75 sound barriers provided
75 sound barriers provided
Your editing is really good. I always love the way you transition normal gameplay into POTG footage.So our line is broken on Volskaya A. They've taken out our Reinhardt in the room with the small health pack on the (defender's) left side of the choke, and 5/6th of their team continues up the staircase into the upper hallway.
I solo-rez our Rein. He and our Reaper proceed up the stairs as I hit Rein with damage buff, and he hammers down. A damage-boosted flamestrike takes out their D.Va and Ana, and Reaper Death Blossoms the heck out of their Rein, Hog and Lucio.
Play of the Game goes to... the Mercy who solo-rez'd the Rein. And then told Reaper he'd just gotten Play of the Game.
My highlight intro comes up at the end of the match and I'm like "da fuck!?"
Your editing is really good. I always love the way you transition normal gameplay into POTG footage.
Sorry to cut you off there dennis. I'm around 2300 SR right now.
Pls donate one to me ;_;Pharah event skin again. Fuck.
Fucking Ana doing Sleep loop on me. Ended up killing her a bunch and teabagging that player every time. We won.
We were getting our asses kicked with me as Rein because 1 dude wouldn't switch off Symmetra in KotH even though we needed more damage. I asked him to switch, he wouldn't. I didn't get mad, I just switched from Rein to Hanzo, so Roadhog was our only tank.
"Oh, so we're just throwing now?"
"No, but if I have to trust you to play Sym, you gotta trust me to play Hanzo"
Ended up winning the next two rounds easily. Enemy team just could not deal with Hanzo with decent aim. Sometimes, when you are off meta and losing, the only solution is to go even more off meta.
Im tired of loosing. How do I join the PS4 group???
Legendary coins...fuck
It annoys me that legendary dupes are worth so much less than legendary currency. It feels like a cheat.better then a legendary dupe
Srsly pls tell me too.
Im tired of loosing. How do I join the PS4 group???
Nonstop wins in Mayhem with current stack. Fun games
The voice actors do their dance emotes.
better then a legendary dupe
do you guys have a full 6 lol