Keep trying, in the meantime, why not argue further about "innovation"?Wiitard said:I was hoping your "quoted for retardation" post got you banned... Well, the night is still young
Keep trying, in the meantime, why not argue further about "innovation"?Wiitard said:I was hoping your "quoted for retardation" post got you banned... Well, the night is still young
reilo said:Ugh, the gravity gun was in the game before the Wiimote was even announced... I was able to control it just fine using a mouse and keyboard...
reilo said:Ugh, the gravity gun was in the game before the Wiimote was even announced... I was able to control it just fine using a mouse and keyboard...
Stoney Mason said:Please don't go down this road. You simplify a process that is way more complex and subtle than you make it for assessing artistic merit.
So I suppose DDR and Guitar Hero have the exact same gameplay? Afterall, they both feature button presses scrolling on the screen.reilo said:Exactly how is Wii Sports gameplay different from any other sports game? Just because you play it differently, does not mean the gameplay is different. Why do people not understand this?
Chris_C said:Agreed, I really don't want to see the Wii take the lead this gen, and while not as bad, I just don't think MS are quite as adventurous and forward looking as Sony is.
The spoiler was just to not make it hard to readPureauthor said:First off, why in the world did you see a need to spoiler this? =/
Second, Core Pack is The Evil Blight Upon All That Is Good And True, not mentioning that regardless, USD 300 isn't correct mass market pricing anyway. (I'd say USD 200 and lower is for consoles, but Wii seems to be proving it wrong with USD 250. Maybe it's the pack-in. Enh.)
And the X360 has games, true, but those are hardcore games. Much of GAF loves the 360 right now because it has been good to their needs, but until Halo 3 there's no real game for the casuals, nevermind nongamers.
Doesn't Wii allow that too?Pureauthor said:they seek innovation in the software, and as examples they bring up games that used pretty standardized control schemes, etc, thus innovation in the software (gameplay) itself appeared more apparent.
reilo said:But it's the process some developers are taking. That's what I don't like. This is a problem for all three consoles. Some developers will be pressured to make a game as user-friendly as possible so that it can achieve a lower content rating and potentially sell to a larger base instead of trying to make the best game possible.
Anyway, I'm off to catch upon some shows I missed earlier.
felipeko said:The spoiler was just to not make it hard to read
I guess you're right about <200 price.. but PS3 really elevated that standart...
Yeah, i know there are not a lot games for casual and nongamers on x360..
But i dont think Halo 3 is going to change the way consumers feel about it..
and i think they feel almost it:
wii=cheap and fun..
felipeko said:The spoiler was just to not make it hard to read
I guess you're right about <200 price.. but PS3 really elevated that standart...
Yeah, i know there are not a lot games for casual and nongamers on x360..
But i dont think Halo 3 is going to change the way consumers feel about it..
and i think they feel almost this:
wii=cheap and fun..
Pureauthor said:Are we going to consider a lightsaber game on the Wii innovative because it allows you new gameplay options?
I said that about November FFS.Eteric Rice said:Someone said the same thing about March, though.
maynerd said:Won't home save the PS3?
Pureauthor said:Second, Core Pack is The Evil Blight Upon All That Is Good And True.
felipeko said:Doesn't Wii allow that too?
With all the buzz, media and hype...Pureauthor said:Well, another lapsed gamer on this forum brought up the point that you have one year to cement the impression of your console on the market, after that it sticks.
Stoney Mason said:Of course. Because that is an experience you can't (theoretically) get on a PS3 or 360. In other words imo Nintendo has the best of both worlds. You an always make innovative software. That's in the hands of the content creators. It was nigh impossible to create innovative games in their control aspect. Wii allows both. (To be fair so would a 360 or PS3 if they weren't using the same sstyle controller we've all been using for over a decade.)
With all the buzz, media and hype...
I dont think Wii impression can change much...
Only if Nintendo doesn't delivers the what mass-market wants...
What they pretty much delivered with Wii Sports...
And i think they will keep doing with the "touch generation"...
Pureauthor said:I think there's a split in terms of viewpoint here.
The defenders of Wii innovation claim that doing things with the Wiimote itself is innovative. They're linking the Wiimote to the innovation, not the software.
Reilo (and gang?) are claiming the opposite - they seek innovation in the software, and as examples they bring up games that used pretty standardized control schemes, etc, thus innovation in the software (gameplay) itself appeared more apparent.
Wiitard said:I just disagree with the very self-serving notion of hardcore as paragons of innovation. **** no! Casual gamers are the ones pushing innovation and has been for a while. What to see a genre devoid of their corrupting influence: fighters!!!
Pureauthor said:Exactly my point. Wii defenders go 'It's innovative because you can't get this experience of swinging a lightsaber on the PS3 and 360!'
Reilo (and others) have a different view. They say 'But it's just swinging a lightsaber regardless! We've done that before!'
You see the gap in viewpoints here. *shrug*
I can't say I have any knowledge of this, but 2/3 of the March tracking period still remains.Zepking said:Wii/DS Sales will be sluggish in March due to very few shipments.
Pretty much.Karma Kramer said:All Sony had to do this generation is make the PS2... but with better tech... and charged $299 for it.
Thats all they had to do. And they would have beaten both Nintendo and Microsoft.
Playing a game differently doesn't make the gameplay different?reilo said:Just because you play it differently, does not mean the gameplay is different.
Frequently people bring up what the "entire point" of the Wii or wiimote is. There is no one entire point. It's there to allow new types of input for new types of games. It's there to play existing types of games. It's there to be user-friendly for people who didn't like standard controllers. It's there for people who want to play NES games.reilo said:I'm asking for GAMEPLAY INNOVATION. The entire point behind the Wiimote! Besides WarioWare, I have yet to see the Wiimote being used for innovative GAMEPLAY.
Pureauthor said:Allows, but thus far I think most devs (including Nintendo) are looking at the Wiimote and seeing how to adapt pre-existing gameplay conventions to it. I really think SPM and SMG will be the 'biggest' games this year in terms of software innovation on the Wii (and one of them started as a GCN game)
Pureauthor said:Um... yeah... that had nothing to do with my post, you know?
BlindN-Fan said:Nintendos back.:lol Holy shit they're back.
norinrad21 said:Oh another joker.
Nintendo creates games for all, a game even your grandma could look at and say cool i got to try this. Your retarded logic somehow doesn't see the nature of Nintendo's games and that my friend is what is very troubling.
On Average even a shitty Nintendo game can hold its own against any 3rd party offering, almost. If you think you are a grown man and it makes you ashamed of playing Nintendo games, then you sir better quit gaming now. You are wasting your money looking at pretty graphics.
Pureauthor said:Wii fitness and Wii music are drawing from real-world pre-existing practices. It's as innovative as your average sports game, as far as I'm concerned.
TopDreg said:Square Enix can't have enough stretchers for this. Aren't they budgeting 40 million dollars into FFXIII?
Believe it or not some people do...I have a buddy that wishes 300 was rated pg13.reilo said:And as a hardcore gamer I should be happy about Nintendo's "everyone can play it!" approach because..?
I guess I should be ecstatic next time a studio decides to edit a movie I was anticipating that was intended to be rated-R down to PG-13 because more people get to see it.
JCBossman said:I can think of NOTHING more satisfying, but to have "grandma" watch me ... masturbate to the NEWEST porn on Emule![]()
norinrad21 said:And even when they were gone for those two generations, they still reminded the world when they were kings.
Wiitard said:By the same logic would not shooting aliens be more innovative, in principle, that, say, Wii Sports or, say, any driving game - after it's not based on direct experience.
Polari said:Bingo. Square Enix must be shitting themselves right now. That or ordering additional 360 development kits.
reilo said:But the gameplay isn't changed, only the input method!
It's the difference between using a controller, keyboard+mouse, or joystick to control a plane in a flight game. The gameplay is still the same. Why doesn't anyone understand what I am trying to get at? I give up.
Pureauthor said:Well, not really. The concept of shooting aliens was around prior to video games ever existing.
But the distinction here is that 'shooting aliens' has no real-life model to adhere to - you can have a lot more variety in terms of stylistic and gameplay design for alien shooting than, say, racing (whether or not it's taken advantage of is another issue).
Racing games are more innovative than sports games as a whole because racing can take place in a large variety of locales and/or rules. The problem is that most racers still adhere (or try to match) real-life counterparts, so innovation as a whole is dampened. Mario Kart is the only racer series I would've claimed innovative (and that was promptly copied by who knows how many franchises. >_>)
I'd say the game play has changed due to the way you play the game changing.:lol :lolreilo said:But the gameplay isn't changed, only the input method!
It's the difference between using a controller, keyboard+mouse, or joystick to control a plane in a flight game. The gameplay is still the same. Why doesn't anyone understand what I am trying to get at? I give up.
Karma Kramer said:All Sony had to do this generation is make the PS2... but with better tech... and charged $299 for it.
Thats all they had to do. And they would have beaten both Nintendo and Microsoft.
Pureauthor said:First off, why in the world did you see a need to spoiler this? =/
Second, Core Pack is The Evil Blight Upon All That Is Good And True, not mentioning that regardless, USD 300 isn't correct mass market pricing anyway. (I'd say USD 200 and lower is for consoles, but Wii seems to be proving it wrong with USD 250. Maybe it's the pack-in. Enh.)
And the X360 has games, true, but those are hardcore games. Much of GAF loves the 360 right now because it has been good to their needs, but until Halo 3 there's no real game for the casuals, nevermind nongamers.
:lolyoopoo said:
Polari said:Sony have dug themselves a pretty deep hole here. The only thing that's going to shift PS3s is a price drop, yet that's the one thing they can't deliver. Microsoft and Nintendo should each cut their respective systems by $50 and go in for the kill. Unlike Sony, they can afford it.
Amazing DS sales, especially when you consider Pokemon and Zelda are still to hit.