Democrats will be accused of massive hypocrisy, thats for sure....iapetus said:On a mildly serious note, let's assume that Kerry wins Ohio, and scrapes a victory, but loses the popular vote. What does this mean for his legitimacy as president?
Democrats will be accused of massive hypocrisy, thats for sure....iapetus said:On a mildly serious note, let's assume that Kerry wins Ohio, and scrapes a victory, but loses the popular vote. What does this mean for his legitimacy as president?
Dispite being in a similar situation in 2000, Bush's approval rating were close to 88% in his first month, 77% approval among dems.iapetus said:On a mildly serious note, let's assume that Kerry wins Ohio, and scrapes a victory, but loses the popular vote. What does this mean for his legitimacy as president?
DeadStar said:Democrats will be accused of massive hypocrisy, thats for sure....
Pug said:Politicians don't make a country the people do.
Or fighting fire with fire.DeadStar said:Democrats will be accused of massive hypocrisy, thats for sure....
All very well and good however:Do The Mario said:Im not saying our government is perfect, it would be virtually impossible for me to agree with every decision our government made.
However some issues from the last election
- The government Introduced Medicare plus a 80% rebate for out of hand medical expenses
- The government has an outstanding economic record, with strong fiscal policies.
- Employment has increased by over 1 million
Hecs as been increased but is now more finically viable.
I dont agree with the Australian Governments support of the war on terror however unlike the US government our government has performed well on domestic issues.
iapetus said:On a mildly serious note, let's assume that Kerry wins Ohio, and scrapes a victory, but loses the popular vote. What does this mean for his legitimacy as president?
nathkenn said:hypocrticial, but if bush's was legit then kerry would be legit
:lol It starts.....ErasureAcer
I don't believe Bush won. How? How? values? We have a staggering economy, a guy who hates us, a stupid ass war and we're voting on stem cell research? I honestly don't believe the American people are THAT stupid.
Bush cheated. I have no specific data on how but they cheated. Diebold, challenges, registration...a combination of all of them...they have cheated. No way has this MORON gotten the most votes ever on VALUES! I don't believe it.
Seth C said:But the dems claimed then, and some continue to claim, that Bush's presidency was NOT legit.
f_elz said:252 Kerry fuckers!
272 with ohio as we will win it. Shove it down bitches.
nathkenn said:whats with people not wanting to count all the votes, whoever wins they should all be counted......
IAWTPRorschach said:I called it way before the election, but I'm still very disappointed with the citizens of this nation.
soepkip said:This is unbelievable. Americans are so fucking stupid.
Fresh Prince said:All very well and good however:
- The States and Federal Governemt continue to bicker over Hospital Funding-still. The private healthcare rebate seems to be getting worse not better.
- Economically the distinction differiating Labour and Liberal would not be that 'adverse' to Australia's econmy.
- We got ass raped by America in the FTA
- More than 1/2 of 'new' Employment created in the last 16 years is casual.
- The Government talks about the 'baby bonus' etc, but $3000 does not make ammends for the third largest hours of unpaid overtime of any country in the world, lack of job security etc.
- Some of the rhethoric concerning Tertiary Education is worrying. Apparently the Coalition wants to re-shape wages for Lecturers (not so bad) but want to dictate to Universities what to specialise in.
quadriplegicjon said:i absolutely hate this attitude people have been taking these elections.
im anti-bush.. but calling someone and idiot cause they are ... educated or not....
quadriplegicjon said:they really have to change the absentee/provisional ballot due dates so that they can be counted before or on election night.. its a little ridiculous to have a week long waiting period. :/
Society said:I think idiot means uneducated, I might be wrong.
One of the problems with that is that a provisional ballot is designed to serve in place of a regular ballot should something go wrong on election day. I.E. someone who is registered to vote is not on the voter's list at their polling place, or their ballot gets accidentally destroyed, lost, or they go to the wrong polling place, etc. So there's really no way to count those early.quadriplegicjon said:they really have to change the absentee/provisional ballot due dates so that they can be counted before or on election night.. its a little ridiculous to have a week long waiting period. :/
f_elz said:Kerry has a better than slim chance.
soundwave05 said:I think the reason some people find it disenchanting is because this is the first time I can think of in American history where America went to war under a pretense which turned out to be false (weapons of mass destruction).
soundwave05 said:I think the reason some people find it disenchanting is because this is the first time I can think of in American history where America went to war under a pretense which turned out to be false (weapons of mass destruction).
Now whether that was faulty intelligence or not, it's still arguably the biggest blunder of American foreign policy in history and it falls squarely on the president's shoulders.
Yet the guy gets re-elected anyway. I think Bush took advantage of the post-9/11 paranoia and did it well.
Anyways, that said, I think its over. There's no way Kerry is going to make up those kinds of numbers off provisional ballots.
XMonkey said:No, he doesn't.
while America went to war under a false pretense, it also went to war under true pretenses, like Saddam's UN violations, refusal to provide evidence to inspectors about wherabouts of weapons (or former weapons), payments to families of Palestinian suicide bombers, and human rights issues...soundwave05 said:I think the reason some people find it disenchanting is because this is the first time I can think of in American history where America went to war under a pretense which turned out to be false (weapons of mass destruction).
Now whether that was faulty intelligence or not, it's still arguably the biggest blunder of American foreign policy in history and it falls squarely on the president's shoulders.
Yet the guy gets re-elected anyway. I think Bush took advantage of the post-9/11 paranoia and did it well.
Anyways, that said, I think its over. There's no way Kerry is going to make up those kinds of numbers off provisional ballots.
MightyHedgehog said:I agree 100% with this.
efralope said:while America went to war under a false pretense, it also went to war under true pretenses, like Saddam's UN violations, refusal to provide evidence to inspectors about wherabouts of weapons (or former weapons), payments to families of Palestinian suicide bombers, and human rights issues...
Weapons of mass destruction were the major issue, but it wasn't everything... I think Americans realize that...
f_elz said:Hahaha
XMonkey said:Laugh all you want, but I'm not pulling this out my ass. Reports all over TV and the internet all make it very clear that it will be very difficult for Kerry to pull off a win in Ohio. If the margin was more around 80k in Bush's favor with 100% reporting, I might be inclined to think he could have a decent chance...but, the margin is 136k in Bush's favor.
I noticied this too...XMonkey said:I find it funny that Fox and NBC are in quite a pickle as far as reporting states. Nevada looks clearly Bush (going by Yahoo's numbers), but NBC and Fox refuse to call it because it would claim Bush the winner, can't have that yet. And of course, they can't take Ohio back because that's 2000 all over again.