if they can get that, why can't we? :'/
Global and Japan are different games!
if they can get that, why can't we? :'/
Global and Japan are different games!
So with the Hime Turtles I can't just special down their defense and kill them with like a SW Shanks or something?
I have a couple of fixed damage dealers but not a ton.
Is the new FN for Emporio Ivankov? I grabbed copy (2 actually) of Ivankov when Clash was here, so should I spend stamina to get books / drops for EI?
I have NEVER understood that argument. At all. That's the equivalent of saying that Persona 5 is a different game in Japan and the United States due to its staggered release. Just because they're not always 1 to 1 doesn't mean that Japan isn't our barometer for future content; we expect the vast majority of Japan's Sugofest units, Raids, fortnights, story mode, and Forests to drop for global and that's largely true. Barring some Kimono Fortnights, the games are roughly equivalent to where Japan was during the 2 Year Anniversary if you shift around the release schedule. We should absolutely be holding Global's feet to the fire when contrasting them to Japan, considering their own blueprint for what to release is OPTC Japan. If anything, they deserve more flak for diverging from the blueprint in a manner that's negative for Global's playerbase. They're not pulling the release schedule or plans for future content out of thin air :/
Not sure I understand correctly.
the new FN is Emporio Ivankov.
But it isnt the same as the Clash/Raid Ivankov.
Both are not really good.
Raid Ivankov is better. so you can use this FN Ivan to sockets the Raid Ivan.
Also the same for all fortnight, there will be no skill books for the bosses.
If you have Senor/Trebol/SW Zoro/Giolla, you should try to farm their books. especially Trebol/Senor.
The other running FN.
Wanze is also another average character.
Koala books is great. Hack and Kuma is good.
Koza Vivi Mehh.. but you can use this Koza to socket RR Koza.
Sengoku/Towel Nami books are great.
I agree with that. They knew far aarge part of the global audience was looking forward to the 2YAnni ship because it meant that some people could farm Raids that are use outside of their comfort zone.But there is definitely a bar the Western devs need to to meet if they don't want people to complain. And I would say that they've failed at meeting my expectations with the Anniversary stuff, seeing how I can only use the Anniversary Sunny to clear easy raid bosses, turtles and uninteresting Coliseum units
Yup thanks this clears, I have Raid Ivankov and will try to get FN Ivan to socket it.
Woo awesome, glad I focused so much on Shanks. I kept hearing how lackluster of a Legend SW Shanks was and how there's so many better Legends but out of all the characters I have I think Shanks is probably my favorite to use. So it's good to hear he'll continue to be useful. Running the proper Shanks PSY teams makes powering through some content easyYeah SW Shanks and Helmeppo works too. You only need to kill the turtles with your normal attack which takes a bit longer than the fixed damage dealers.
but I am starting to feel like there could be more stuff in the game if this was the Anniversary.
Woo awesome, glad I focused so much on Shanks. I kept hearing how lackluster of a Legend SW Shanks was and how there's so many better Legends but out of all the characters I have I think Shanks is probably my favorite to use. So it's good to hear he'll continue to be useful. Running the proper Shanks PSY teams makes powering through some content easy
I think a bit of an issue with the "oh this legend is lackluster" mentality is that people generally judge legends by content-clear-rates.
(e.g. if you use shanks you can clear these forests, raids and collo stages) which is basically the area pure color legends/teams are worst in.
But while some units may not be particularly versatile or vital to the metagame, that doesn't mean they might not be fun to use or easy/fun options to clear some content.
As versatile as LOG luffy is for example, the chance to mess up if you miss your timing makes him a bit annoying to use for just casual fortnight farming; while SW Shanks is like playing on autopilot sometimes with the orb chance boost.
Can confirm; Shanks is a joy to use, while it's part of the reason why I legitimately don't want to pull Legend Law. 6 Perfects, nonstop, every single time I want to use him? Eff that, that sounds awful. At least Legend Doffy is a 10/10 sub.
Got it wrong..
When people are speaking of Law, do they usually mean the Legendary version?I would enjoy pulling law.
I forgot and found again that during Sugo I pulled 4* Inazuma and this FN 15 STA version drops farmable version of Inazuma, going to socket it.
Not sure how handy / bad Inazuma the Revolutionary is but seems to have relatively high HP max and nice damage reduction skill.
When people are speaking of Law, do they usually mean the Legendary version?
1. RR Izo is an essential unit for some future content like colo invasion young whitebeard.
2. Yeah usually when people talk Law it's prooobably legend law, but it depends a bit on context.
(rr law is an orb switcher for dex teams, legend law is a psy character)
Nice, reason I asked is that I got Dex Law (4*) from Sugo.
Man...for one second i thought you used the Meat to get your Ace to level 70...puh. But you did everything right - yeah those Meats are perfect to max lvl your Legend unit asap.Nice, reason I asked is that I got Dex Law (4*) from Sugo.
Also used some random turtles to get my Ace level 70.
Feels good. I will level Cavendish (74) & Sabo (63) with Turtles so I have one meat pack left for something. Great to see max leveled units in my friendlist, power of Meats![]()
DEX law is a great unit, as a randomizer you can reset his orbs by turning off the game. (to guarantee 2-3 green orbs for your hardest hitters)
A few things:
1. on his own you can just keep resetting till you get enough orbs. (tedious but a life saver)
2. with apoo you can get guaranteed full green orbs on a pure dex team:
http://optc-db.github.io/characters/#/view/359 (different classes tho, so only works well for pure dex teams with a pure dex lead like law)
3. with Blenheim you can get all "matching" orbs on a DEX team too: (slasher friendly)
Man...for one second i thought you used the Meat to get your Ace to level 70...puh. But you did everything right - yeah those Meats are perfect to max lvl your Legend unit asap.
Good thing is that I have all 3 units.
1. Law 4*
2. Apoo 5*
3. Blenheim 4*, Blenheim 4*, Blenheim 5*. One 10+1 gave 3 Blenheims
S/L (Stop / Load) / Reset is familiar. Been doing it with Shiryu and I have managed to clear some content that was "No way I can clear this" for me.
If Dex team is needed in some dungeon, those 3 + Raid Mihawk as 4th member and then some flex spot?
Dex choices I have for the Flex spot:
- Namule
- Caesar
- TTChopper GP
- Lafitte
- Brook
- Orlumbus
- Some form of Zoro
- GGG MD Luffy
- SW Ace
Really loving how quick runs are during this event
Before we got those meats. I was wondering wtf you all are meaning with meats. Some way to refresh stamina or something![]()
Erm actually before that i was talking about the meat you get from snail to refresh stamina...that something different again.
Need a twitter account for it to work - most just use a fake account so it doesnt blow up their regular Twitter acc timeline.
Blenheim/Law work best with Doflamingo to guarantee his 2x boost works for every orb, so an option would be:
gpusopp/[any other slasher]
That final slot could be a DEX slasher of some kind, or alternatively a booster that works on top of Doffy. (mr.1, koza or something)
Indeed! I used the new ship to finish off Marineford 2 while it's 1/2 STA. No stalling makes those stages FAR more palpable.Really loving how quick runs are during this event
Gems from the snails are INSANELY rare. So much so, that I've been playing for > 675 days and have 3 legends yet have never gotten snail gems even once.Sofar 0 Gems from Snails and I started using Snails 2nd or 3rd day after playing.
Gems from the snails are INSANELY rare. So much so, that I've been playing for > 675 days and have 3 legends yet have never gotten snail gems even once.
I agree with that. They knew far aarge part of the global audience was looking forward to the 2YAnni ship because it meant that some people could farm Raids that are use outside of their comfort zone.
The fact that they are giving us the ship but it the type of content we would need to to really profit from the ship is kinda mean sprited tbh. Would it really had killed them or their global money making plans to have a 1-2 60 Stam raids or a better Colo rotation up right now? Just don't understand it.
I would enjoy pulling law cause good PSY slashers are hard to come by & his special would allow specials like inthawk to actually fuck up barrier enemies, but yeah as a captain I hate mechanics like that.
Yeah been abusing Snails, so thats good to go with fake acco. Obviously now that I would have time to use Stamina from Snails, they give 20k berries. Stupid event ended
Sofar 0 Gems from Snails and I started using Snails 2nd or 3rd day after playing.
But I thought that those "Meats" that were mentioned beside snails (Meats that come to inventory) are stamina pots or something.
OPTC is at its best when you can happily farm while watching a TV show or simply paying a bit of attention to your surroundings so you don't miss your bus stop. Those mechanics suck. Especially for heavy raid boss farming.
it hurt but I took a 5/5 CD socket off my Intvankov and put on a 1/5 orbs
just gotta tell myself it's for the greater good
edit: Also is it just me or is Inazuma REALLY common
Ugh, if I have ANYTHING playing, at all, I just can't use log luffy.
timing-teams for me require total concentration on the game.
I uh...don't need to farm any of these FNs. Giolla/Urouge books would be the only interesting stuff actually.
Oh well, finished all of the story islands instead. Maybe I'll farm some story characters now that FP sugo is out of the picture. Still need Enel, QCK Lucci, Admirals,...well pretty much every good story character that isn't Slasherdile, really.
Eh Hogback seems fine and Zeff seems alright too (although I prefer Old Man Zeff's special). Other than that doesn't seem like any of the characters are terribly interesting to me. But that's just me.Any of the FN characters worthwhile? I was trying to find an analysis on reddit but came up empty so far. None seem to blow me away.
Cindry + Towel Nami gives you a full board of INT orbs, IIRC.
Now that I don't need to stall in story, Iam using my stamina to go further in story (story is awesome btw). Clearing Island Long Ring Long Land.
btw. Are you ready to stone for Mihawk or you only gonna get one copy ? With skillup coming soon i would recommend to farm as many copies as possible max skill him. Will help you out a lot.