I'm on the fence with this one. Do I take the plunge?
I'm enjoying the hell out of my brand new Vita slim (I live in Taipei), and I've loaded up on quite a few titles as a result of the 14 for 14 sale...but do I plunk down another $10 out of my PSN wallet fund for this?
Here's the deal...I've never been a big fan of the pro skater video game genre. Having said that, I have dabbled and enjoyed them with passing interest, but it was always short lived.
I've been REALLY impressed with the indie title offerings on the Vita, and I'm willing to take a leap of faith with another one...but does this game appeal to those who aren't even into the skate boarding genre?
Sell me on it, GAF. You sold me on Spelunky already.
IHere's the deal...I've never been a big fan of the pro skater video game genre. Having said that, I have dabbled and enjoyed them with passing interest, but it was always short lived.
bought the game. tried playing but my hand gets cramped up D:
can i just pair a DS3 with it to play instead? lol.
Last I know of the developer from Roll7 that posts here said he was going to try and convince the team to prioritize patching in leaderboards.What is the latest update on potentially patching in leaderboards?
Last I know of the developer from Roll7 that posts here said he was going to try and convince the team to prioritize patching in leaderboards.
Bought this yesterday and wow Im hooked.
Quick question, I have completed all the stars for the first three amateur levels but level 4 will not unlock. Do I need to complete the pro levels first before it unlocks?
Why not just buy a Vita grip? It makes playing all games on Vita much more enjoyable. HORI grip ftw
I'm enjoying the hell out of this game though, once it clicks it just becomes so enjoyable. Great portable game too.
Have you completed the whole of level 3?
How is it? Thinking about taking the plunge tonight.
I'm so dumb, that was it. I was concentrating on getting all the stars that I assumed that I had completed the level already. Well thanks anyways.
Sorry I know it's only one level and I know the game only came out a few days ago but this is something that's pretty rare in games for me. I'm going to enjoy this feeling while it lasts.
I'm on the fence with this one. Do I take the plunge?
I'm enjoying the hell out of my brand new Vita slim (I live in Taipei), and I've loaded up on quite a few titles as a result of the 14 for 14 sale...but do I plunk down another $10 out of my PSN wallet fund for this?
Here's the deal...I've never been a big fan of the pro skater video game genre. Having said that, I have dabbled and enjoyed them with passing interest, but it was always short lived.
I've been REALLY impressed with the indie title offerings on the Vita, and I'm willing to take a leap of faith with another one...but does this game appeal to those who aren't even into the skate boarding genre?
Sell me on it, GAF. You sold me on Spelunky already.
OlliOlli: bjork approved
I was playing through the amateur spots yesterday, and the lowest ranking I got was in the 600s, even when I screwed up and got a couple hundred points, or whatever.Yay I'm still number 1 on base 2 and 4 pro. I expected to be overtaken during the night. Has this game sold like dogshit or something? I find it weird that I'm so high on the leaderboards on so many levels. I feel like the only explanation for this is that hardly anyone actually has this game.
Holy shit I'm number 1 on neon 1 pro now as well! Damn. Messed up the daily grind today though. My practice runs were pretty good and were better than the current highest score, but I messed up my landing at the end. Got a sick instead of a perfect landing.
So this gap in Junkyard 5 on pro. What the fuck? Any tips on how to get past it? I jump way too far if I try going from forklift to forklift, and not far enough if I try to avoid either of them.
Edit: NVM. I managed to do it. What an annoying gap though.
Early days, and baby steps.
Lol, I just got my first #1 on Junkyard 1 Pro. Finally taking it away from that KiiillRoy guy, He has enough, jeez.
Names: Myrkridian
Ok so this is off-topic but I'll add an on-topic comment after; how are you guys getting direct-feed screenshots of this game?
On-topic: This game is amazing! I have played it non-stop all weekend. Managed to come within 4,000 points of yesterday's Daily Grind during practice but didn't have the balls to try it for real!
Has anyone experiences crashing with this game? Not the in-game missed-landing variety either. The game has crashed no less than five times during gameplay.
Did Sony bankroll this? I wonder why it's a Vita exclusive...
Hold the home button and press start to take a screenshot of what you're playing. Then just go into your photo gallery and email it to yourself.
Have they fixed the crashes and added friends leaderboards yet?
I refuse to play this game again until they do so.
It's only been 5 days since the game came out and Roll7 is a small team, so, no.
Seems a little absurd that the game launched with such frequent crashing.
Took me forever to work out why I was losing all of my speed on the grinds.