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NPD Sales Results for February 2010

Mr. Miyato

Neo Member
Jagernaut said:
The PS3 version of Bioshock 1 was a year late and didn't sell well. That probably had something to do with it. Most PS3 gamers are not familiar with the franchise.

They should have gotten it for the PC.
I don't understand people who say that Heavy Rain is a niche game. It really isn't. A murder mystery game filled with drama is a very popular tv genre. The only thing I could see as troublesome are the controls to new gamers but other than that Heavy Rain is very much a mainstream idea.


DevelopmentArrested said:
I know you hated the game and all but aren't you at least moderately happy as a gamer to see such a niche title up there? I didn't care for Demon's Souls AT ALL but I was relieved to hear that it did well financially. Cage, QD and Sony took a big risk and even if narratively speaking it didn't pay off, I think it's good to see this type of game do well on the NPD's.

I don't care about risks, I only care about success. Uniqueness does not automatically demand my praise. Nor does being niche. I'm not in the charity business. We're gamers and consumers! Developers and publishers serve us. If they make a terrible product, one can only hope the product is not successful so it does not continue to waste space as the developer continues to try to make more games like it.

And when something bad is successful, it definitely does distract the industry. There is a certain blue ocean example recently that pretty much fucked everything (look at Sony's PS3 Move conference).

Frillen said:
So if you don't like a game, you absolutely have to be a troll?

Nevermind that I've filled like eight volumes with my extensive Heavy Rain criticisms! Heavy Rain fanboys are simply embarrassing themselves only at this point.
Great month for 360. Perfect Dark in 6 days baby!

I expect the numbers in Canada for March will see a massive increase since Arcades are dropping to $129 here.

Good to see Heavy Rain in the Top 10, hope it gets more exposure.
Where you motherfuckers at last month telling me HR wasn't going to chart when I guaranteed that shit? I have your names, all of you. Speak up now, or risk getting called out when I get back from the bar tonight.

Not one single television commercial in the US either.


Cold-Steel said:
Great month for 360. Perfect Dark in 6 days baby!

I expect the numbers in Canada for March will see a massive increase since Arcades are dropping to $129 here.

Good to see Heavy Rain in the Top 10, hope it gets more exposure.

I'm still not sure why every retailer in Canada is selling Arcades for $129 next week, but it will probably be ridiculously huge. That's the same price as the PS2 isn't it?


mentalfloss said:
Okay, here's Jan NPDs (on left) and Feb NPDs (on right)

PlayStation 2 41.6K -> 101.9K
PlayStation 3 276.9K -> 360.1K
PSP 100.1K -> 133.4K
Xbox 360 332.8K -> 422.0K
Wii 465.8K -> 397.9K
Nintendo DS 422.2K -> 613.2K

Tax refund effect ftw save Wii.

Anyhow, this just reaffirms MS didn't need a real price cut last fall. Save up and drop a nice size cut this fall with a redesign.
DevelopmentArrested said:
I know you hated the game and all but aren't you at least moderately happy as a gamer to see such a niche title up there? I didn't care for Demon's Souls AT ALL but I was relieved to hear that it did well financially. Cage, QD and Sony took a big risk and even if narratively speaking it didn't pay off, I think it's good to see this type of game do well on the NPD's.
Who cares if a title is niche? Good games should do well and poor games should do poorly. (Not speaking of Heavy Rain as I haven't played it)


I'd be surprised to see Heavy Rain do more than that, lifetime numbers.

I love how Ubisoft threw out tons of advertising for Just Dance, but has done nothing for the million plus selling sequel to Red Steel, and then will inevitably complain about it's sales when it bombs.


has calmed down a bit.
WOW @ X360.

But you know what? It's had a fantastic start to the year and it deserved those sales. And now I hope Ps3 has a big March to reward GOW3 and FF13. Great games should drive hardware sales, not gimmicks or hype. The Wii has had an absolutely dismal year compared to its competitors and does not deserve to be outselling either of them. Get Nintendo's lazy ass off the couch and finishing up Pikmin, a proper Animal Crossing sequel, a properly working Mario Kart Online, and the next Zelda.
Amir0x said:
I don't care about risks, I only care about success. Uniqueness does not automatically demand my praise. Nor does being niche. I'm not in the charity business. We're gamers and consumers! Developers and publishers serve us. If they make a terrible product, one can only hope the product is not successful so it does not continue to waste space as the developer continues to try to make more games like it.

And when something bad is successful, it definitely does distract the industry. There is a certain blue ocean example recently that pretty much fucked everything (look at Sony's PS3 Move conference).
But at least they had the audacity to try something different; are you saying that their follow-up to Heavy Rain, assuming they make big strides in story-telling, won't be worth playing? I won't continue to argue my point, I understand your stance on it- I just like seeing a game of its type up there I guess.

thcsquad said:
First glance: Congrats 360!
Second glance: Congrats every console but Wii, apparently. The article seemed pretty negative about sales but every console/handheld soundly beat every prediction for the month.
Third glance: Good to see Heavy Rain in the top ten for its first four days of sales.
Fourth glance: I can't believe MW2 is still in the top ten, let alone beat Heavy Rain? That actually makes me kind of sad.
Yeah.. 400K of consoles sold in a month is horrible isn't it?

Nevermind that I've filled like eight volumes with my extensive Heavy Rain criticisms! Heavy Rain fanboys are simply embarrassing themselves only at this point.
I just asked you a question Am.. jesus.


EXGN said:
PS3 and Wii were both supply constrained, right?

Even if that's true, and it may very well be, that alone doesn't explain strong 360 sales unless consumers were very unsure about what console to buy but absolutely had to buy one when they went to the stores. If you go to buy a PS3 and don't find one, you likely wouldn't pick up a 360 instead unless you really didn't care that much about which console you wanted to begin with.
Amir0x said:
Nevermind that I've filled like eight volumes with my extensive Heavy Rain criticisms! Heavy Rain fanboys are simply embarrassing themselves only at this point.

Well thought out criticism and explanation of why its not your cup of tea? What kind of bullshit is this? This is a video game message board on the Internet. We don't take kindly to your kind around here.
I think Heavy Rain sold better in Europe being a European game and all. This could mean the game could sell well over a million. Huge succes.


I certainly didnt expect Heavy Rain up there, or these 360 sales. suprises all around..

If Dantes Inferno can sell 220k on Ps3. God of War 3 should do monster numbers yes?


y'all should be ashamed
Amir0x said:
Nevermind that I've filled like eight volumes with my extensive Heavy Rain criticisms! Heavy Rain fanboys are simply embarrassing themselves only at this point.
edit: I don't want to argue anymore.
Great to see Heavy Rain off to a fantastic start, matching its success in Europe. I'm really pleased. It's such a brilliant game.

No AVP? Oh oh!

Btw wat was Bioshocks 1st month total?


shwimpy said:
If all comments about a game someone hates are like his, then yes. :D

Heavy Rain Analysis 1, Heavy Rain Anaysis 2, Heavy Rain Analysis 3

Like this, you mean? Extensively detailed and exhaustively analyzed over like 16 pages of various threads?

This is an NPD thread. In this thread, there is not room for detailed analysis of what one finds wrong in games. This thread is to celebrate or not the sales of various titles.

Once again, like always, many of GAF's inhabitants failed to understand even the most basic meaning of what it is to be a "troll."

chubigans said:
You have the fifth highest posts (38) in a game thread you don't even like. The irony astounds me.

Precisely. Because I aimed to back up my thought process and feelings in as much detail as possible, and answer all inquiries directed at me about my opinion. That is the very definition of discussion; the opposite of a troll. And Heavy Rain fanboys which continue to cry about it do embarrass themselves only.

DevelopmentArrested said:
I just asked you a question Am.. jesus.

Wasn't aimed at you. Was aimed at the person who said I was trolling Heavy Rain.


fernoca said:
Also, Heavy Rain sales are for around 7 days, was it? ...from February 23 (release) till aorund March 3rd?

Stop this. Every time a game is "only" out for a few days in the first month, that first month still beats the full 30 days of the 2nd month.

Games are very front loaded, period. The only rare exceptions are usually games with extreme mainstream appeal like Mario or Call of Duty.


L0st Id3ntity said:
How are Heavy Rain sales good? They certainly won't logically make Sony call QD and ask them to make a new game.

Good start at least, but it all depends on what kind legs it has I'd say.


fernoca said:
Also, Heavy Rain sales are for around 7 days, was it? ...from February 23 (release) till aorund March 3rd?
Doesn't matter. It will sell at best 100k next month. The first week usually makes up the majority of the sales.


Grecco said:
I certainly didnt expect Heavy Rain up there, or these 360 sales. suprises all around..

If Dantes Inferno can seel 220k on Ps3. God of War 3 should do monster numbers yes?

Either that, or Dante's will slightly hurt GoW3 sales since people will have just played a very similar game and need a break.


L0st Id3ntity said:
How are Heavy Rain sales good? They certainly won't logically make Sony call QD and ask them to make a new game.
212k is not, generally speaking, a failure. Particularly when the game is in a genre that no one reasonably expected to top sales charts, and when the apparent marketing budget in North America was miniscule. To put it gently, if Sony expected better than this than they never should have green-lit the project to begin with.


I think MW2 is a pretty terrible game but I'm not all up in arms over it selling more than just about every game this entire generation. That's far more damaging and likely to perpetuate mediocrity than Heavy Rain selling 200k.


Swittcher said:
I love how Ubisoft threw out tons of advertising for Just Dance, but has done nothing for the million plus selling sequel to Red Steel, and then will inevitably complain about it's sales when it bombs.
Where are you seeing this? Am I watching the wrong channels? Reading the wrong magazines? Visiting the wrong Web sites? GAH!!!

(I can't remember seeing anything in the U.S.)


AVP is a huge bomb, (I bought it) and Sega will probably never mention it ever again, but will continue make comments about how Wii games never perform, I bet.


woodypop said:
Where are you seeing this? Am I watching the wrong channels? Reading the wrong magazines? Visiting the wrong Web sites? GAH!!!

(I can't remember seeing anything in the U.S.)

I've seen them, I'm in canada though.

They made Suda dance in the ads :(


Katana_Strikes said:
Btw wat was Bioshocks 1st month total?
NPD August 2007 said:
03. BioShock (Xbox 360) - Take-Two - 490,900
Though, "first month" was actually under 2 weeks, since it was released on August 21st.

And an additional 150,000 in September 2007.

So it seems that at leats on Xbox 360 is selling on par with the first game's sales.
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