Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Aqua boo did you sleep lol?
the figure in the op is a rough estimate calculated by a gaffer with a margin of error....not exact, hard npd data
So are you counting Vita sales this month to be almost 170k? Using shinra's measurements from cream's pie graph with 810k for 3DS as the baseline, I got 19k for PSTV.
In any case I'm not sure what's do you mean at all. Ps4 it's a little above a 1m, that's all.the figure in the op is a rough estimate calculated by a gaffer with a margin of error....not exact, hard npd data
Nobody responding to my questions... I suppose that means the information is not out there... I am curious about Destiny sales... if Destiny sold so good then why are Bungie/Activision so quiet about actual LTD sales numbers?
cod aw dec = 2.84 million including bundles
this is up from ghosts's 2.79 million december 2013
cod aw rebounded from november's -24% decline
How were bundles counted here? I thought NPD didnt track those.
Ah yes you're right. When calcuating the number for normal Vita I used total.Shinra revised his angles last night. The last one's I saw put the combined total at 150K. Still a big YOY increase, though, yes! Maybe there was some store clearance involved? If they wanted to clear out stock, no better time to do it than with Christmas shopping.
I wonder if digital, especially with the new consoles is where the discrepancy is partially made up.
On IR reports sure![]()
Ask yourself... if you were Activision, would you release this information to the general public?
As you wish.
Monthly Powerhouse vs PSP comparison:
Code:3DS 2014 PSP 2008 NDS 2008 January 97 230 251 February 153 243 587 March 159 297 698 April 106 193 415 May 97 182 452 June 152 337 783 July 108 222 608 August 91 253 518 September 141 238 537 October 138 193 491 November 515 421 1570 December 810 1020 3040 Through December 2567 3829 9950 Total 2567 3829 9950
NDS sales were unreal.In the same year of their life DS sold more in a single month than 3DS sold the ENTIRE year.
Holy Shit.
In the same year of their life DS sold more in a single month than 3DS sold the ENTIRE year.
Holy Shit.
Aqua boo did you sleep lol?
Aqua boo did you sleep lol?
sleep is for the weak
also i'm on my phone in a meeting...can't talk much right now
sleep is for the weak
also i'm on my phone in a meeting...can't talk much right now
I already asked, lol. No, no she didn't.. I followed the thread from the time I got out of work until about 12:45am. When I woke up to catch up on the numbers posted, she was still posting through 6am and that didn't stop... Man, and I thought I needed to get some sleep, lol.
So 1.29m is the final number, is can it get more precise?
I'm convinced that this is why they're not putting a charger in the box with the new 3DS... they know the available market for dedicated handheld gaming devices consists only of previous owners and that they expect the market to continue dwindling.
DS was a monster.In the same year of their life DS sold more in a single month than 3DS sold the ENTIRE year.
Holy Shit.
So 1.29m is the final number, is can it get more precise?
I had mine at 1.30mil, so I would go with that Welfare.What would you get if you rounded that number to the tenths?
I'm convinced that this is why they're not putting a charger in the box with the new 3DS... they know the available market for dedicated handheld gaming devices consists only of previous owners and that they expect the market to continue dwindling.
What would you get if you rounded that number to the tenths?
DS was a monster.
I had mine at 1.30mil, so I would go with that Welfare.
While my final numbers do have the families in order of MS, Nintendo and Sony, the difference between Nintendo and Sony isn't much. I'm bothered by my Wii U number: Aqua said PS4 was 1.07mil, which when plugged into shinra's numbers for cream's pie places the Wii U higher than what Aqua has indicated.
~315k and ~29k. I'd rather use shinra's angles for cream's pie, but until he rechecks them I'll use my own. >.>For old gen I only have ~176K for PS3. What are your numbers for 360 and Wii?
I do feel they're still underutilizing their licensing and merchandizing potential and this is a good example of what they could be achieving.
Movies, kids TV shows, apparel, more toy lines, school supplies, and more should all be present.
DS was a monster.
I had mine at 1.30mil, so I would go with that Welfare.
While my final numbers do have the families in order of MS, Nintendo and Sony, the difference between Nintendo and Sony isn't much. I'm bothered by my Wii U number: Aqua said PS4 was 1.07mil, which when plugged into shinra's numbers for cream's pie places the Wii U higher than what Aqua has indicated.
roughly 1.5 * 2
~315k and ~29k. I'd rather use shinra's angles for cream's pie, but until he rechecks them I'll use my own. >.>
I'm convinced that this is why they're not putting a charger in the box with the new 3DS... they know the available market for dedicated handheld gaming devices consists only of previous owners and that they expect the market to continue dwindling.
PS3 is surprising, simply because as I said last month in the previous two years the PS3 sold less in December than November. I expected 85k or less.360 basically flat. I'm surprised with PS3 growth.
Why? Because it hurts your feelings to admit that Playstation has been lackluster lately? There is nothing about what I said that is not true. The exclusives of last year have been scoring an all time low. The PSN service has been severely unstable, and the two exclusives during the fall (Drive Club and LBP3) released a broken mess. Drive Club PS+ edition remains nothing more than a joke topic.
Sony deserved to lose its grip on the American market the last two NPD's, even though I understand that it has a lot more to do with the price-cut of the XB1 than the quality of the PS4.
All I see here is SonyGaf living up to its reputation. Nice input with the gifs, lads.
In the same year of their life DS sold more in a single month than 3DS sold the ENTIRE year.
Holy Shit.
Yeah. The collapse of handheld market has been massive. Of course partly this is because DS numbers were just so insane but even with just PSP you get PSP back in 2008 > whole handheld market in 2014. Crazy stuff.
I think the ps4 beat the xbox by 250k in Destiny month, which counters December with the huge price cuts.
I'm guessing January will flip back to PS4, I'm guessing Sony are more than happy with these numbers to be fair
Sony murdering competitor worldwide. Even though I do expect some value proposition deals if thing will go bad in NA, I don't expect full price cut until Sony ready to roll out it WW.
For Sony rotw is twice the size of US market, for MS - it's only around half of the US market and if we look at US+UK - it is 3 times larger that the rest of the world combined. So for both companies focus is different thus the actions and reactions also differs.
I think they care, but they have such a solid grip elsewhere that I can't imagine they're going to throw everything they can at the USA. If they can stay level with MS in "Microsoft's" territory, I would have to think they'll be pleased. Sony has bigger issues to worry about, namely their financial situation.So Microsoft will regain the US if this keeps up. Is Sony still dominating worlwide by a big enough margin for them not to care that much for the US or should they make more of an effort?
I dont understand why people bring this up anytime someone disagrees with them regarding sony. Its like a default response. Although you made some good points..... Nice comeback tries, i guess...
MS at this point looks to be doing whatever it needs to in order to have at least one continent in the "win" column
With the Xbox One price cut (which, let's not kid ourselves, is permanent despite Microsoft's statements) back in effect I think January is Microsoft's.
How do you figure that based on two months? IMO MS still needs to pay more attention to the first 10 months of the year
The "two month" strategy is dangerous because if they somehow don't win those two months, they've put their eggs into that one basket. They could easily lose those two months next year based on Sony software, Sony marketing, Sony pricecuts or any other number of things. I hope they go all in for the whole year in 2015. But maybe their strategy makes better business sense. I dunno.How do you figure that based on two months? IMO MS still needs to pay more attention to the first 10 months of the year
I've mentioned this in the past but for a personal game:
Look for a thread with new news for the PS4 and then go to the last page before even reading the OP.
Look for a thread with new news for the XB1 and then go to the last page before even reading the OP.
compare the tone of the conversation, it's quite funny. The MS topic will most likely be derailed
I've mentioned this in the past but for a personal game:
Look for a thread with new news for the PS4 and then go to the last page before even reading the OP.
Look for a thread with new news for the XB1 and then go to the last page before even reading the OP.
compare the tone of the conversation, it's quite funny. The MS topic will most likely be derailed
MS at this point looks to be doing whatever it needs to in order to have at least one continent in the "win" column