That guy gets me every time. He's an amazing actor....or is he just clumsy?
Smokey post if you are ok.
That ending hahahahahahahahaha.
I'm ok
Was a good game.
dota == stupid == true
Wow. You're so cool
God is real.....
.... and hes a bear
They were pretty terrible besides the Bane.
>Game is easy
dota == stupid == true
Product Update - Valve 12:19am
* Fixed a bug that could cause the last player on Dire to be unable to purchase items
See! Two Stick and I were robbed!Rors wasnt lying!
I think FMTier probably won us all those games. They were way too easy.
French '2stickz' MovieTheme![]()
so in a WAY, a very real way, you are saying i was MVP?!
Yea, game can look fantastic.
What card are you using now days?
Probably going to get a 980 or 980ti when that pops.
driving line? smokey pls
racing game equivalent of user-controlled JJ Watt
tough fam loveyumad
Smash bros AND/OR mario kart today! Come on you bastards!
liesI started with a line as well. Sadly, somehow, not all racing games have the same level of physics. Takes some time getting used to a particular game's feel, along with tracks you may have never driven on. Think I used it for a couple days before disabling.
every racer is modeled after R.C. Pro-Am
yeah, such an amazing gameGreatest racer ever. Fuck the orange car tho, I hated when he got that insane speed for no reason.
in on both
think i can finish the order start to finish before we start?
When we playing smash?!
There's Another Splatoon test tonight too right?