It's not an exaggeration, you need to use Nueko for every boss fight. And you're going to need to her on a bunch of raids before each boss to level her. That ends up being the majority of the game, or at least it was for me.
Throughout the game, maybe. Most of the game? Certainly no requirementIt's pretty much every boss fight, there's what one or maybe two exceptions? I'm not even sure what we are arguing here. I said you have to use Nueko much of the game, and you do. It was a statement of fact, not a complaint.
I kinda want to recommend this game to my friends but I'm not sure really how to describe it.
If you guys had to describe this game using 3 other JRPGs for comparison, which ones would you use?
Curious what the deal is with the different lands you can visit...
The choices seem to change over time, is there a trigger that causes new ones to appear (or old ones to reappear)?
If there is a dungeon available in multiple lands, is it the same layout, or always different?
The most recent land I visited had Lancers and Dancers in the members I can adopt / betroth. Does this trigger when I start seeing those trade manuals appearing on enemies? Feels like when I found Marital Artists and Wreckers was the time I saw those manuals pop up.
I kinda want to recommend this game to my friends but I'm not sure really how to describe it.
If you guys had to describe this game using 3 other JRPGs for comparison, which ones would you use?
Are there any parallel's with the row based combat?
I just finished the 4th Feast of All Demons and I'm on my 5th Generation of chars. Heirloom weapons aren't growing as fast as I'd like but I think that might be because I haven't used them to beat up enemies. Instead, I've been casting spells. Gonna try and do that to see if they get some more attack power. My Armor Heirlooms far out strip the ones I buy/found though, lol. My Martial Artist has one at 300 defense now or so.
I need to finish the game soon though to move on. I'll post up my last set of chars for folks to use when I get near the end though.
Reached the final boss, whichutterly slaughtered me in its final final form, while I was doing OK until that form.
Guess I'll just have to spend some years hoarding devotion and rituals with Hiruko again.
I got there and the boss killed my whole party but one in the very first turn. That must be the craziest difficulty spike of the game, because I was cruising like nothing the previous couple of dungeons.Reached the final boss, whichutterly slaughtered me in its final final form, while I was doing OK until that form.
Guess I'll just have to spend some years hoarding devotion and rituals with Hiruko again.
Damn, that's pretty high. I've been using my martial artist's armour since the moment heirlooms became available to me, and it's still under 150. And I'm in my 6th gen.
some beginner questions:
1) can i accidentally grind too much or take too long to do things? for example, the very first time i entered a dungeon i stayed for 3 months. or, if i see green/gold items i like to keep entering/leaving til i get them. does any of this matter? i don't mind if it just means my game will last a couple extra generations.
2) does the game eventually explain things like training? i have my first kid, and month 1 i entered a dungeon since there was a bounty that month so it was frenzyville, but i'm setting up month two, and having her dad train her, while another is having a mating ritual. is training essential?
3) i bought a heirloom weapon (bracers) the second i could. cost me 18.5k or so. i assume this is a sound strat?
basically, i'm not concerned at all if everything eventually works itself out. i just hear people mention stuff like 'losing secret arts' and i have no idea what that means since i don't even think i have any secret arts yet. i enjoy clearing each dungeon of rare items, but if that means i'm spending too long in starter dungeons and will eventually bite me in the ass, i'd like to know now.
some beginner questions:
1) can i accidentally grind too much or take too long to do things? for example, the very first time i entered a dungeon i stayed for 3 months. or, if i see green/gold items i like to keep entering/leaving til i get them. does any of this matter? i don't mind if it just means my game will last a couple extra generations.
2) does the game eventually explain things like training? i have my first kid, and month 1 i entered a dungeon since there was a bounty that month so it was frenzyville, but i'm setting up month two, and having her dad train her, while another is having a mating ritual. is training essential?
3) i bought a heirloom weapon (bracers) the second i could. cost me 18.5k or so. i assume this is a sound strat?
basically, i'm not concerned at all if everything eventually works itself out. i just hear people mention stuff like 'losing secret arts' and i have no idea what that means since i don't even think i have any secret arts yet. i enjoy clearing each dungeon of rare items, but if that means i'm spending too long in starter dungeons and will eventually bite me in the ass, i'd like to know now.
Ahhhhh! Resource limited eugenics is hard. Do you use high quality stock to improve your clan or do you maintain an acceptable baseline so you aren't forced to use genetically inferior dregs and pollute the bloodline.
Have to say, I really regret this purchase even at $20. Not sure what it is, but haven't enjoyed anything about it, really. Maybe 5 or 6 hours in. Oh well.
Definitely stop listening to kochin after the first festival. She won't ever guide you to tournaments or expeditions in non-story lands. And those are both really important.
It's about planning and seeing your plans come to fruition. Embrace that aspect and that's where the game shinesHave to say, I really regret this purchase even at $20. Not sure what it is, but haven't enjoyed anything about it, really. Maybe 5 or 6 hours in. Oh well.
I cleared the game and never did a tournament and still don't know what they do, haha. I definitely agree that you should stop listening to her once you understand what needs to be done.
Btw, guys, is there any point to doing festivals, other than getting the prizes (they don't look like they're worth anything)? I just found out last night you can actually attend them (you have to select "take the field" during the festival and then select "attend festival"), and I'm at the last dungeon, lol.
1.) No. You're fine.
2.) No, it doesn't. At least, not in detail. Training gives them better stats than if they were studying on their own, so yes, do training when you can.
3.) Yes. Buy cheap and raise them by leveling your character who has it equipped.
Don't worry about "losing" anything or missing whatever. This game is pretty loose when it comes to that. Though if you want to know what it means to lose a secret art, basically, when one of your clan members reaches certain stats, they may gain a special ability (aka secret art) after a battle. They can pass this on by traing one of their children who is the same trade as them. If they die, the secret skill they gained is "lost." But of course, you can get it again with another character. It's just easier to pass it down to your children, is all.
Those Festivals are super good for Devotion if you can defeat all of the opposing team before their captain. you also get a small amount of gold for it too.
Well it certainly more gameplay focused than narrative focused. At the same time I wouldn't even say the dungeon crawling is the focus either.Hm, never heard of this game, but it actually seems pretty interesting. Sounds like people are overall having a good time with it? Is there a strong narrative, or is it more of a dungeon crawler?
Those Festivals are super good for Devotion if you can defeat all of the opposing team before their captain. you also get a small amount of gold for it too.
I fought the last boss but he beat me twice. Decided to go another generation to really power my chars up and get some skills I'm still sitting on hopefully put some more stats on my heirlooms. If not, I'll prboably try and get some rep weapons.
mind blown.
Those Festivals are super good for Devotion if you can defeat all of the opposing team before their captain. you also get a small amount of gold for it too.
I fought the last boss but he beat me twice. Decided to go another generation to really power my chars up and get some skills I'm still sitting on hopefully put some more stats on my heirlooms. If not, I'll prboably try and get some rep weapons.
Anyone happen to have a Feast in the Fuji Viewing Glade dungeon?
I've beaten an Ujigami and gotten to the first switch that opens up a waterway, but haven't had much luck finding the Feast entrance. Got a couple months, and probably going to just keep going in and restarting until I find it, but was hoping someone might have come across one.
Fuji Viewing Glade is like the most annoying one to find it in. You definitely need to map it out over a few months unless you have maps and know which version you're running into.
Festival Tournaments are good for XP too, they can give you quite a bit and get you full levels even when you're older by taking out the full team. Devotion is super good as a result. I went from 70k Deovtion to like 140k Devotion after a Grand Tourney, the one that has like 16 teams instead of 8.
Holy crap, I've been missing out on this kind of Devotion? And here I am grinding it out in the dungeons like a chump.
Holy crap, I've been missing out on this kind of Devotion? And here I am grinding it out in the dungeons like a chump.
kochin you're useless
Holy crap, I've been missing out on this kind of Devotion? And here I am grinding it out in the dungeons like a chump.
... she tells you, though. I literally went to my first tournament because she told me I should select "take the field" and attend, because the one in autumn is the big one and it only happens once a year and we shouldn't miss it blahblahlore. I know I tune her out like crazy (every month the same lines, god, I know I can ask you if I don't know what to do, really, stop reminding me), but I see there are people far worse than me in that...kochin you're useless
... she tells you, though. I literally went to my first tournament because she told me I should select "take the field" and attend, because the one in autumn is the big one and it only happens once a year and we shouldn't miss it blahblahlore. I know I tune her out like crazy (every month the same lines, god, I know I can ask you if I don't know what to do, really, stop reminding me), but I see there are people far worse than me in that...![]()
So there's dungeon grinding, festivals, and trapped gods (bosses primarily) as methods.I was only joking anyway, but when you have her plan things the only method of devotion gathering she'll bring up is dungeon grinding.
so my new game is martial artist (leader) / gunner (omg aoe) / archer.
i am at the point in the beginning where i need to pick my first craftsman for an heirloom.
should i choose it for my leader? or go with my gunner?
also, is it worth not buying one until i have a kid so it's cheaper / levels faster?
so my new game is martial artist (leader) / gunner (omg aoe) / archer.
i am at the point in the beginning where i need to pick my first craftsman for an heirloom.
should i choose it for my leader? or go with my gunner?
also, is it worth not buying one until i have a kid so it's cheaper / levels faster?