first time. Landed on a planet and as I got out of the cockpit, I flung way up into the sky, thought I was going to leave the atmosphere for a moment there. Kept falling down for a good while and safely landed with a short jetpack boost.


Anyone else getting a bug where taking off from a planetary surface launches you into space? Happened multiple times in a row yesterday- not game breaking, but annoying as fuck.

Of note, this had never happened before until installed the newest patch on Sunday.

I had that before and after the Sunday patch. The last time it happened, I was doing the ship upgrade grind, so I had nothing repaired except for landing thrusters and pulse engine, and the instant I got to space I got hit with a hostile scan. Good news is I was able to escape back into the atmosphere before combat started, still scared me for a bit though.


I read something the other day that there are 13 galaxies, and aparrantly a massive portal in the center of the final galaxy has 13 glyphs or something on it that relate to the different galaxies, i can't find the bloody thing now, i'll keep looking.

If thats true then I'm thinking once you hit the center of the 13th Galaxy you get the portals open allowing you to galaxy hop

I agree with the poster below that this is hoping for too much BUT it would be cool if someone reaching the
true center
was what activated the portals throughout the game.


Where the fuck can I find the damn atlas pass v1? Warped 4 times, seen the atlas, met over 50 aliens, know 300 words and still no fucking sign of it.


Junior Butler
Where the fuck can I find the damn atlas pass v1? Warped 4 times, seen the atlas, met over 50 aliens, know 300 words and still no fucking sign of it.

I'm at the same point. I think you're supposed to see a space anomaly from the star system view after visiting the Atlas station.
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