Fortunately I didn't run into any quitters (on either team) during my matches. But I started off in games that were somewhere around 43 average as that was the level of the placed teammates I had. I can easily solo carry games in that skill bracket provided people are at least trying a bit, but doing so shoulda quickly thrown me into lvl 50 matches and let me take a stab at them. It's not a huge deal as long as those complaining in the thread about the lopsided rating lose vs gain are just the salty and vocal minority. I'd have just liked to have been given a shot at 60+ level matches before having to grind my way there from 50's and people's complaints of quitters and grievers have me wary even tho my personal experience has been alright thus far.
How well you do, in any individual game, is a function of what your teammates are doing as well. You might be racking up those sick gold medals but who's to say it's not because Winston's running interference, or Mercy is keeping the team alive? Your skill rating has no direct relationship your stats.My individual ranking to my individual stats? Yea, I do. What's the alternative? Relying on random teammates? It's not perfect but there's plenty of things besides eliminations and damage. They should be able to get a decent representation of who is doing well and who isn't.
Yes, as you should be. Otherwise matchmaking simply doesn't work. There's no quantifiable measure of "team ability", which is what's most important to putting together a group of strangers for a game that revolves around team synergy. The idea with skill rating/MMR/ELO, whatever you want to call it, is that ability to function well in a team reveals itself over time with constant match ups. It's not a linear "oh I got a lot of kills this game, time to rank up!" progression. It's an estimate of how likely you are to win when placed in a group of 6, against another group of 6, derived from, hypothetically, an unlimited number of cases.But they didn't seem to care about that. It's all wins and losses, which is pretty damn disappointing. You are completely at the mercy of your team (5/6ths worth) if you want to rank up.
Overwatch |OT4| One step forward, two steps back
Congrats GraveRobber, worst and laziest OP I ever seen on NeoGAF. Next time let someone else do it. Someone who wants and know how to do it...
People actually reap OPs after the first OT??
Congrats GraveRobber, worst and laziest OP I ever seen on NeoGAF. Next time let someone else do it. Someone who wants and know how to do it...
People actually reap OPs after the first OT??
The complaint posts are not funny. People spent money on the game and dedicated hours playing placement tests to end up with xp penalty issues due to quitters. What was PTR then? Pre-alpha? And yes Blizzard intends to finalize ranked via seasons, and we have to voice complaints to help making the game better. The issue of quitters is legitimate, and it should be solved. Placement tests are vulnerable to quitters as well.
This and players reconnecting after a DC getting a loss even if winning are two gigantic oversights. I don't know how they made it through. The first one because it punishes superb teams, the second because they should incentivize rejoining games (I'm OK with giving them a leavers penalty of course).Man why the fuck does the winning team get punished if someone on the other team ragequits?
We stop the enemy team at the first capture point and a guy on the other team quits. We cap point 1 and win and we get 5% gains for our efforts as underdogs to stop them at point 1. The fuck is that about?
It's not like Blizzard doesn't already have about 8 billionen complains about that including massive foren posts and reddit threads. Everyone knows that shit and everybody should have realized that ranked will suck at first. I am one of the lucky few that didn't have many problems till now, but I can see all the complaints, but guess what? Changes will take time sadly so in the mean time just play Quick Match or try to grind Ranked points.
.Congrats GraveRobber, worst and laziest OP I ever seen on NeoGAF. Next time let someone else do it. Someone who wants and know how to do it...
Congrats GraveRobber, worst and laziest OP I ever seen on NeoGAF. Next time let someone else do it. Someone who wants and know how to do it...
Score wise how is 44? Is that average or below average?
Score wise how is 44? Is that average or below average?
Never had to see an OP unless I need to, not with buttons on both desktop and mobile GAF that jump you straight to the first unread post.I like it. I've had enough bloated OPs that look like press kits (with info everybody knows anyway), force me to scroll for an hour to see the replies and take ages to load.
I love to play Overwatch. But the game sure is terrible to spectate.
Team based FPS:s always feel pretty chaotic to spectate, but the never ending tempo in Overwatch just makes it unengaging fast.
I've often gotten the feeling that esports audience sizes are more dependent on how many people are playing the game themselfs rather than if the game is any fun to watch or not(hello MOBAs), so i guess that don't have to mean OW is doomed as an esports.
Personally I love watching it, been watching a lot of streams when I haven't been able to get on and play myself.I love to play Overwatch. But the game sure is terrible to spectate.
Team based FPS:s always feel pretty chaotic to spectate, but the never ending tempo in Overwatch just makes it unengaging fast.
I've often gotten the feeling that esports audience sizes are more dependent on how many people are playing the game themselfs rather than if the game is any fun to watch or not(hello MOBAs), so i guess that don't have to mean OW is doomed as an esports.
Is there still a reason to play Ranked?
Is it me or is PotG kinda borked?
Going to do more placement matches later today. I'm prepared for the worst. So I apologize in advance in I return later and drop a mountain of salt in the thread.![]()
I played some ranked yesterday with a friend who has himself made friends with another group of 4 people so we were a team of 6 but holy shit... those other guys were so pseudo-pro they always ran the same lineup:
- Lucio
- Mercy
- Roadhog
- Reinhardt
were played EVERY map, EVERY game and I had to choose one DPS. We then were owned in Ilios so I decided to switch to D.Va which I considered being a good pick and I actually got back the capture point and was eventually having 4 gold medals and literally winning the round for us. Guess what happened? They were mad at me because I didn't play a damage dealer and one of the others had to switch from Reinhardt to McGree (which was also a bad pick imho) and I was not following their orders. I tried to convince them playing DVa but their opinion was, that DVa is a bad character. When my play of the game (winning the second round by zoning the point with my Ult and killing 4 guys) was shown they asked me to leave the group. lol
Don't do it solo ffs, I'm still mad about yesterday's 1-6 placement run
Don't do it solo ffs, I'm still mad about yesterday's 1-6 placement run
I'm not really sure why people keep playing competitive if its players are not more "skilled" than the ones in quick play, but throw insults left & right a lot more easily.
At least quick play matches are still mostly quiet and the quality(as random as it can be) of players doesn't seem to be affected by competitive.
I hope the people who stick to competitive do this because they really want a golden weapon, otherwise I don't understand why they keep torturing themselves lol.
got told my zarya was bad in a match today, and that i wasn't doing my job. i asked how so, and they said that i should be in the front lines, not back lines, and i just replied i can't do as well as i should be doing if shielded team mates don't press forward, and a 4v1 situation is always gonna be bad on lijang tower.
kinda irritating when you're a player that is constantly communicating, letting people know ult percentages, acknowledging group up commands, saying good job when we play well, etc.
If it takes Blizzard a few seasons to work the kinks out of competitive, how much of the player base will have moved on by then I wonder. Even in mid to late June, there were plenty of folks here saying that they were getting bored and putting OW on the back burner until competitive. If competitive takes 2-3 seasons to get to the point where things are pretty okay, I wonder how the player base will look by then. As it stands now, it seems to be leaving a bad taste in most people's mouths. Is Blizzard running the risk of irreparably damaging the game's reputation with the state of competitive / people's opinions of it?