Hey, what's the fourth row of spells, 'tran'? And is it ever possible for a character to have more than one type?
My current party:
Nothing too special yet, of course.
Groan, I've just noticed the physician's anti-shuffle ability (like whistle in Demon Gaze). Presumably that means it's essential to have it up in boss fights. I hate enemies that do that!
Groan, I've just noticed the physician's anti-shuffle ability (like whistle in Demon Gaze). Presumably that means it's essential to have it up in boss fights. I hate enemies that do that!
Yeah, I'm eyeing up a lance for my knight just in case. Is it possible to change formation in battle if you get hit with shuffle? Perhaps the tool Neo Default (cancel all enemy spells in play) helps.It's really nice when you find weapons for your front line that have medium range so they can still attack when shuffled to the back row. Samurai in particular once they learn the skills to attack multiple rows.
I'm actually considering swapping my Archer for a Wizard.Without a Wizard you'll want to have Float items (or accessories with Float, ideally, for anti-magic areas) on hand.
Yeah, I'm eyeing up a lance for my knight just in case. Is it possible to change formation in battle if you get hit with shuffle? Perhaps the tool Neo Default (cancel all enemy spells in play) helps.
I'm actually considering swapping my Archer for a Wizard.
Hngh, that is a hard choice. I'd get rid of my Healer, but that would TRULY be stupid.Its a hard choice to do, esp when you know how much damage the Archer can deal out. But most def the Wizard is important too considering the support and offensive magic it has to help pick up the slack in a tough fight.
Its a hard choice to do, esp when you know how much damage the Archer can deal out. But most def the Wizard is important too considering the support and offensive magic it has to help pick up the slack in a tough fight.
Uhhh. So I bought the game physically and downloaded the DLC off PSN. I noticed something strange when scrolling up though... The game shows up as free?
Hngh, that is a hard choice. I'd get rid of my Healer, but that would TRULY be stupid.
Later on a Wizard can take out bosses pretty much single-handed while everyone else just stays alive.
Magic Burst + Open Pandora + Fast Cast + Genesis Work
Thats odd, wonder if they screwed something up with PSN?
I edited it, it was just a trailer lol... gotta love how the search bar just jumbles everything together after a search.
Yeah its too bad PSN functionality is still a bit of a mess. Esp with the previous gen stuff.
Member Application -> List -> Register New Looks -> Party Member.How do I change character portraits? Trying to use the DLC since I was finally able to download it.
How much longer do I have until part II? I'm atthe mission looking for the irregular thingy in the babel sphere for the space envoy.
I've reached the level cap two dungeons ago, wasting all this EXP is getting to me. :/
Perhaps I am being really dense here, but how do I use a skill?
The wizard has a skill at level 1, called anti-energy. Description is 'next attack does increased damage to ectoplasmic etc etc'. Now, that sounds to me like it's something I have to select in battle, but I can't see a skill option in battle?
Perhaps I am being really dense here, but how do I use a skill?
The wizard has a skill at level 1, called anti-energy. Description is 'next attack does increased damage to ectoplasmic etc etc'. Now, that sounds to me like it's something I have to select in battle, but I can't see a skill option in battle?
Ah, ok, cheers, it's just worded in a bit of an odd way. Persumably they get the skills menu come up only when they have one or more skills you can directly activate.You could drag around a new character with you to get em exp. Its what I did for a while.
Babelsphere C1 X03Y13: Use Contact
C1 X16Y06 Next Loc
North sector far back, Unlock C3 Switch
South Sector far back, Unlock C3 Switch
From the central Warp in C1 which takes you to C3 Battle at X14Y14
C1 X03Y13: Use Contact
Turn in mission
Its a passive skill. Which means its always active. Active skills are ones that you have to activate manually. Such as the LV 7 skill "Boot Cast" for example.
Ended up picking it up since I'd heard it wasn't heavy on fanservice like Demon Gaze was. I'm now stuck at the character create screen gambling for stats. I've been settling for 7-8 on a few characters, but I've seen 9 and I must have it. At least the game isn't as bad as Class of Heroes where the bonus stats vary by a huge amount. Still, not sure when I'll get to actually playing the game at this rate.
I have a problem.
hahaha that happens a lot to certain players. Im like that too on occasion when am not doing my 1 roll rule.
Whats worse is when your mind goes numb and you skip right over a good roll due to your thumb keeps moving when your eyes say STOP lol.
Hah, I had that when trying to roll up a decent lord (paladin) in Elminage. Must have had three good rolls slip through my fingers!hahaha that happens a lot to certain players. Im like that too on occasion when am not doing my 1 roll rule.
Whats worse is when your mind goes numb and you skip right over a good roll due to your thumb keeps moving when your eyes say STOP lol.
The negatives in that review might be the best sell I've heard on this game yet, considering how terrible I found Demon Gaze and also considering it compares Operation Abyss to Dark Spire. Of course, if it truly is somehow worse than Demon Gaze, that would be impressive in its own right. Depending on when EO5 is supposed to hit, maybe I'll grab this to kill some time.Cool. Thanks for answering my questions, it's been a big help!
Funny that this guy hates it and wouldn't recommend it to anyone due to it being 'needlessly complex'. Quite a long review before coming to it's conclusion.
The negatives in that review might be the best sell I've heard on this game yet, considering how terrible I found Demon Gaze and also considering it compares Operation Abyss to Dark Spire. Of course, if it truly is somehow worse than Demon Gaze, that would be impressive in its own right. Depending on when EO5 is supposed to hit, maybe I'll grab this to kill some time.
Hah, I had that when trying to roll up a decent lord (paladin) in Elminage. Must have had three good rolls slip through my fingers!
Question: do wizard's and academics have overlapping skills? Find myself wondering whether I should get an academic or a archer for my final back row.
I once played tabletop D&D about 20 years ago with a GM who was determined that we stuck with the rolls for each stat and chose classes accordingly. We had such a rubbish party, some of us aspired to be even just adequate at anything at all! Our big hitter did a single extra point of damage, and our wizard had the minimum amount of spells possible to still be called technically a 'magic user'. Good timesId imagine EO5 is still some times away considering we hardly have any info on it. D: Perhaps before TGS something new might come out or during TGS.
Its even worse in those games since you NEED the proper skill reqs to make certain classes. D: lol So sad when I screw that up.
Question: do wizard's and academic's have overlapping skills? Find myself wondering whether I should get an academic or a archer for my final back row.
I take it the identify spell is for high-level items, that his basic identify skill doesn't work on?No their skills are different.
In terms of attack magic Wizards have the elemental stuff, Academics have non-elemental damage.
Their buffs / debuffs are also different.
The academic is a mix of a caster and thief. Reason being it can detect and disarm the traps on chips and identify items with a spell you get later on in the magic tier.
I take it the identify spell is for high-level items, that his basic identify skill doesn't work on?
Likely, but I'll probably hold off on this until after e3 just in case it ends up there. I suspect I'll be picking this up soon, hope it delivers the goods.Id imagine EO5 is still some times away considering we hardly have any info on it. D: Perhaps before TGS something new might come out or during TGS.
No their skills are different.
In terms of attack magic Wizards have the elemental stuff, Academics have non-elemental damage.
Their buffs / debuffs are also different.
The academic is a mix of a caster and thief. Reason being it can detect and disarm the traps on chips and identify items with a spell you get later on in the magic tier. Plus you will want the skill that the Academic has to refill your U-gauge in battle, which is also unlocked at a later level.
I'm just used to having the academic identifying piles of junk manually while walking around until he gets scared, then everyone helps him walk it offThe basic passive is for when you find an item I do believe, there is a chance it will be identified. But the spell itself is for 100% identifying something as long as you have spell charges left. Which is why in you just stand in the medbay and identify everything while refilling MP. A bit of a pain in the ass but saves you a TON of cash.
*sigh* I was hoping the Wizzard would have the identify skill as well. Can't stand not having that in a DRPG, so I guess no Archer for me... Oh well.
*sigh* I was hoping the Wizzard would have the identify skill as well. Can't stand not having that in a DRPG, so I guess no Archer for me... Oh well.
Very good to hear more of you have gotten the title in your hands, hope everyone enjoys the game! Will be a different experience from Demon Gaze thats for sure.
Seems like most of the common front line set (warrior/knight/samurai) all have a place too. Of those three, I can see myself experimenting with swapping out the warrior for the monk once my samurai's strength has improved a bit, but the Samurai seems good for crowd control and the knight for tanking boss battles.It's hard to fit an Archer on the back-row, since a Priest, a Wizard and an Academic are pretty much must-haves.
...but...but I like Demon Gaze...
(My copy arrives tomorrow)