Only new colosseum character is Alvida. Coby and Wyper are returning with her. I'm somehow disappointed but I guess it's okay because you don't have to worry about farming anyone else.
Alvida is great but i need my killer ;__;
This will take a while if they don't change the order. We still need Franky, Vista, and Capone of the chaos only characters. So at least 12 more weeks. But not like it will matter. Everyone here will quit after the anniversary sugo.![]()
Only new colosseum character is Alvida. Coby and Wyper are returning with her. I'm somehow disappointed but I guess it's okay because you don't have to worry about farming anyone else.
why would anyone quit right after getting every legend??
why would anyone quit right after getting every legend??
Maybe they are having a rather slow Colo run because next month is PACKED with stuff.
I wonder...what stage is the best to run if only need Zoro/Luffy dupes dor Sockets ? 15stam or just 20 stam ?
Rayleigh points, duhWhy do you want every legend if Akainu is enough?
It's always 30. But can try lower difficulties and report back how the rate was.
When is the anni anyway?
Jesus H. Coby, I cannot for the life of me get the hang of this Zeff team for the ranking. Gotten up to 830k, but I always wind up missing one somewhere and I think that ruins me. What matters more for this ranking, never missing, or clearing in one stage? Sometimes I get that rare stage of 3 turtles/1penguin and I cant break the def, or I'll get bad orbs on Kuro and just get hit
Jesus H. Coby, I cannot for the life of me get the hang of this Zeff team for the ranking. Gotten up to 830k, but I always wind up missing one somewhere and I think that ruins me. What matters more for this ranking, never missing, or clearing in one stage? Sometimes I get that rare stage of 3 turtles/1penguin and I cant break the def, or I'll get bad orbs on Kuro and just get hit
Seeing some streams it looked like people got 1 Legend every 2 multipulls on average.
I've seen people score above 900k, so there has to be some leeway somewhere, probably getting team cost even lower with evolvers or something?
I think that's it. Getting a 1 cost evolver on there gives you a ton of leeway, considering you're usually looking at a minimum of 8-10 cost per character. The problem then is making sure you can still clear every stage quickly. I don't know if it's possible, but a team of, say, Double Zeff, Horn Point Chopper, Kimono Sanji, and two Hermit Crabs would get a really high score if you could hit all Perfects and clear every stage in one turn. You'd be screwed if any stage had 5 enemies though.
And the Dorry Coliseum has been cleared, meaning I'm done with all the current Coliseums. Feels good to almost have my Marco's sockets maxed, 2 Bind, 3 Despair, and 2 Charge Special to go till max.
What do you use for Marco sockets?
Bind, Despair, Autoheal, Charge Special, and Slots
Oh, sorry, I mean, who can you use to socket him![]()
I had a team cost of slightly below 70, did everything in one turn and only had one single miss which resulted in exactly 850k. But my overall damage was probably a bit on the lower side. Going by feel of my ~6 runs, I'd say you can manage on average with 3-4 greats or 2-3 goods or a single miss, everything more and you will probably not reach the target. Additionally you might need some stage luck to not get certain enemy combinations and a bit of orb luck on Kuro to make it all work.
I've seen people score above 900k, so there has to be some leeway somewhere, probably getting team cost even lower with evolvers or something?
What worked for me - team cost under 50 and clearing every stage in one turn. If you get this done and dont "miss" you should get +850k. If it gets tough on a run just go for a great/good.. i had 2-3 not perfects and it was enough - i dont know if you can come back from a "miss"...
Other Marcos and socket books, so socket books mainly.
I didn't realize those dropped from the Colo maps I guess. I need to get farming!
Yup, you get 6 per Chaos Coliseum as rewards, more if you're clearing the stage multiple times and get books to drop in the proces. Every set of three(for the moment) means 18 more books as I haven't been clearing any before boss rush dropped. So I'm more than cool repeats atm, Colo Coby should be both easy and worth running.
Heyyy, finally beat Dorry's coliseum. Easier than I thought. Might farm him a bit -- does he really see any use?
Excited to get Alvida next though, looks to be an easy clear/max one.
Funny you mention that, I made a monster post for analysis on the subreddit. I'd say farm him casually, he'll be coming back. But he certainly has his uses.
Sweet, I'll give that a read. I've got INTHawk and LLucci, so slasher/powerhouses are welcome
Three day, two year. It'll make sense eventuallyI've only just started watching the anime, so perhaps this is commonly known, but what does "3D2Y" mean? I see it all over the place. Don't want to google for fear of random spoilers.
I've only just started watching the anime, so perhaps this is commonly known, but what does "3D2Y" mean? I see it all over the place. Don't want to google for fear of random spoilers.
If you play the game you should already know but keep watching, it will make sense eventually
Why the fuck is the rainbow dragon not a 100% drop.
7 runs with nothing, holy balls, game.
Without going into spoilers, there was a timeskip at, supposedly, the halfway point of the series. The meaning of 3D2Y ties into that, but in terms of the units themselves it is basically the crew during that timeskip. Japan just started putting out the post timeskip units as gacha and 5*+ evolutions.I've only just started watching the anime, so perhaps this is commonly known, but what does "3D2Y" mean? I see it all over the place. Don't want to google for fear of random spoilers.