when junkrat decides to ult on the payload while defending.
Well thats a bad junk rat if hes standing on the payload and nukes himself...
when junkrat decides to ult on the payload while defending.
Well thats a bad junk rat if hes standing on the payload and nukes himself...
How the hell does a Junkrat hit himself with his ult? rofl
Solo Queuing is terrible. It makes me hate playing competitive. But damn the game is too fun not too.
I was under the stairs and above me was a McCree about to high noon my whole team so i decided to ult and kill that fucker before he kills my team.
I just saw the point payout for levels. Fuck me for just wanting to play Comp, I placed 55 and now at 46 >:[
If anyone want to group for comp, I'm on right now MisterX#12822
I wish there was a limit that once you reached a certain rank you can't fall below it.
For example:
50-60 (you can't go below 50 but you can always go up)
and so on
Now i'm afraid to play, i don't want to fall any lower lol
This day has been horrible.
Sorry bro, there is no ceiling/floor on the skill based rating. Maybe they'll go back to a progression based systems like they originally wanted to.
This is my aesthetic.
Who in the hell thinks going with an all Torb team is a good idea for anything?
Do we know if even placement matches get wiped after the season ends? probably, right?
Yeah, they'll be goneIt's a blessing and a curse, the placement matches are going to be shit show for sure.
Please, please, please be the case.Gotta say i'm ok with this, now people who were placed in the low 30s or so have a new chance getting better placements and aren't stuck for the rest of their lifes with shitty players.
I think it just throws players in a blender, or the game has a rough idea of your skill level and puts you in kinda similar matchesHow do matchups work in say, Quick Play? I only started playing 2-3 days ago. First 2 days were pretty good, just enough challenge and everyone was around the same level as me. Lost my first 2 games but for the next couple (around 7), I was actually part of the winning team and it felt like I was contributing pretty well. The 3rd day though was brutal, being suddenly paired with players who were like 40 levels above me and I could barely do anything to help or survive encounters with said players.
Oh boy.
I'm just fucking around and my usual team mates are busy watching prodota. Anyone wanna team up?
I just saw the point payout for levels. Fuck me for just wanting to play Comp, I placed 55 and now at 46 >:[
If anyone want to group for comp, I'm on right now MisterX#12822
PC only or console too?
Gotta say i'm ok with this, now people who were placed in the low 30s or so have a new chance getting better placements and aren't stuck for the rest of their lifes with shitty players.
Please, please, please be the case.
Please, please, please be the case.
This cute little Genji thought he was gonna slice me as Mercy but I shut him down solo
This cute little Genji thought he was gonna slice me as Mercy but I shut him down solo
Gunning people down with Mercy is so satisfying. The sheer amount of salt. :3
Papercuts, what happened?
Someone crashed outside my house and all the power blew out. I'm really really sorry about that.
I don't actually know if i'll be able to get it back anytime soon.
So D.VA's ult can't kill her but Junkrat's ult kills him?
Nice logic, Blizzard.
Junkrat can detonate his ult whenever he wants.
Man nothing puts a bad taste in your mouth like coming off some bad teams
Had one attack on Volskaya in which we had 3 Genji's and one kept spamming "Group up with me" and I was spectating them all standing around doing nothing while waiting to respawn
And another in which the player must've been new to Mercy because I was Roadhog and the only tank yet they completely ignored me and never once popped an ult
I'm taking a break and then playing some DOOM. Goddamn it
This train started out so well :/Fucking random decided to switch to Ana and shoot at spawn cuz we were losing. What an asshole.
Who in the hell thinks going with an all Torb team is a good idea for anything?
It's a good idea for winning.