It was said that you would withstand the Legends, not join them. You were to bring balance to the Rare Recruit, not leave it in darkness.
You were my brother, Chrono. I trusted you.
Also My sugo ususal i couldn't Wait for sw 1+2
4*base Zoro.....Nr 13 i believe?
5*Buggy....god dammit
My eternal struggle will Continue with the next sugo
I tried to resist the dark-side, but they promised me Legends. I'm only a flesh-and-blood man, I have my weaknesses. They also promised me Boa and, while I didn't get her specifically, I regret nothing.
Sorry about your Sugofest pulls, but at least it's only 15 wasted gems. It could have been worse.
I really wish they would run another FP event. I've been sitting on 50 pulls for what seems like forever now.
Agreed. I honestly forget FP is even a thing since I very rarely use them. Raising the cap would be nice, but if they held FP events more regularly, that would be fine too. Just give me a use for these things! Maybe then, when I get [or give] them for barrel-breaking, it won't feel like such a waste. :/
Luffy, Franky and Usopp. And of course shanks and Ace. And I believe it has the best sanji so far, which isn't hard.
XD + nice 4* Nami art
And congrats to our new legends owners Especially Chrono
And isn't that the most important thing? That delicious SW Nami art...
And thanks, Tidd. I never thought the day would come that I got a Legend, but I guess it's nice to expect the unexpected. You never know what might happen, even with a few pulls here and there. My goal of trying five pulls per Sugofest [unless it's an amazing one, in which case I did more than that] worked out well!
i'm trying to keep myself from blowing my other 40 gems on pulls
the only thing that keeps me from doing it is that little voice inside of my head
"surely the next sugo will have new units and boosted chars i don't have yet"
To be completely honest, if you already have a strong DEX team, this Sugofest is easily skippable. I pulled just out of random happenstance, it definitely wasn't planned [since my DEX team is already solid]. I also already had a lot of the other increased-rate units, such as G3 Luffy, Robin, etc. I just got very...very lucky.
If it helps, you're doing the right thing by not pulling. The odds are definitely against you. Best of luck to you in the next Sugofest, though. Hopefully that will be the long-awaited SW one! I'm not sure how much longer they can delay it.
trying to get a bunch of rainbow robbers is the most soul crushing grinding
It is. They're the one evolution material I have few of. I'm swimming in Elder Seahorse, though [pun slightly intended?].
Congrats on the Log Luffy Chrono, I got Log Sanji and Zoro then a bunch of dupes (which tbf I can use in Sengoku team).
Also lol I surprisingly got Kimono Nami before Kimono Luffy (still ain't got him yet) XD
I really need the skill up event and sockets, keeping some base levelled characters for that reason
Edit: Oh yeah got Log Brooks >_>
So I have all Log Straw Hats except for Luffy, Nami and Robin
Man, you already got Kimono Nami? I want her, she won't show up for me! Maybe she's been talking with Boa Hancock and now they're both ignoring me. ;_;
Hopefully soon. It hurts not getting them, especially when Fortnights like the current one appears...
Yeah, it's really painful not having sockets when a special event island comes around [like the Straw Hat/Kimono one] and you're farming for skill-up's. I'd like to socket the kimono units, in addition to raising their skill levels, but I don't know how long I'll be able to hold onto multiple copies...
It might be because I'm new that I can't tell but, what's so good about Black Shanks?
Sure, he'd be a fine 5* or whatever, but he seems like a really subpar legend, am I missing something? He seems like a Legend version of your favourite (the one you pulled most) Point Chopper.
I'm still rerolling, just in case, but I don't think I will be able to top my current account, so I'll post de ID later (got Log Chopper, Black Shanks and Balloon Luffy, yay!).
Wow, congrats on that account! A Legend [SW Shanks] + Balloon Luffy is a hell of a start, you did great. I know you were trying for Log Luffy/Rayleigh/Sengoku, but SW Shanks is an amazing unit in his own right so I wouldn't risk things further, especially with Balloon Luffy [evolvable to G3 Luffy] as another recruit. That's an incredible start!
Will add you once you post your ID, and have fun with the rest of the game. Any questions/comments, feel free to post them here and we'll try to help you.
3 pulls, 3 dupes, 0 Legends - business as usual for me me...
i could be disappointed...but...
Holy shit - you broke the curse ? You are indeed the child of the Prophecy
Thats awesome...not just pulling a Legend but frigging Log Luffy - congrats :-D
Yes, curse broken and it feels great. It's worth the horrible pulls I received during the last three straight Sugofest, it was all building to this moment. Sorry to hear about your three dupes, hopefully they're of some level of rarity that you can later use for sockets? They had better not have been Hachi!
ok, this game is officially fucking with me.
being fighting against the urge to pull all day.. so i remember that my old secondary account has some gems, and like many other times I decide to pull there to scratch the itch.
had 17 gems, plus the 1 of today and the one for the error makes 19..i decide to make the first 4 stages of Alubarna to reach 20.
and then I pull
-robin (dupe)
-DEX chopper (expected being double boosted)
-normal usopp (it's like the fourth on this account)
then last one.. and I'm thinking , wouldn't be absurd if this is a leg-
*red poster flies*
And now I have an old secondary account that haven't been seen use in months with a sengoku while my main account has no legend.. and I don't think I have the time or the strenght to use both accounts...
if I didn't studied statistics and the gambler's fallacy I would said I wasted my luck
I was so happy and was about to congratulate you, then I saw the words "secondary account". I'm so sorry.
This is precisely why I only have a main, since I know all of my good pulls would generally be centered on my secondary account making me feel worse about my primary. That split luck between accounts, as it were. I was also going to suggest maybe making the secondary your primary, but after seeing how advanced your main account is, that probably isn't feasible [as you said].
At least you can say you have a Legend now! They don't have to know that it's on your secondary/alt account that you rarely play. We can keep a secret.
Damn congrats chrono and lucy!
i got really hyped after i saw your log luffy and decided to pull.
decided to pull one time and got the legend, the one and only, GOD COBY!
later i pulled a few more times, because i had quite a few gems saved up and..
my face was basically
it's pretty unreal after all this time to finally see a red one fall
the best part is that boa is first legend i really wanted.
even if she isn't often used as a captain she is a beast, an awesome sub, a great special and i can use her for turtle times instead of ace

Oh man, congrats! That art is just perfection, and she's a great unit besides that. Seriously, she's an amazing pull. And yes, seeing that red poster fall was surreal. I was literally speechless, until Log Luffy appeared and then I exploded into excitement.
Nice to see another leave the Legend-less Club [yes, you count as having Sengoku, Maju]. We still have a few remaining, but don't give up hope. Your day will come too!