The Dutch Slayer
Waiting for the GB quick look but I'm almost sure I'll pick this one up 
You're not. Go to the options and turn off the sound effects.Great! I only played Okami on PS2 for less than an hour, but I recall being irritated that I could not skip text when I was done reading. The game dialogue is in Banjo-Kazooie/Animal Crossing-esque incoherent talking, why the hell was I being forced to hear it?
2 more days..reminds me that I need to buy a MS point card today
Umm... I think you're going to need a PSN card, not MS points...
Am I crazy for liking the entire trilogy?
As a Shintoist I find this game offensive. How dare they present the Sun Goddess as a base animal. I demand that all depictions of Shintoism be removed.
Presenting, the brand new Okami HD!
Is it 60 or 30 fps
Good question. Does anyone know?
Two hours in, it's holding steady at 30.
Two hours in, it's holding steady at 30.
Thanks for the videos! The game is looking really good. I'm waiting for my $20 credit so I can buy it.
Picked up my PSN card in preparation. So much hype for this HD remake.
It's going to be beautiful.
That clip has "blinding white" Amaterasu like some of the screenshots, but I noticed there were others that had a more pronounced paper filter like the PS2 version did. I remember hearing early on that there was supposed to be an option to tweak the filter; have you given that a try?
Never played Okami but just picked it up for the Wii(and just picked up the console itself).
I'm playing Skyward Sword, loving it, and about to beat it. Will I get burned out if I start Okami? Is the gameplay that similar? Keep in mind I have Xenoblade as well, and am dying to start that but I've wanted to try Okami for years.
Did the original not have a 'light'', 'normal', 'heavy' filter? This new version does.
Looking forward to playing Okami 2 again, but too bad I have to go through Okami 1 to get to it. I've played that one so many times now. Probably will skip Okami 3.
Wait, Okami 2 and 3? When were those even announced?!?!?
what is happening
The game is fairly long, and has three distinct parts.
Is it up yet? I'm still at work.
Picked up my PSN card in preparation. So much hype for this HD remake.
It's going to be beautiful.
The original game was split into three distinct chapters. When people say Okami 2, they're referring to the second chapter of the game.
Capcom's always been the king of grammar and punctuation errors.
It runs perfect for me on PCSX2.
The last section is very short and all boss fights. It happens like...exactly after the third section is done. Unless you're including side quest clean up with the fourth section which would extend play time.Weren't they four? Each ending at? I remember each quarter being relatively independent storywise and each taking about the same time.Orochi, Ninetails, True Orochi, then Yami
You have a strange obsession with Tom Hardy, my friend. I looked at your post history, and over half of your posts feature some kind of Hardy GIF.