What is your SteamID?FoxSpirit said:Okay, I need someone who trusts me when I say it will be a week until I can PayPal >.<
I want to pickup BionicCommando:Rearmed because it's awesome.
And SwarmArena because even though it's only got 2 hours worth of content, that's okay with me for 2.50
Do you have a link to your Steam Community profile? I'm having trouble finding your SteamID.FoxSpirit said:FoxSpirit707
Thanks a lot![]()
Dambrosi said:I can help out people who want Mafia II, though you'll have to PayPal me the moneys beforehand (no balance).
SteamID is Dambrosi. PM me with your steamID if you're interested, then we can get started.
oh, and what Drizzle said would also be nice, but that's entirely up to you.
Oh yeah, my profile page is http://steamcommunity.com/id/kingofallkosmos, for those having trouble finding me.
Can you gift me settlers 7?Dambrosi said:Sorry for the self-quote, but this is for the new page.
Settlers 7 is £9.99 on the UK store. You still want it? FR me.iSimon said:Can you gift me settlers 7?
I can paypal upfront.
Yep, $10 cheaper than Australia.Dambrosi said:Settlers 7 is £9.99 on the UK store. You still want it? FR me.
What would that be is USD?Dambrosi said:Settlers 7 is £9.99 on the UK store. You still want it? FR me.
You're lucky I'm still up. FR me.StayUp said:Could someone from the UK please gift me Mafia 2+All DLC and Medal of Honor? Will PayPal immediately.
Thanks!Dambrosi said:Right, I'm going to bed for the next six or so hours. I'll still try to help anyone who needs it when I get up, so carry on requesting! I'm on a roll here! :lol
G'night, all...*zzzzzzz*
Yasser said:could someone in the us hook me up with football manager?
added you on steamBloodySinner said:PM sent.
Rufus said:PSA: bookmark Steamprices.
Toasty_T, if you want Mafia 2 cheap, FR me, I'll hook you up.
Rahk, I just FR'd you. If you still want the game, message me in Steam.
Tahrikmili, CoH Gold is £3.74 (around $6) on the UK store.
Dambrosi said:Twenty minutes left, people! If you want Mafia 2 for cheap, come get you some and FR me!
It's around $7.80 (£4.99)...well, it was, before the Steam front page glitched.Cuban Legend said:how cheap exactly, in USD? my steam is cuban_legend or cuban legend
Nothing. You are hallucinating. It's OK.Dambrosi said:MY WALLET HAS NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT
Goddammit Rufus.
Wait, WTF just happened
What is your SteamID?BomberMouse said:Could someone help me get CivCity : Rome (doesn't show up for me in steam client) and or Grand Ages: Rome if it's $2 for you (it shows 2 on my browser but $4 on my steam client)
Yo!Cuban Legend said:Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition US STORE: 14.99 US dollars = UK£ 9.61UK£
Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition UK STORE: UK£ 7.49 = 11.67 U.S. dollars
Someone from the UK who is interested in helping me out, reply to this post & add me on steam please (cuban legend or cuban_legend)
I have Paypal and am willing to gift 13.00 US dollars = UK£ 8.33
Nikashi said:I have a 3 month Xbox Live Gold card. I will trade it for TF2 on Steam which I think is still $9.99. (I have gold till 2012, it was a gift I really have no use for).
It's Canadian but I'm not 100% sure that matters, and I have no problem letting you try the code to make sure it works before you gift the game![]()
Yes.UrbanRats said:This thread still going, right?
'Cause i need the last sprint from the USers, but before i ask: can you gift more than 1 game at once on steam?