Need help getting BFBC2 for US price. I can paypal cash for it.
-Rogue5- said:Are we allowed to request gifting from the same region, or is that forbidden?
I kind of wanted to get GTAIV (and expansions) as well as Max Payne 1 & 2, but I have everything else in the Rockstar Pack that's currently 71% off... was hoping someone bought the pack for the rest of the games and has those three just chillin' on their account.
Heads up to Firehead who helped me out!Kawaii said:Guess i'm kinda impatient but a free copy of Titan Quest gold for the US citizen who helps me out!
I don't think so. I think speculawyer got pulled up once for suspicious Steam activity but I'm pretty sure he was just buying too much shit for himself :lolFirehead said:Curious... Valve won't get suspicious and close my account if I help a bunch of people out, will they?
legend166 said:I too would like BC2 for the US price if anyone would oblige.
confused said:looking for someone to gift me Bad Company 2. Will return a Steam gift for $10 in return
Check invitesconfused said:Anybody ? SteamID is : Zaangamer
DyobolikaL. said:
Firehead said:Check invites
Ah, goodconfused said:Already sorted. Thanks Azentium
Omiee said:i want bad company 2 on the us store for 7 bucks, ill either give u call of duty classic voucher for the 360.
or something else in your interest on the eu steam store or something else.
Please accept my friend request.Omiee said:anyone i realy want bc2.
Steamid is Omiee and i will be willing to transfer funds over paypal as well.
Seagoon said:Can someone gift me a US copy of BFBC2 - I'll Paypal straight away, steam id is goonbridge
Dwayne said:Keen on BC2 if someone in the US can help me out, paypal waiitng. Cheers!
pm'd!azentium said:What is your SteamID?
Message sent.Seagoon said:Still after BFBC2 if some kind soul from the US would gift it - I will send money via paypal immediately.
AnkhWeasel said:Wow. Lots of activity around these parts today.
I was hoping for the F.E.A.R. pack - and now that Shaneus mentions it, Pirates! would be great too. If any awesome USGAFfer would be so kind as to step up to the plate, I can PayPal pretty much immediately. (Also, if anyone's keen on a $3.74 copy of Titan Quest Gold, I can totally do that for you.)
Edit: Beast, here's a relevant Steam Knowledge Base article. Mostly out of luck, sorry.
Aon said:Hello, could some US Gaffer nab me a copy of FEAR 2 by itself?
Can Paypal with utmost haste![]()
You are trying to trade a Virtual Suit for a game... Then again, people trade games for TF2 hats... I AM STILL OUTRAGED!snack said:I have a spare code for the 360 Black Ops Avatar Flight Suit. I'll swap it for Bad Company 2. PM me if interested.
Dwayne said:top feedback for azentium, gifted me Bad Company 2 in exchange for the monies.
Seagoon said:Thanks Azentium![]()
AnkhWeasel said:AnkhWeaselAzentium is a splendid person. A++, 10/10, and all that jazz. Thanks!
Friend request has been sent.Aon said:Hey, while you're being such a grand human being Azentium, might you be able to spare a moment for Aon?
I can be found on Steam under Aonshi, for any fine Americans. Let's all do our bit to solidify the ANZUS Alliance![]()
I can help you after I gift Aon's game.Shaneus said:I hate to sound like I'm nagging, but I'm still on the lookout for FEAR pack, BFC2 and Pirates if anyone (from the US) is listening. If not it's no biggie... perhaps I'm destined to actually play the games I already have rather than buy more :lol