Dead Prince
Is highlight saving broken or jus me? Never have it happened until now
Nvm. I see there's a Windows update that is borking it
Nvm. I see there's a Windows update that is borking it
Is highlight saving broken or jus me? Never have it happened until now
Nvm. I see there's a Windows update that is borking it
Nice. What's the threshold for that at nowadays?
I'm 58SR away from Top 500. O_O
Anyone else given up on competitive as a game mode? After taking a break and coming back for the new event I feel like OW in it's current state has way too many problems for me to want to commit the level of intensity and concentration required for competitive play. I end up enjoying the game way more when I treat it as a goofy qp shooter with a podcast or movie on in the background. Fuck composition, communication and the rest of that jazz, just let me play as Soldier and rank up gold medals please![]()
I've completely stopped following this game, so bear with me if this has been discussed to death, but I'm surprised to see Doomfist has one of the lowest pick and win rates in the game. I thought he looked so overpowered on reveal, but I played him for the first time, and while his kit is fun I felt like I was completely useless.
They basically went to the opposite extreme and reduced his hit box, among other things.
This new ptr Mercy is probably still 100 percent pick and OP but I like it. lol, they can't win with her.
edit: GA seems way too good
but I like these kinda changes, makes her more fun to play and increases skill cap.
Who needs ult? You can just climb high with GA now. (some ptr gameplay footage of me screwing around with GA)
I guess you GA+jump to make her fly like that?
Watched the vod of GC Busan vs C9 Kongdoo. Looked like Envyus vs a random NA team. How do Koreans do this? Top teams out of nowhere. Both Kongdoo and Lunatic Hai were considered as the best before, but they still got completely destroyed by a newcomer. On the other hand Busan lost a few weeks ago to Runaway. ��
I hate how Hanzo is in the default Junkenstein mode. If you're not fast enough to select your character(and if you suck at him) and the other 3 are already chosen... well, sucks to be you I guess.
They really should have added more heroes in the endless mode though, like Reinhardt or Dva. I feel like they would have been pretty fun in there.
Yea, I don't get why they limited heroes in Endless. It gets hectic no matter what so I'm not sure there are better heroes here or there.
Mei: Ice wall door. Can self heal.
Winston: Practically constant primal rage for knocking back Zomnics. Can self heal with his ult, too.
Symmetra: Turrets slow down enemies and damage them. Shield generator for shields.
Bastion: Can just shed through Zomnics.
I feel like that would maybe be the ideal (broken) team comp.
Maybe only allow them in Hard and Legendary modes. Seems like you can still get trashed that way.
Is there anywhere I could buy this for PS4 digitally? I'm trying to gift a copy to a friend.
I hate how Hanzo is in the default Junkenstein mode. If you're not fast enough to select your character(and if you suck at him) and the other 3 are already chosen... well, sucks to be you I guess.
They really should have added more heroes in the endless mode though, like Reinhardt or Dva. I feel like they would have been pretty fun in there.
im okay with the current ptr changes to Mercy. the reset after res is great even with the 30s. i can work with that.
What changes? Blizztrack's got nothin'.
We're currently testing some new changes on the PTR.
No longer resets or lowers Resurrections cooldown. Instead it now doubles Resurrections range
Oh that. Thought it was something new. Yeah Valkyrie is the lowest-impact ult in the game now lol.
Widow's Q still exists lol.
We're currently testing some new changes on the PTR.
No longer resets or lowers Resurrections cooldown. Instead it now doubles Resurrections range
i think they updated it again.
i just watched a video with sty.
res reset when ult. no 10s CD during valk. GA buff.