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NPD Sales Results for November 2007

stilgar said:
Bitter tears or Irony ?I'm mixed :/

nah, but i had never imagined this kind of situation...

evlcookie said:
The exclusive PS3 game sales are making me think insomniac's next game, resistance 2, wont be exclusive. Makes you wonder wtf PS3 owner's are doing. Seems sony is just hitting all the wrong buttons at the moment. They better market the shit out of uncharted and r&c this month.

Resistance 2 will have an easier time selling than Uncharted. In part because it's a sequel to a successful game, and in part because hey, it's a gritty shooter.
slaughterking said:
Software numbers (>#10) we got so far:

Mario and Sonic at the Olympics (Wii) - 330k
Rock Band (360) - 312k
Lego Star Wars (Wii)- 180k
High School Musical (Wii) - 180k
Resident Evil UC (Wii) - 130k
Uncharted (PS3) - 117k
Rock Band (PS3) - 70k
Zack & Wiki (Wii) - 35k

What am I missing?

Solid numbers for Sonic & Mario. Poor for zack and Wiki and I don't ask about Metroid Corruption....
GhaleonEB said:
Someone said Halo 3's numbers were low, but this is month three. It's at 4.1m units now, or 52% of the 360 installed base. It sold 820k in October and November, numbers most games would kill for. Like Uncharted, for example. :p

The real news is that it's not selling anywhere near 1:1 with consoles sold. What the fuck people, this is Halobox 360 you are buying.


w10 said:
Ya - it's a big # but - Mass/casual game for mass/casual platform.

I think the reason the 360 GHIII #s didn't compete was a) rock band split the market and b) if bundle and software only #s were split out (i think they were), wii owners all went bundle cause of no GHII, whereas on 360 many people probably bought software only.

Not to mention it sold like 300k last month so it was unlikely to do it again this month.



Y2Kev said:
I'm actually pretty impressed that there were 450k people that bought COD4 on PS3. I'm a multiconsole owner, and I always buy multi stuff on 360 (with some upcoming exceptions, dmc4 etc), and I expect most do the same.

So there were 400k UNIQUE PS3 owners to buy it. I didn't think they existed based on other software sales.

When Madden hit the number was over 350k iirc, so I guess we can make something out of the CoD4 number.
schuelma said:
Prediction- 360 will beat Wii in hardware in December. Don't see Nintendo supplying much more next month as they did in November.

Nintendo said the Wii will set a new record for the week before Christmas. You're probably right; the 360 has a great chance of outselling it. But a new Christmas record should mean more supply than last month (or none at all for the other Dec weeks).


Sony wins last generation!

I realize Uncharted sold to roughly the same percent of the userbase as Mass Effect, but I don't think publishers looks at that as closely as they do final sales numbers, specially with Uncharted with its large development cost.

I hope they continue to develop the Uncharted IP. I would love to see more of those type games in the market.


schuelma said:
It's not good at all for PS3 and it is honestly really surprising me how much slack PS3 sales are getting right now.
They still put hope that Wii is detrimental to gaming in general, and that flashy over substance crap like Ass Mediocreed selling hugeloads over fun games like Uncharted is fine as long as something is selling for PS3, whatever mediocre crap is selling in PS3.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Ok, I need two things explained to me, mysteries that I don't understand:

1) Why are there no DS games in the Top 10? 1.53 million, MILLION, of these things sold yet nothing cracked the Top 10 software-wise? Is piracy on the DS that rampant among 10 year olds?

2) Why do people buy 360's like hotcakes when the thing breaks continually? Has the Falcon version finally fixed RROD's, or does the general public just not care?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.


Kittonwy said:
It's pretty much time for me to purge my friends list of those who are part of that Ass Creed defense force (or they can just take me off their lists). Please come clean and do it, I need the room.
I keep sending friend invites to you, but you never make room. :(


slaughterking said:
Software numbers (>#10) we got so far:

Mario and Sonic at the Olympics (Wii) - 330k
Rock Band (360) - 312k
Lego Star Wars (Wii)- 180k
High School Musical (Wii) - 180k
Resident Evil UC (Wii) - 130k

Uncharted (PS3) - 117k
Rock Band (PS3) - 70k
Zack & Wiki (Wii) - 35k

What am I missing?

Wow... I wonder how Carnival Games did. :lol Still, great numbers for Mario and Sonic Olympics and good numbers for RE: UC. Selling better than the marquee PS3 game of the season is something to be proud of.

Poor Zack and Wiki. I'm getting it when I go home (I'm still at college) so I'll contribute to December's NPD!


davepoobond said:
i bet something stupid like 117.5k

which really just means they sold the same. these are estimations after all. same with the ps2/ps3 sales -- they pretty much just sold the same.

According to IGN RE:UC came in at 120K.

And add Ratchet at 66K to the above list.


Unconfirmed Member
Top Ten software:

360 software 3,410,000
PS3 software 821,000

360 software sales are amazing. Don`t see the PS3 ever catching it.
GhaleonEB said:
Mass Effect was purchased by 6.0% of the 360 userbase, Uncharted was purcahsed by 4.8% of the PS3 userbase. Not a huge difference.

Just looking at the numbers off the top of my head I was going to make a similar point although that's why a big userbase is so key to recouping your money.


I'm glad PS3 owners didn't buy Ratchet & Clank. It brings nothing new to the series except HD graphics.

Insomnia and Naughty Dog need to learn that sequels aren't needed every year. Give is new game play types with each installment. Take a page from the Mario book.


jj984jj said:
This is the saddest part about this months numbers. :(

There's a bigger problem with how Capcom is hyping the game when even Gamestop employees have no clue what the game is.
Son of Godzilla said:
The real news is that it's not selling anywhere near 1:1 with consoles sold. What the fuck people, this is Halobox 360 you are buying.

And to be able to support something like Rock Band to 300k+ at &170, seriously. Great and massive FUCK YOU to the Shooter Box Hypothesis.


Opus Angelorum said:
Any thoughts on how much the price drop attributed to the PS3 numbers, versus the fact that it's November?

I do

PS2: october: 235, november: 664 (2.80 more)
360: october: 218, november: 511 (2.35 more)

PS3: october: 121, november: 664 (3.80 more)
360: october: 366, november: 770 (2.10 more)

So average is about 2.3-2.7 more in november. That would mean 1.1-1.5 more were sold extra for ps3, which would make it about 130-180k due to the pricedrop.


Spawn99 said:
I'm glad PS3 owners didn't buy Ratchet & Clank. It brings nothing new to the series except HD graphics.

Insomnia and Naughty Dog need to learn that sequels aren't needed every year. Give is new game play types with each installment. Take a page from the Mario book.

Where's the /sarcasm?
Spawn99 said:
I'm glad PS3 owners didn't buy Ratchet & Clank. It brings nothing new to the series except HD graphics.

Insomnia and Naughty Dog need to learn that sequels aren't needed every year. Give is new game play types with each installment. Take a page from the Mario book.

The hell? Both Insomniac and ND have introduced new IPs within one year of the system being on the market.
staggering difference between COD4 360 and PS3. Seriously, I can't even imagine why (don't they play/look the same? I thought it'da been a more appealing game with such a well known franchise)


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
I agree for PSP and PS2, hardware's wise. PS3 < 500k for me means that Sony is in trouble. This was a Thanksgiving month and guess what: the Gamecube sold in 2002 almost the same as PS3 did this month. So, definitive is not good.

I think it's fine, Like N'gai said in his blog they would have to cede 07 after the MGS delay. As great as R&C and Uncharted are they are not system sellers to casuals. Anyways everybody overall did tremendous, and the videogame industry as a whole is looking great.


you can't put a price on sparks
Iksenpets said:
According to IGN RE:UC came in at 120K.

yeah, just barely over. i dont think NPD is accurate enough to take their exact numbers as "that is how much it definitively sold"

so they basically sold the same, with RE:UC probably selling a smidgen more, but who knows.

does anyone know if NPD has any error claims? (like error +/- 1% or something like that as a footnote)


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
reilo said:
R:FoM sold 2mil worldwide...

And R&C:F is selling on pace as the previous games.
Resistance is what pushed PS3 sales when it launched, but your second statement is far from true. It doesn't matter anyway, I doubt they'll cut ties with Sony anytime soon and as long as Sony is the publisher of their games they'll be exclusive.


Shepherd said:
Top Ten software:

360 software 3,410,000
PS3 software 821,000

360 software sales are amazing. Don`t see the PS3 ever catching it.

Not for a long, long, long time, if ever. Of course, I've been saying this forever and that is pretty much going to be the crux for this generation for a long while.
Jammy said:
DS did amazing, as did Wii. Nintendo clearly shipped one million Wii consoles out there for November. I wonder how the December numbers will look.

Everybody did good hardware-wise. It's a bit disappointing for Sony that PS3 sold less than PS2, but eh... it's progress.

Software... HOLY SHIT! Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed did amazing, especially on 360. 360 owners really buy their games.

Super Mario Galaxy sales were higher than expected for me. Wii Play's numbers were huge, too (LEGS), as were Guitar Hero III's. Guitar Hero III clearly has clicked with the Wii audience, and it makes sense given what type of game it is and what type of userbase the Wii has.

I heard somewhere that Mario and Sonic at the Olympics sold over 330,000 and was at the 11th spot. I guess we'll find that out for sure later?
It just occured to me. To those who are still impressed that Wii Play has "legs". Do you think it's ever going to slow down? I don't expect it to ever sell less than half of what that months Wii hardware sales are for the rest of the Wii's lifetime. It could conceiveably sell 30-40 million over that timeframe. A better question would be what kind of importance will those sales mean when all is said and done? People want extra controllers for what is essentially a party system? Seriously.


itsgreen said:
Yeah yeah yeah PS3 has a smaller install base, but it still grows less than its competitors every month.

So if the PS3 gets 400k extra, 360 gets 700k extra.

That is a problem for the PS3, for now. A big one.

Yeah but globally it's not the case. It's actually a wash. I know people love to cling to Sony's PS3 numbers in North America where it's currently performing the weakest in relation to the others, but to use such broad strokes and make it seem like Sony is doomed is pretty dumb. They need to improve in North America, yes. But Sony isn't doing bad at all when you take into account they have 3 viable platforms pulling in software and hardware sales on a global basis. They're not moving as much as Nintendo at the moment, but they're certainly moving more than Microsoft.

I think Uncharted will sell better in the months to come, specifically post holiday.
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