Yea wouldn't mind a 1 hero mode but it would be hard to coordinate
Easy way to troll someone who was trouncing you.Pretty obvious that the word on this is out and people are now intentionally doing it to screw over the other team.
Yea wouldn't mind a 1 hero mode but it would be hard to coordinate
Won Numbani attack with Symmetra (me) and five Tracers in quick play. No Winston, Bastion ult or molten core could stop us.
Symmetra is a beast at taking out Torb turrets and occasionally Bastion from range. Energy balls have a large hitbox, easy aiming, 2 of them kill a level 2 turret. Any turret damage you take whilst peeking are recovered thanks to your 100hp shields. A truly underrated attack character.
i cannot make any progress because of this flawPretty obvious that the word on this is out and people are now intentionally doing it to screw over the other team.
We get nerfs for everything in OW. Even our OTsSuch a nerf to the OT.
Pretty obvious that the word on this is out and people are now intentionally doing it to screw over the other team.
He fairly effectively can dislodge, if not outright counter, some of the more stationary heroes. He's pretty great.i was surprised by how much play Junkrat gets in ranked. He seems to be a stalwart of every team composition I've faced so far.
144 Hz is nothing special in this game.How big of a dif you think I'll see with a 144 hz monitor?
I tried Symmetra on attack once and it was brutal. I think she's far more versatile than people think.
I just had some awesome games with finalflame--we carried the hell out of two teams. Then we get screwed by a quitter on the opposite team, and the third match is sudden death that screwed us. The fourth match was horseshit; we couldn't carry them enough.
Literally meme. Read the chat:
We once had a Symmetra on Volskaya Industries attack who sneaked all the way to point B, to put her teleport down for us to use right after we took point A lol. The enemy team didn't know what him them when we all came from behind. :'DI tried Symmetra on attack once and it was brutal. I think she's far more versatile than people think.
how do you play with 200-300 ping, I think you should be more concerned about that.
But hero stacking is SO interesting.![]()
If this is a glimpse of the future of Overwatch comp, I don't think I'll be interested.
Mechanically people are like about the same in these mediocre average middle of the curve, they just have mostly no clue what to play and when, if you can get the word out and call the shots politely, people are likely to listen, they want to win here too. There is a good post on /r/competitiveoverwatch with some good advice for solo q. Lesson learned, use your mics or even type, it can go a long way. It helps to solo q at the time you would think more dedicated players would play too. Both teams were mostly prestige players. When it works out like this, comp is awesome, even if I lose I don't care, game was good. It might not work but sure it's worth trying.
best strategy for Hanamura attack right here:
Reap says strategy for Hanamura attack right here:
This is an explanation of why sometimes you move up a lot and sometimes a little.
KaplanThe amount that you go up or down is not a set amount. Factors such as your skill rating, your opponent's skill rating and your individual performance are all part of the equation.
The current Competitive System is not a progression-based system where you are gaining a set amount of "exp" for a win. We are constantly calibrating your skill as it relates to the other players that you win or lose against. This means sometimes it will go up or down very little and other times it will go up or down a lot.
3 days ago:
- KaplanWe have an improvement to the display of Skill Rating gain that should be patched in sometime soon (next week-ish?)
Yes, if the attackers scored more points overall and pushed the payload closer to the final point than the defending team did when they were attacking.I think I need someone to explain a bit of Comp logic to me.
So we're defending on Route 66, and both teams do pretty awesome, but we're down to the last stretch. The payload is about halfway to the final point... the timer goes out, the match ends, and the defenders lose.
The payload didn't make it to the end, and the defenders lose? Is that a thing in competitive?
Posted this in the old thread by mistake
gonna stream a few if anyones bored, never really done much of it so apologies if its weird
Yes. That can happen.I think I need someone to explain a bit of Comp logic to me.
So we're defending on Route 66, and both teams do pretty awesome, but we're down to the last stretch. The payload is about halfway to the final point... the timer goes out, the match ends, and the defenders lose.
The payload didn't make it to the end, and the defenders lose? Is that a thing in competitive?
Winning is decided by which team got the payload farther. If you're attacking on the second round and the defense side didn't complete the route on their turn then the attacking side just has to make it past the other teams distance to win. This distance is designated as a glowing rectangle on the payload route.I think I need someone to explain a bit of Comp logic to me.
So we're defending on Route 66, and both teams do pretty awesome, but we're down to the last stretch. The payload is about halfway to the final point... the timer goes out, the match ends, and the defenders lose.
The payload didn't make it to the end, and the defenders lose? Is that a thing in competitive?
I think the RPS nature of the game means that whilst skill matters, it doesn't matter as much as in other games like CS or even TF2, and instead people need to be able to adapt and change heroes on the fly and stuff and so many people just struggle with that, I don't really understand why. If you can get a team with a strong base (i.e 2 support and 2 tanks and no shitty Hanzo or Genji or Mei) then you are in a good spot to do well.
Remove Hanzo and Widowmaker and force the instalockers to choose someone else.
OBS (Open broadcaster software) is another oneuh, does anyone have a better streaming software than this xsplit thing, making my frames drop like crazy