I understand that we don't have access to the algorithm; I was wondering if Blizzard had commented specifically on this since most of the information on how the system works seems to be total guesswork.How would you prove that without insight into their algorithm. I'm not claiming they're not doing it since we don't have that information, I'm saying it's rather unlikely as there's no precedent among team-based competitive games of the past decade or so to handle ranking that way, with good reason. It should be obvious to Blizzard's seasoned game designers that individual performance is all but immeasurable in an objective-based team FPS with widely differing roles.
Since you're a Mercy player you could collect proper ranking data from your games, including whether or not there were leavers on either team so we can rule out that factor.
Well there we have it![]()
Ranked confirmed mess
Overall I don't know, but in there today is a game where I was solo matched against a group of 6 in which we were the underdog and lost an entire level's rank.What were the team averages of the teams you've won/lost against vs your team?
Ummm, stop playing.Rank 40 here I come!
Rank 40 here I come!
Ummm, stop playing.
So is anyone of reasonable skill able to get higher than rank 50ish in comp when playing with randoms? I continue to basically have a 50% win ratio but it seems harder to push higher when you don't have a consistent group of people to play with.
I'm about to find out. Won all my games yesterday and I'm rank 51 now. I guess it would be possible to go higher. I still haven't ran into much opponents that I thought were to good for my skill level and I reckon my teammates will also get better as I rank up higher.
Kinda not what I wanted to hearBest of luck in comp though!
Now I go back to trying super hard to get better.
I'm above 50 with only solo queue.So is anyone of reasonable skill able to get higher than rank 50ish in comp when playing with randoms? I continue to basically have a 50% win ratio but it seems harder to push higher when you don't have a consistent group of people to play with.
So is anyone of reasonable skill able to get higher than rank 50ish in comp when playing with randoms? I continue to basically have a 50% win ratio but it seems harder to push higher when you don't have a consistent group of people to play with.
Only 1 gold. Bro are you even trying?I dunno what more I can do to battle the rank 40 vortex. I either get a leaver or dudes who pick the worst imaginable shit.
OK now I quit. Thanks guys.
the problem is when you're on a losing streak you tilt yourself and your performance goes down. so hanging on through losing 'just until you win' is actually pushing your chance of winning down.
I know, I wasn't man enough to walk away calmly.
Quite a few in this thread have. I've been soloing since the start and I've gone from 52-59 and I'm sitting around 50 wins atm. I haven't had a huge problem. Sure, I get blowouts some games, but hey you win some you lose some. I currently have a 55% w/l and I'm finding it easier the higher I get.
Someone was talking about how he solo queue'd to 60.
In the high 50s, so you get matched together with pre made teams alot?
Is multiple D.vas the new thing of the week on PS4 or something?
How can you actually know with what kind of groups you play? Like 5 + you?
Or 3 x2? And can you also see on the enemy team?
Someone was talking about how he solo queue'd to 60.
Yep QP. They're annoying as hell, once my team got their shit together we steam rolled them though. Hero stacking is rampant in QP now. Get people that deliberately change to whatever hero I choose.With competitive out and if you're playing QP? yeah. Probably ran about 6 matches today where there was at least 4 D.Va's with a Lucio. Luckily they were never too co-ordinated.
People that jump a lot of ranks when solo queuing are very fortunate/lucky since they have to get good teammates game after game, and no leavers, you can't carry a bad team comp at >50 rank (probably even at 40 rank). Eventually both will fall on the other-side and they'll have a day where they just lose ranks. You see it on every single stream on Twitch, the game can be very streaky, even Seagull isn't immune.
Someone was talking about how he solo queue'd to 60.
But the exact same applies for the team your fighting? Its just as likely that they have a bad team comp.
The only 'constant' variable is you. If you always play better than people your rank, you will move up in rank. Right?
With your logic, yes.
But if you are unlucky and you are always in a bad composed team and the opponents always fit together nicely. You won't
why do so many people choose Zenyatta in Comp? saw too many during my placement matches. they weren't that good.
I didn't see a response to this. What console? I played on my friends Xbone and it happened a few times. The entire second round of KOTH no stats were being awarded even though players would still die like normal. At the end of the game all of the cards only showed stats from round one. It happened twice in like 20 games. And if it's happening to you, I think it's happening to everyone in the game. Hasn't happened to me on Ps4 yet.Is there like a bug where it stop counting what you do? Because I just had a match where it stopped counting elims but it would still show on screen that I eliminated the person, but give me zero fire points, which fucking sucks because that means I couldn't build my ult. Then those elims don't get counted on the stat page.
Argh I fucking hate rein's who are so timid of moving forward.
Your job isn't to hold the shield and stand still at the chokepoint. Move us to a better position!
With your logic, yes.
But if you are unlucky and you are always in a bad composed team and the opponents always fit together nicely. You won't
That's assuming any of the damage dealers bother to follow reinhardt and don't just let him get his shield melted and die.
In the most recent tournament I saw where stacking was permitted, every pro team went 2 Lucio, 2 Winston, 2 Tracer. Pretty much always.Is there a better KOTH comp than 2 Lucio, 2 Zarya, and 2 Winston?
Or swap the Zarya's or Winston's for Tracers
I didn't see a response to this. What console? I played on my friends Xbone and it happened a few times. The entire second round of KOTH no stats were being awarded even though players would still die like normal. At the end of the game all of the cards only showed stats from round one. It happened twice in like 20 games. And if it's happening to you, I think it's happening to everyone in the game. Hasn't happened to me on Ps4 yet.
That's assuming any of the damage dealers bother to follow reinhardt and don't just let him get his shield melted and die.
But the exact same applies for the team your fighting? Its just as likely that they have a bad team comp.
The only 'constant' variable is you. If you always play better than people your rank, you will move up in rank. Right?