Sniper McBlaze
I still need more euro players to play with on PS4. Add nevernuder on PSN if you need a player. I'm top 900 with Lucio (was almost 600).
It's not fun at all. This meta in general right now just sucks dick on console, IMO.
Playing defense is no fun at all right now, you pretty much have to be absolutely perfect to stop people if they're half way competent as a team. Never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old Torb meta to the current offensive steam roll.
Wait, is there a way to tune auto-aim for imdividual characters on console? Ive only seen on universal slider
I know that I'm stuck down in a shitty level section for comp but how do people not understand issues with overextending.
I know that I'm stuck down in a shitty level section for comp but how do people not understand issues with overextending.
I think the Overwatch player base might be among the dumbest as far as situational awareness and basic strategy.
It used to be Destiny. The number of matches lost because idiots felt the desire to go for C when we had A and B well in hand was mind-numbing, but nothing compared to the idiocy you witness in Overwatch.
I mean, I understand that I'm not great at the game mechanically.I think the Overwatch player base might be among the dumbest as far as situational awareness and basic strategy.
It used to be Destiny. The number of matches lost because idiots felt the desire to go for C when we had A and B well in hand was mind-numbing, but nothing compared to the idiocy you witness in Overwatch.
Lol I wasn't going to say it, but I'm glad someone did.Yea some fuckwads even play Mei and try to wall off their entire team the whole game. Can you believe that shit?
That's really only good advice at super high level play. In Quick Play/lower level play, you can do just as fine not having the teleporter up within the first minute, especially while you're learning how to handle the character.
If I took that advice of yours, I would have maybe 30 minutes of playtime on Symmetra.
I think the Overwatch player base might be among the dumbest as far as situational awareness and basic strategy.
It used to be Destiny. The number of matches lost because idiots felt the desire to go for C when we had A and B well in hand was mind-numbing, but nothing compared to the idiocy you witness in Overwatch.
I actually think this buffed Dva would be really good against old Torb, plus they axed stacking which was the only actual problem with him...I still don't like the way they approached the nerf on him and Symm at all.
I think their balancing in general has been terrible because they balanced everything around stacking. The game has become progressively less fun for me since launch.
If someone's better than you at video games, they're at an artificially high rank they didn't deserve and are near your skill level, and really, lets be honest with ourselves, if you played more you'd be higher than them.
If they're worse, they're trash at this game, because after all, you aren't that good, and they're even worse.
If they're the same, you're better than them and deserve to be a higher rank.
Games in suuch a weird place right now with this stuff. Esp cause you still hear "ana can solo heal!" and stuff and you'd counter "no, she can't, it's been prov- <etc>" at high level, but they could be a 30, so who knows X_X
I know that I'm stuck down in a shitty level section for comp but how do people not understand issues with overextending.
Yea some fuckwads even play Mei and try to wall off their entire team the whole game. Can you believe that shit?
Hey, the ability to wall off your team and get them butchered like farm animals takes more situational awareness than 90% of the playerbase demonstrates.
His gamertag is JaegarDice, if you want to know.
He's actually not too bad in QP, but then you check Competitive...
Ramirez if you are feeling unsatisfied by game then you could make it your personal mission to take me from 65 into the 70's. Imagine how rewarding it would feel.
Yes, all 14 games played or so.
And in a shocking turn of events, throwing a match in competitive really hurts your overbuff 'skill rating', whatever the hell that is.
Let's face it. Whatever conpetitive MP you're on has the 'worst playerbase ever'. It's a never ending cycle.
Well I mean at high level competitive feel free to argue about team comp as much as you please. That's fine, and selecting team comps is part of competitive as much as playing itself.
But if you go apeshit on people about their character picks in Quick Play, then you should get the fuck out and play competitive instead. While I like winning games as much as anyone, the thing I want when playing Overwatch is having fun, and not getting yelled at by people for picking the character I pick.Which, granted, is rarely a problem anyway since I almost always play Support/Tank.
lol, feel free to add me. I'll play with anyone.
Frankly, you're not so hot on your individual QP characters either. None of your characters are above the 20th percentile.
Nothing showing up, so maybe he spells it a little different or something. But I'll just take your word for it.His gamertag is JaegerDice, if you want to know.
He's actually not too bad in QP, or he has a slightly above average winrate anyway, but then you check Competitive...
lol, feel free to add me. I'll play with anyone.
Nothing showing up, so maybe he spells it a little different or something. But I'll just take your word for it.
I don't want to dive to deep into this. Suffice to say that I won't ever take the endless whining about teammates seriously from a guy who constantly trolls teammates.
It's amazing how being left alone to die repeatedly can impact that, lol.
Deaths and K/D are pretty good for most characters, That's the bulk of what a guy running solo can control. I'm fine with it.
Yes. Situational awareness is hilarious. Widow above? I can usually tele on her and kill her. Tele. One of the loudest moves in the entire game. Average DPS? Walk forward, use ability, rinse repeat.
That part is part of why I find reaper hilarious.
"I'm a stealthy badass!"
*In a very loud voice* "DEATH COMES...."
Edit: of you linked it. Antitype I just want you to know that your teammates absolutely hate it when you 'main' a VERY bad Genji in QP.
I think their balancing in general has been terrible because they balanced everything around stacking. The game has become progressively less fun for me since launch.
Ramirez if you are feeling unsatisfied by game then you could make it your personal mission to take me from 65 into the 70's. Imagine how rewarding it would feel.
What's your PSN? I don't think I have you.
lol, feel free to add me. I'll play with anyone.
One thing that I think a lot of people don't realize with a matchmaking system is that people who are roughly the same rank as you on average contribute just as much to winning the game as you do. Doesn't have to mean they aim as well as you, or that they have as good map awareness as you do. But there's something they contribute to make them win games. If you're getting more kills than them, there's something they're better than you at, else you wouldn't be the same rank. After a hundred hours the sample size is too large to be coincidental.
I actually think we've played on a few gaf trains before. But I guess I never sent a request. Will do.
Even me? :3
Yea, why wouldn't I?
I don't think we need stats to prove that Antitype is a shitty player.
I dunno if you didn't like me from disagreements >_> Gd4033
Yowza my internet will keep me from achieving Overwatch greatness. Sometimes it drops to an absolute crawl without warning and I lag like crazy. I actually managed to win the one game I played, but yeesh.
Sorry Ramirezanother time hopefully.
And Overbuff hasn't updated all day. :/