Vault Dweller 111
Absolutely untrue.I stand by my word, unless you're very skilled at Genji/McCree, and can carry the games by yourself consistently, it's impossible to rank up as a solo queuer.
Absolutely untrue.I stand by my word, unless you're very skilled at Genji/McCree, and can carry the games by yourself consistently, it's impossible to rank up as a solo queuer.
If a level 60 player was suddenly dropped into the 40's I think they'd win at least 70% of their games and rocket up the rankings. There is a chance that you guys are just right where you should be.
This. I've seen countless Reins just tear through the other team themselves and lead us to victory. Shits jaw dropping. Tbh you can carry with any character if you're insanely good with them.Absolutely untrue.
Not if that level 60 isn't good at Genji/McCree no.
What you're saying actually makes no sense, if you're an extremely good support, it your damage dealers and tanks are shitty, you're not gonna "rocket up the rankings", trust me.
This. I've seen countless Reins just tear through the other team themselves and lead us to victory. Shits jaw dropping. Tbh you can carry with any character if you're insanely good with them.
I solo queued from 48 to 67 using pretty much all Roadhog.Not if that level 60 isn't good at Genji/McCree no.
What you're saying actually makes no sense, if you're an extremely good support, it your damage dealers and tanks are shitty, you're not gonna "rocket up the rankings", trust me.
It's not really character building when one side plays it as though it were a normal game and the other just:i just see QP as interesting experiences/situations and character building at this point. LOL I mean today we had a team TRY to attack King's Row all Hanzo, and then when we switched places they went 4 Junkrat, Mei, and Lucio on defense... it was a mess, but it was interesting? xD
Absolutely untrue.
This. I got top 500 when my top 5 most played heroes in comp are Lucio(#1 most played) and every tank but Winston.I play reaper and can hold top 300. Theres 70s on pc who did it as lucio. There are guys who have done it as tanks too.
You can.
You guys saying solo queue is fine just got lucky on the teammate lottery.
Because it's not fine at all.
Just had a game where everyone was spamming "I need healing" while I was the only support as Zen, asked them all game long to pick another support to help on healing, no reply, no switch to support (they all switched to damage dealers all game long).
I stand by my word, unless you're very skilled at Genji/McCree, and can carry the games by yourself consistently, it's impossible to rank up as a solo queuer.
The match I just had and described put the nail in the coffin for me.
I hate to be that guy, but fuck those brain dead teammates, and fuck having to solo queue in a matchmaking system which punish you heavily for it.
I solo queued from 48 to 67 using pretty much all Roadhog.
Not sure where this Genji McCree thing is coming from. But it's not true.
See post about Rein above. DPS is not the only carry potential class.Explain to me why I always get multiple gold medals as Zen (including fucking damage), Lucio, Roadhog, yet consistently lose games ?
There is absolutely no teamwork at 46, no one listens, no one types in chat, no one talks on the voice chat.
No one listen to the "group up" before rushing in, everyone respawns and doesn't wait for their teammates and rush in alone.
I'm telling you, you got extremely fucking lucky you never had teammates drag you that far down into the rankings.
Cause once you're there, unless you're a damage dealing god that can carry alone, no one is going to listen, no one is going to try and play as a team.
Uhh, if you felt that strongly about the need for a healer, you should have played Mercy or Lucio. You should not scold others if you are not willing to make sacrifices yourself.
Wait what? You were saying above that you were consistently losing games as Roadhog and that Genji/McCree are the only carry heroes and now you're saying that Roadhog can carry?Right, which is my point exactly.
Roadhog can solo carry because of his potentially high damage output and survivability.
You're a good Roadhog player, but try doing the same with a Lucio, or a Reinhardt. Heroes that need their teams to perform to really shine.
See post about Rein above. DPS is not the only carry potential class.
Also, like said above, if you're solo healing as Zen, you should switch to a main healer like Lucio or Mercy otherwise you are just as much of a problem as them that you couldn't acknowledge it either.
Wait what? You were saying above that you were consistently losing games as Roadhog and that Genji/McCree are the only carry heroes and now you're saying that Roadhog can carry?
I'm starting to think its not your mates that are the problem if you have that mentality.
A main healer is still more important imo. If your team was losing anyways, why not just switch to Lucio and see what happens. Sometimes last second changes can make a huge difference, even if you're losing out on something important, like discord.We absolutely needed discord, more than half of the opposite team were tanks.
I know what I'm doing, I considered switching to Lucio but couldn't give up on discord considering the enemy comp.
The gold medal false positive has been talked about many times before.Explain to me why I always get multiple gold medals as Zen (including fucking damage), Lucio, Roadhog, yet consistently lose games ?
There is absolutely no teamwork at 46, no one listens, no one types in chat, no one talks on the voice chat.
No one listen to the "group up" before rushing in, everyone respawns and doesn't wait for their teammates and rush in alone.
I'm telling you, you got extremely fucking lucky you never had teammates drag you that far down into the rankings.
Cause once you're there, unless you're a damage dealing god that can carry alone, no one is going to listen, no one is going to try and play as a team.
"One hero"I don't play one hero only like you do, I fill up the role needed in my team.
Most of the time, I mean 90% of the time, a support is needed.
"One hero"
Read my overbuff stats. My PSN is optimus8936.
You see if I really only play one hero. I understand team composition.
Explain to me why I always get multiple gold medals as Zen (including fucking damage), Lucio, Roadhog, yet consistently lose games ?
A main healer is still more important imo. If your team was losing anyways, why not just switch to Lucio and see what happens. Sometimes last second changes can make a huge difference, even if you're losing out on something important, like discord.
Again, Zen is a shit solo support. You should've switched to Lucio in the end.
Anyone who solely looks at medals to see how they or their team is performing is playing the game wrong.
The most obvious solution would be one of the shitty damage dealers (and you'd find more than one trust me, I was gold on damage and elim as Zen, while being solo support) owning to his bad play and switching to Lucio.
Cause you're zen
Do your job and stop looking at medals.
Reaper can easily end bronze (or gold!) for damage done but they're usually solo kills so it's a completely moot point, stop looking for explanations as to why you should be a higher rank, especially when winning/losing isn't the only factor in your rankup
Anyone who solely looks at medals to see how they or their team is performing is playing the game wrong.
Like seriously, you can have a gold in elims with 8 kills. Medals mean nothing in the long run.
Okay so you're more helpful to the team 'filling a role' with mediocre play is more valuable than me being a good Roadhog? Is tank not a role to fill?I'm sorry, I thought I was quoting the Roadhog main replying to my posts too.
The message was for him.
the idea that higher ranks are filled to the brim w/ ppl who escaped by grouping is Ludacris
the idea that a player is stuck at the 40s and their team is why, and that somehow the other team in the same mmr range is impervious to this is ludicrous too
and ppl don't really need to dogpile on ppl who feel like complaining in a thread that is prtty much 88% complaints
I think the point he was making was that he shouldn't have those medals if his teammates are doing they're jobs properly. I've gotten gold damage as Lucio once fore example. We had DPSes on the team. I'm pretty sure I was not the reason we lost that game.
Of course, those matches I find are few and far between, but maybe it's not the same for lower ranks.
These exact DPS players and Reins are in the 60s and 70s too. Every rank will have shitty players no matter what.I don't solely look at medals, I also see Reinhardt rushing in with their charge and getting killed by the enemy team while we needed their shield at a choke point.
I also see damage dealers running in solo when everyone else is dead, and getting picked off because they weren't smart enough to listen to the "group up" or understand that pushes in the game are done as a team.
Trust me, go to the 40's, you'll see plenty of things going wrongly.
Exactly !
When I see no one picking support at the beginning of the match.
Picking Lucio to fill up the team as well as possible, and getting gold on damage and/or elim, it's so fucking frustrating.
The damage dealers, the McCree, the Soldier 76, and most of all the Hanzo and Widow, are doing next to nothing if they lose on damage to a Lucio !
I don't play one hero only like you do, I fill up the role needed in my team.
Most of the time, I mean 90% of the time, a support is needed.
I wish I could play selfishly like you do and simply carry. That's not how I think I'd benefit my team though, that's not how I feel competitive should be played either.
Okay so you're more helpful to the team 'filling a role' with mediocre play is more valuable than me being a good Roadhog? Is tank not a role to fill?
My solo queue through the 40's and 50's motto was 'I'm not falling on the sword for these people' I'm going to play my best hero because that's our best chance to win the game. Seems to have worked out okay.
I'll happily grab a Lucio if I'm on a team or if people are talking in solo queue and are interested in actually making a good team comp.
Getting close to that news OT smell.
Overwatch |OT5| Winky Face![]()
I was wondering if someone could give me some good tips with Lucio. On the one hand, I know I have to have the heroes in my F.O.V. to make sure they get the health boost and healing, and I know he's effective when wall ridding. But I feel like I'm not getting the most out of Lucio and his tool set.
That better not be the title.
Well your answer is clear.Exactly the point I made earlier.
You guys are good enough at carry heroes so you just do your best with them every single time.
Try doing the same with Lucio please.
You wouldn't have had as much success.
Yeah, Mercy's getting buffed. Expecting a slight change to her mobility that songnificantky impacts her popularity in a good way (so the scenario) and a slight nerf to Zen because that shit's crazy.
The feel when you play Zarya so annoying to the enemy team that they specifically start picking you off and wasting their ults on you the second they notice your bubble is down.
I was wondering if someone could give me some good tips with Lucio. On the one hand, I know I have to have the heroes in my F.O.V. to make sure they get the health boost and healing, and I know he's effective when wall ridding. But I feel like I'm not getting the most out of Lucio and his tool set.
Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload
This. It's so easy!! I picked up Roadhog and Genji and immediately started carrying teams!!Well your answer is clear.
Get good with a 'carry' hero. It's so easy, shouldn't take you long.