Hey kinda an odd one to ask
Aussie here who wants bioshock 2, it's 25 bucks on our store
problem is I have to go and won't be back home for a bit
I can reply to emails but will be back after the sale ends most likely
If anyone can gift it to me that'd rock
thing is obviously it's difficult to do so without knowing... so if you buy as gift and send it to like, your own email, you then can wait until I pay you to forward the email to me? Right? I think
If anyone does this (quote in thread to know it's been taken) i'll obviously paypal them the cash when I get in tomorrow my time
but obviously not holding out too much here because I don't want to be looked at like a scammer or anything

You'll probs be able to sell it regardless after!
my email is owenscully at gmail dot com
I'll check the thread tomorrow morning my time (like in 14 hoursish)