Thanks. ^^Ill have to look at the issue you are having in the Demon Gaze thread and do a post there after finding info on it. Saw that you did a post there.
Thanks. ^^Ill have to look at the issue you are having in the Demon Gaze thread and do a post there after finding info on it. Saw that you did a post there.
Do you like any drpgs? If so, what do you generally look for in them?
I can't answer as i haven't played this game yet, but that's sort of vital information for anyone to properly answer you.
The base combat is the same as with most of the general classes. The main difference with this title would be the story / setting and crafting system. Along with a few gameplay features such as MP goes by the old school type of design which is limited uses per levels of magic. Vs an pool of MP which spells draw from.
If it was the base combat that you did not enjoy, then you might not enjoy this game also.
Let us know what you did not like about Demon Gaze in particular and should be easier to give you a more exact answer.
To be honest, I'm not very picky in DRPGs, I just want a solid dungeon design along with a simple yet deep battle system and customization. But I really can't say much with Demon Gaze. Spend a good 15+ hours but it just didn't click with me. As for what I didn't like, first, money seem hard to come by along with the annoying pay rent system. Then, getting equipment is luck based with the summoning on Demon circles (sorry I forgot what they called). I remember farming for a day or two but never got anything good or even decent. For the battle system, its weird, I like it and hate it at the same time. Random mobs are easy, but there are sudden difficulty spikes during bosses, didn't feel balanced for me.
Sorry, if my thoughts are kinda vague since I don't usually say much about the games I usually play even those I didn't like.
To be honest, I'm not very picky in DRPGs, I just want a solid dungeon design along with a simple yet deep battle system and customization. But I really can't say much with Demon Gaze. Spend a good 15+ hours but it just didn't click with me. As for what I didn't like, first, money seem hard to come by along with the annoying pay rent system. Then, getting equipment is luck based with the summoning on Demon circles (sorry I forgot what they called). I remember farming for a day or two but never got anything good or even decent. For the battle system, its weird, I like it and hate it at the same time. Random mobs are easy, but there are sudden difficulty spikes during bosses, didn't feel balanced for me.
Sorry, if my thoughts are kinda vague since I don't usually say much about the games I usually play even those I didn't like.
Thanks. ^^
There is a weird purple status on my Samurai, "exhausted". How do you heal that? What does it do?
There is a weird purple status on my Samurai, "exhausted". How do you heal that? What does it do?
Lowers stats by 1 level's worth I believe. Easiest way to cure it is the vacation option in the healing lab. The "cure all" Open Pandora spell will cure it as well but that's later in the game. Might be some other ways but I always just used the lab.
Edit: Also just remembered, I think if someone with that debuff dies and you try to revive them without curing it first, they'll die for good and be deleted? Something like that?
Yeah for the 燃え尽き that seems to be an effect according to the JP wiki. I always cured it first in the medbay whenever it happened. D:
If your character dies with the that status on them and you try to recover them before removing that status effect, it seems that you will lose the character. So you have to remove that effect first, then once it is removed, revive said character and it should be ok.
haha thats interesting. wonder how he got his name in there? dont really follow him too closely, but is he a drpg fan or something?
No idea, I don't follow him either. Would be interesting if he does and that was the reason.
The nice thing about the cure all Open Pandora spell is that even if someone is dead with that debuff, it'll heal it and then revive them normally. Saved me big time on one of the last bosses in Babel haha.
Looks like he did a Demon Gaze review in the past and seems that he quite enjoyed the title.
"NSFW" warning just due to the infamous picture of Pinay showing her affection for laundry as the articles picture.
Yeah Open Pandora is pretty much the one stop fix it for when shit hits the fan lol.
Games giving me options are stupid.
Can't really start since I don't know if I want to play in normal or classic mode.
Already redid the opening part three times, still unsure.
Everything else looks like great fun. So many stats and submenus to play around with, will have another look at it tomorrow. Hopefully I've decided on my mode by then as well. :O
Nice! Wonder if he's going to do a review for OA.
To be honest, I'm not very picky in DRPGs, I just want a solid dungeon design along with a simple yet deep battle system and customization. But I really can't say much with Demon Gaze. Spend a good 15+ hours but it just didn't click with me. As for what I didn't like, first, money seem hard to come by along with the annoying pay rent system. Then, getting equipment is luck based with the summoning on Demon circles (sorry I forgot what they called). I remember farming for a day or two but never got anything good or even decent. For the battle system, its weird, I like it and hate it at the same time. Random mobs are easy, but there are sudden difficulty spikes during bosses, didn't feel balanced for me.
Sorry, if my thoughts are kinda vague since I don't usually say much about the games I usually play even those I didn't like.
He's done that and talks about crawlers from time to time -- there was one part in a video where he focused on Darkest Dungeon.Looks like he did a Demon Gaze review in the past and seems that he quite enjoyed the title.
So it's a pretty standard Wizardry descendant, with Class of Heroes 1's crafting mechanic?
kind of, but the crafting is MUCH easier to use lol. in Class of heroes 1 it's a pain in the ...
So it's a pretty standard Wizardry descendant, with Class of Heroes 1's crafting mechanic?
kind of, but the crafting is MUCH easier to use lol. in Class of heroes 1 it's a pain in the ...
Anyway, I'm still not too far in Operation Abyss, but I'll be probably dumping hours into it this weekend.
Currently working on this for a review over at APGNation. Between Witcher 3, NISA sending me a review code and Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 also on the docket yer boy is a busy bee. Mind if I shoot you a PM with the review link when it's live, Parakeetman?
Just downloaded and jumped in. I decided to make my own party after the introductory sequence and didn't know about the whole unity points resetting thing. Does it affect anything big? And damn the character creation takes a long time. There are a lot of things to choose and I have no clue what each of them does but I went ahead anyway. Does having both Good and Evil party members have a big affect?
This game is waaay more complicated than Demon Gaze. Art and music are great and dub is pretty good so far. Liking what I see.
Just downloaded and jumped in. I decided to make my own party after the introductory sequence and didn't know about the whole unity points resetting thing. Does it affect anything big? And damn the character creation takes a long time. There are a lot of things to choose and I have no clue what each of them does but I went ahead anyway. Does having both Good and Evil party members have a big affect?
This game is waaay more complicated than Demon Gaze. Art and music are great and dub is pretty good so far. Liking what I see.
Checked metacritic again to see if anything new popped up for reviews and it seems like nothing yet? I wonder why that is since the game came out in Europe on the 5th and usually you would think that there would have been review copies sent out ahead of time to the usual EU related gaming sites?
As of today there only was that one new review which was added to the reviews section. Considering how popular Demon Gaze was, I had imagined more reviews were going to be done due to interest in the devs.
Guess we will see how things go on the US side as we get even closer to release / after release.
Pretty sure codes didn't go out until about one week ago (although preview carts did go out around april). Reviewers, including the those who have posted in this thread, probably just haven't had enough time yet.
I'm currently just playing around with various party coordination in the first half. Trying to get some better weapons in the meantime.
Checked metacritic again to see if anything new popped up for reviews and it seems like nothing yet? I wonder why that is since the game came out in Europe on the 5th and usually you would think that there would have been review copies sent out ahead of time to the usual EU related gaming sites?
As of today there only was that one new review which was added to the reviews section. Considering how popular Demon Gaze was, I had imagined more reviews were going to be done due to interest in the devs.
Guess we will see how things go on the US side as we get even closer to release / after release.
Yes, I have had no problems playing the PAL/EU version on PSTV, although it doesn't say so on the box. The PlayStation Store (web) does however:Is the EU version confirmed as PSTV compatible? I know the US one says it explicitly on the box. Need to be certain before I pick this up.
Compatible with PlayStation®Vita and PlayStation®TV
Thanks, just ordered it!Yes, I have had no problems playing the PAL/EU version on PSTV, although it doesn't say so on the box. The PlayStation Store (web) does however:
Seriously, incredible job Parakeetman with the OP. I know I already said that, but I came back and read it again. It's really well done and informative.
I'm really excited for this game, not going to lie. Demon Gaze was a game that just clicked with me. I'm not expecting this to be 1:1 the same game. I get the differences. But I just remember getting into Demon Gaze and never having played that genre. And I got my ass kicked hard. Really hard. I almost gave up several times. But folks on GAF pushed me to get better. To understand the mechanics better. And so it took a lot of time and work understanding how the game actually works. But I finally beat the game after like 90 + hours. It was glorious. I actually felt more achievement with that game, then I did with Bloodborne.
The thing that was crazy about Demon Gaze, is I never seemed to get a handle on it. Like I would go 10 hours thinking I was top shit, just to get my ass knocked back down again. But that actually made the game more enjoyable.
Still waiting for Amazon to ship mine.
Demon Gaze is one of those DCs that once you learn how to break it, you just stick to that and never look back. As soon as I got the priest's innate Shield All skill(which is also in Wizardry PSN), your team becomes basically untouchable to mobs.
That's true. I will admit, Demon Gaze was probably harder for me than some, because I had never played the genre before. And I'm really stupid when it comes to learning in certain games. DG was a game I had to really push myself hard to get through. I imagine the game was 10x harder for me, because of my own incompetence. But man I loved every second of that game. It really got me hooked on the genre.
Also lol I remember getting to the end section of Demon Gaze, and realizing I had major flaw in my team set up. I had to fall back and re-work things. Was a nightmare, as it required a decent amount of grinding.
Seriously, incredible job Parakeetman with the OP. I know I already said that, but I came back and read it again. It's really well done and informative.
I'm really excited for this game, not going to lie. Demon Gaze was a game that just clicked with me. I'm not expecting this to be 1:1 the same game. I get the differences. But I just remember getting into Demon Gaze and never having played that genre before. And I got my ass kicked hard. Really hard. I almost gave up several times. But folks on GAF pushed me to get better. To understand the mechanics better. And so it took a lot of time and work understanding how the game actually works. But I finally beat the game after like 90 + hours. It was glorious. I actually felt more achievement with that game, then I did with Bloodborne.
The thing that was crazy about Demon Gaze, is I never seemed to get a complete handle on it. Like I would go 10 hours thinking I was top shit, just to get my ass knocked back down again. But that actually made the game more enjoyable. So I'm hoping for more of that with this game. I just got done beating Persona Q and Mind Zero (didn't love the latter as much). So I'm ready for another dungeon crawler that is great.
Still waiting for Amazon to ship mine.
That's true. I will admit, Demon Gaze was probably harder for me than some, because I had never played the genre before. And I'm really stupid when it comes to learning in certain games. DG was a game I had to really push myself hard to get through. I imagine the game was 10x harder for me, because of my own incompetence. But man I loved every second of that game. It really got me hooked on the genre.
Also lol I remember getting to the end section of Demon Gaze, and realizing I had major flaw in my team set up. I had to fall back and re-work things. Was a nightmare, as it required a decent amount of grinding.
I thought it was pretty bland outside of the gameplay. So if you liked it that much, you should love XTh/OA.
The Vocaloid music was neat, but there was too little music period, and the plot/characters were just painful.
Whats nice in this title is there is a system in the medical facility that allows you to spend cash to convert it into exp. Helps when you want to make a new character and have a surplus of money.
Wow that sounds like an incredible system. Solves the problem of having to grind forever, if you screw up with your team set up. I'm going to take my time with this title, and really try to learn how to do it right. With DG I kind of just threw myself into it, and flailed around. I didn't take the time to truly understand the mechanics of combat, and that bit me in the ass. So I'm going to slow it down a bit, and actually do it right this time.
Yeah its a useful system and with this title there is no way to respec your stats, so it does help if you are unhappy with a character and want to make a new one.
Also if you have a DS / 3DS there is the Etrian Odyssey community thread too.