First, before any Christian-bashing gets out of hand, let's acknowledge that Christianity is a very big fucking banner and that at least 70% of this country considers itself quite religious. That means that quite a few Christians voted for Kerry and for progressive values, and they sure as hell don't deserve any shit.
However, it's worth noting that Millenialism really swelled the ranks of the evangelical/fundamentalist set. Millenialism is an eschatological belief that presumes a cataclysmic event of a religious nature that happens on an ordained date, such as a new millenium. However, it's a cyclical event, and while it may have galvanized a particular political bloc post-2000, it WILL dissipate in the coming years. So don't get yer anti-religious panic on just yet; although us secular types are in for some hurt feelings in the coming four years, the pendulum WILL swing back.
Also, for the gloating Evangelicals: remember that it's the Constitution and the lack of a theorcratic state that keeps us from being, well, the Christian sister to militant Islam. Show a little respect.