So what's the almighty book drop rate anyway? 1%?
around 2/3%
So what's the almighty book drop rate anyway? 1%?
TL;DR: I'm not having too much fun with the game, since I'm not able to play quite a big part of the hard content right now. While the difficulty has definitely increased, part of the fault is mine, since I haven't pulled in 4 months and the game doesn't expect its playerbase to have such a will power lol.
Aokiji is legit my least favorite raid in the game tho.
Guys, I finally got my 50th Lucci book to drop. I'm officially ready to save Ace! Where'd he go?
i'm on the opposite i stopped killing marines...had 30 marineford luffy books,got 1 skillup from every set of 5 bar i just farmed another 5 books and called it a day and i'm gonna use them during the skillup event..if they work,great,it's max at 17 turns..if not it's still usable at 18
now i'm farming colo franky (even though i don't know if i'll have enough space to farm 60 of those)..then i will farm the last 4 beast lucci in the last couple days of it....gave up totally on getting a decent amount of legend lucci books since they totally disappeared after the first couple days...i have like 10 of them...but also i don't have legend lucci, so...
Personally I'd wait for the 2Y Sunny to farm Franky copies, unless you're just doing it with your natural stamina. No stall coliseum farming sounds like a dream. It just might be the most useful thing to come out of this anniversary event.
Really? Why are you so much higher leveled than me...i always farm just with natural stamina
around 2/3%
I did a yolo pull.
with Legend crocodile what is the threshold of damage from his captain ability?
He maxes out at 3.25x
i know its 3.25 is that below 30%? thats why i'm asking what are the damages above that then?
It's 1.5x at full hp and 3.25x at 1hp.
ok so if you have 2% hp you only get 1.5 damage?
Boosts ATK of Cerebral characters proportionally to the crew's current HP
The exact multiplier used to compute the damage is proportional to the crew's remaining HP and is higher the lower the HP is. The multiplier is calculated as 1.5 + 1.75 * (1 - (remaining HP) / (total HP)). At full health the boost is equal to 1.5x, with 1 HP left to 3.25x.
Really? Why are you so much higher leveled than me...
Goal for this week: Get 5 legend Lucci & MF Luffy books each day. And max at least Fujitora with CC.
Really though? I would love a Kizaru, that special is pretty damn good.Did a 10 pull
10 dupes
A little disappointed tbh. Was hoping for Law or Whitebeard
Oh yeah he's a dope unitReally though? I would love a Kizaru, that special is pretty damn good.
Threw a single on day 2 and 3, got 4* DeCalvan Brothers (dupe) and 4* Bastille (dupe).
It's ridiculous, I hardly have any RR at all and am pulling dupes 80% of the time.
Overall I'm a bit burned out from OPTC. Doesn't help that Yakuza/Nioh/Nier/Persona 5 release back to back, after a year of nothing particulary intersting on traditional gaming platforms for me. Having to run those long-ass event stages and meat rate-up takes a big amount of time and for the first time in nearly half a year I just didn't care about playing efficiently and rather turned on my PS4.
My excitement also went down some more with the dissapointing part II announcement. I'll hang around for now, but not pulling anything interesting next sugo or a delayed 6.0 patch might actually make me quit on the spot, since I'm close to my point of no return, where mindless fun turns to compulsive annoyance.
That's funny, RNG wise I need both of those.
Meat-up is definitely hurting me now since the event takes a while. I just got a meat up on full stamina and went.... well.... I guess I'll play....
I'm mostly in it for some good books and CC, which I've gotten at least +50 on my Shanks legend. Need a skillup event badly
Are we getting all three admirals tonight or just Akainu
Hahaha it's just Akainu again
What the hell game
Well shit. So much for trying for a few more Foxy books.
Guess I'll try for QCK Lucci books and get Legend Lucci books instead.
Dude, you're always on the wrong side of the tinfoil hat. They never said they would be updating it; this is where they are giving something extra, no matter how many more we kill.This whole save Ace thing has been really poorly communicated. They STILL haven't updated the website with the new rewards.
really poorly communicated
Runs like that always hurt. Sorry.
Look, Global beat it hecka early, and they were not going to commit a ton of tiers for a bunch of prizes because you know we would have went ham as they (are supposed to) be better and better. They want us to feel like we're still contributing something to the event though. Why the fuck are you mentioning the website link, you want them to remove the link or something?What tinfoil hat? In various social media they kept saying "Keep going! Defeat more marines to earn additional prizes! *link to website*" If it was stuff we'd get regardless than I guess that was