but the shop it's made for whales and whales only...as a f2p or even as a moderately p2p guy you can at best get some ships.
Thanks, now I got the idea of shop, it seems its somewhat same as in PAD.
but the shop it's made for whales and whales only...as a f2p or even as a moderately p2p guy you can at best get some ships.
Also, unless I missed it, raids are up for February:
2/23 Boa
I've had a WB since I started the game, never used him much except as a sub on rare occasions. Decided to give him a try as a leader on the 35 stam map today.
I've been missing out. Double WB is just insane. Running him with mihawk and the new boat, so that's 30%, 30%, 30% and then 20% cut on boss.
I wonder if I could get boss into Sugar range.... need to crunch some numbers.
Do you have Leo?
Yeah I have leo. I also have the usopp that has a 10% cut. I think I can do it. How much HP does the 35 stam boss have? I'm pretty sure I can do it on 30 stam.
Hobby-Hobby Fruit
Removes all enemies with HP below 20%
The special bypasses all known protective buffs. If the enemy can revive after being defeated, however, the special will only reduce the enemy's HP to 0 and trigger their revive effect.
Sweet, I should be able to get her another 1/8th done then
I guess I take back my conspiracy theories of OPTC events being fake and designed to create a narrative of just barely making it, we're halfway done with the Ace event on day 1
I wonder if they'll add any reward tiersGenerally this sort of thing is designed so that it won't fail. They have the data on how often people run events, etc, so they just calculate the totals so that we'd hit the goal within the time limit.
That being said, I think they can still underestimate (our Save Ace) and overestimate (JPN Save Ace) player participation. Probably helps that 20stam Akainu is fairly easy and still offers decent rewards.
for killer you just want to like taptaptaptap four people(just immediately, dont wait for them to run up even), and the fourth person will be the first one boosted by his ability. From there just play normallyWhat's the secret to using Killer for this challenge... I dunno what I'm doing wrong. Even when I get over 50k in an attack it won't always register. I was keeping count one time and I thought I had 15, but it gave me credit for 4. I'm pretty sure I'm not using Killer the right way. How do I get 3 hits of less than good? Just tap quickly?
for killer you just want to like taptaptaptap four people(just immediately, dont wait for them to run up even), and the fourth person will be the first one boosted by his ability. From there just play normally
Thanks... you don't wanna know what I was doingThis is much easier!
I wonder if they'll add any reward tiers
it'd be nice if they added a 30mm tier for 5 almighty books
Whew, beat 35 with not much time to spare. Going to hold off trying to farm a 35 until Aokiji.
I got Yamakaji in my 35 run which is a new unit so that was pretty cool
edit: I used the Shiki/Doffy/Story Enel/Colo Coby/GP Usopp team that's going around and it was very easy but pretty dicey. Really one of those "one mistake will FUCK you" teams
Man I've been lucky to have Yamakiji show only twice in 20 stam and he dropped skill books both times. What's his clas/special?
Blah...he's a story mode drop, but he's a Slasher/Driven that reduces damage by 60% for one turn. Pretty garbage but hey new unit.
no idea what to use for Aokiji, found some teams but none particularly safe at first glance... the fact that he silences a random unit really makes things difficult
Damn, that's nice. Good going. I'm still trying to get Story Croc to drop before I start worrying about Lucci. Probably my most wanted non-Legend at the moment.I didn't do much today and actually let some stamina get wasted by being inattentive. Evening came, I decided eh, I should hit up Story Lucci and see if I can finally get him to drop. 3rd run in, he drops! Feelsgoodman.jpg
I just started playing this game.
How do I reroll?
Here are the last two double Legend accounts that I have(Gear 3rd is basically a Legend tbqh...) to give away. I'm hesitant to recommend either however, as both are outside of the traditional 'Pick crazy Legend, stomp through early content' path for a Legend starting account. Shanks + Boa is questionable because both are color Legends rather than class Legends and color Legends are generally considered weaker as they're restrained by the rock-paper-scissor system while, say, Legend Jinbe isn't as units of a class can come from any color. They're also considered to be some of the weaker Legends. Meanwhile, Gear 3rd + Corazon is different in that Corazon shines at clearing Forests, the hardest content in the game, but isn't someone you really use to clear the content you spend the vast majority of your time on such as raids and fortnights. Gear 3rd is excellent but not being a Legend, it could (arguably) be considered a weak choice from a collector's standpoint that aims to have as many Legend units as possible.
Knowing all that, feel free to grab either account, or alternatively wait for the upcoming Sugofest as many here have recommended. You really can't go wrong with any of these accounts or rerolling though; if you've got a favorite character among the Legends, do you and go for what you feel will make the game most enjoyable for you.
Maybe EMT0 can help you:
Or if you want to reroll:
- Do tutorial
- Make a pull
1. If its something fabulous start playing
2. 99% chances outside of Sugofest its crap (we will have Sugofest in few days), reroll by clearing data and doing Tutorial again.
1. For rooted devices & rooted emulators: Reddit Reroll guide.
Good luck.
Aokiji 35stam was much easier than Akainu yesterday - didnt know they are only up for a day.
Went in blind - standard Slasher team got it done. You can get bind by some fools for 5 turns in the middle of the stage - so better have the Sockets ready to get it down to 2-3 but thats it.
Akainu is the hardest of the 3 (apparently).
Seeing you people using your fancy Slasher boosters reminds me I don't even have Koza.
Every time a silver post appears in a Sugo, I wonder if it'll finally be him. But it never is.
Aokiji 35stam was much easier than Akainu yesterday - didnt know they are only up for a day.
Went in blind - standard Slasher team got it done. You can get bind by some fools for 5 turns in the middle of the stage - so better have the Sockets ready to get it down to 2-3 but thats it.
EDIT: Courtesy of reddit time travelers, data download was more raid bosses for this month. Looks like Clash event for Part 2 of anniversary (16th-19th):
9th Ivankov
12th Doffy
16th Mihawk
17th Garp
18th Monster Chopper
19th Duval
23rd Hancock
26th Empty Slot
Makes sense he was a beast during that Arc. Just weird that they started with him...you would think they would begin with the easier two and have him at the end.
Any good guides for story islands? I only ask because they are starting to get really random difficulty wise. I have been slacking lately with a total of 6 story islands left to complete. Was hoping to power through them soon to save for a good sugo. Some of these stages seem harder than most fortnights.
Aokiji 35stam was much easier than Akainu yesterday - didnt know they are only up for a day.