Batman Arkham City is on sale for $14.99 USD. $29.99 for the bundle..
is the bundle worth it?
Looking for some help in getting Transformers War for Cybertron from the British store if anyone's willing.
Batman Arkham City is on sale for $14.99 USD. $29.99 for the bundle..
is the bundle worth it?
Since that game is unavailable to me in Croatia (because of GWFL region lock) I would PayPal the amount in exchange for the gift. US since it's the cheapest of the bunch, UK is OK too, EU not.
Even though I'll be buying the GOTY for the X360 I would still like to have the PC version because of 60fps and DX11 features.
Anyone here from Russia?? Please pm me. Thanks!
Is anyone doing any 4 packs of Torchlight 2? I wouldn't mind getting in on one.
If one would go for a 4 pack, how much would each participant pay up?
Saints Row 3 is apparently $11(for us yanks) at ShopTo, which I guess doesn't want us buying from it.
Can a brotha from anotha motha hook me up?
Also, if Max Payne 3 is still 29.99 on UK Steam, anyone who could help me out with that would be wiggity wiggity wham wham wozzle.
I'd appreciate if anyone's be so kind to gift me Dungeon Siege III+DLC ( from GetGamesGo. For some reason the site doesn't like any of my credit cards. I can Paypal right away
there's the Commandos-Collection on sale in UK (I guess it's everywhere besides Germany...) for 2.40 Pounds. Could someone gift it to me?
My profile:
The deal ends in <2h. Anyone?![]()
I'll add you, my username is the same there.
Anyone wanna do a four pack for Torchlight 2?
Anyone wanna do a four pack for Torchlight 2?
Just throwing this out there since I am at work and bored. I can help people with Alice if they want the US price.
Edit: Paypal of course.
A friend would be interested. He would pay up front of course with paypal~