Yup, finally time to put the Duck Squad to bed. Er, pasture. I guess.
-28 Duck Squad copies (oh why did I do this?)
-12 GP Usopp books (need 2 levels)
-18 Marco books (need 5 levels, I think)
-20 Bonney books (don't even have her

-4658 Green Ducks (estimated)
I think the Reddit research thread speculated that the drop rates for those three books were roughly equal (with Bonney as the rarest, even), so I didn't quite get the same results. Hopefully I have enough for Usopp, though. I'm not expecting to max Marco here, but the closer I get the better.
As annoying as this fortnight could be at times, I actually enjoyed it a bit since it let me do two things I'd wanted to do in the game:
-Build a RCV-focused team
-Build a team that intentionally uses two different captains, instead of just doubling up the ideal choice (used Log Nami + Towel Nami here)
I just love the events that force unusual teams. The Impel Down fortnights should be good for this as well.