Looks like we are still a couple weeks out to start CCM. Fuck you EA!
Looks like we are still a couple weeks out to start CCM. Fuck you EA!
I'm sorryWe could have played but you abandoned me
They should just hire some of us to sit there and simulate seasons and do all the shit people do in CCM
It's like they haven't got a damn clue
160/160 on the Journey challenges, and I really hate myself for doing that
got a 90 OVR Jameis and a GAME-CHANGER PACK for winning the final challenge - how does this change my game?
and here's a pretty cool animation for one of the aggressive catches that I hadn't seen before during one of my last challenges:
Looks like we are still a couple weeks out to start CCM. Fuck you EA!
I think I saw that there were 160 challenges and decided that I wasn't gonna bother.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but do you ever play Madden in MUT?
I feel like I need to get back to actual work now for real life coins
What is the story with these MGS bux? Upgrading your base for what?
MUT packs
Maybe this is a stupid question, but do you ever play Madden in MUT?
omg that would be great
It's a totally optional part of the game Frenchie. You can do these like 1v1 invasion shits. Its a separate mode from anything in the main game.
After the progressive characterization of this summer's excellent Mad Max: Fury Road, the game's treatment of its few women is especially disappointing. The closest thing Mad Max has to a female lead, a woman not coincidentally named Hope, is a concubine for the villain and a love interest for Max. Her sole purpose in the plot is to make the bad guys more evil and provide motivation for the hero to fight. She's a damsel in distress stereotype, and it's more disheartening after having seen such a great example of the opposite in theaters just a few months ago
I should've given Diablo 3 a shot - love games like thatDon't worry greg, I went full Diablo this week
Started a Barbarian and a Crusader that I'm leveling. Maybe Witch Doctor soon since it's apparently a less played class.
no cooz, 5/10
anyone want to play a game of madden before the auction draft?
it starts to get a bit interesting once the rewards ramp up/you're against all-madden difficulty and can't rely on being able to score every time against the good defenses, but all the random Madden occurrences that make the game fun turn that mode to shit when you have to sit through 2 minutes of loading because of some fluke play on a challenge that lasts a minute
I did notice the jump from all-pro to all-madden is pretty big though - huge difference in pass accuracy and consistency, especially when on the move or even while standing in the pocket and trying to use the lead controls
I will say though that running with the QB is easier than ever
up the middle they have some kind of mechanic in place that slows you down, but if you clear the ends it's pretty easy getting big chunks outside by redirecting your back/TE up the field
I could break big 15-yard gains on the ground or huge chunks in the air when the D bites on me outside even on all-madden
the ends disengage and pursue much faster in all-madden, but it still works often
Is Madden still a football game?
Ill go easier on you next time, frenchie.
beat me all you want in these exhibitions! when the bullets are live we'll see
You are destined to lose this season.
Finally home and playing Madden!
How do I get my bonus MUT packs for pre-ordering?
you should have gotten an email from wherever you ordered
Looking for one more game tonight if anyone is down, I just intercepted peyton manning five times i'm on firrrrrrrrre