Red Arremer
Very true, I haven't really checked out Zarya yet but that definitely makes sense now that I think about it just going from other players.
Seems like I should be good to go with Reinhardt.

Very true, I haven't really checked out Zarya yet but that definitely makes sense now that I think about it just going from other players.
Seems like I should be good to go with Reinhardt.
Interesting that they're actually open to drastically change their abilities, I thought D.Va's defense matrix was their maximum extent, i.e. keep the same ability but tweak it.Same designer, same thread
While Mei currently doesn't see a ton of tournament or competitive play,
Anne said:Alter speedboost. I've said it many times before, I'll say it again. Speeboost giving 30% passive and 110% amped is too much. Reduce that by a wide margin and see what happens. If it does somehow make him unplayable (I doubt that it will) then we can better understand how to work with his tools. His speedboost has never been touched so we don't know enough about how he works without it being stupid strong.
Great OT title.
From previous thread,
Even if they nerf speed boost like that, I still think he will always be picked. That is maybe unless they give Anna or Mercy speed boosting capabilities also.
Can't wait for the inevitable defense hero buffs. The Mei meta will dawn upon us with glory.
they are also buffing Mei's ult.
I wonder if Defense Matrix still erases her projectile lol, it feels so good when it happens.
I'd rather see Mei's spray widened and increased length.
fuck Tracer
Mei buff woooo!
Having her ult pierce barriers would be hilarious.
i'm in a comp match with sym, torb, bastion, and ana
send help plz
BTW, Overwatch World Cup voting is live now:
Here's info on some of the nominated players:
Voted Talespin, Seagull, Harbleu, and Adam for Team USA. 8)
Mei is now the counter to Zarya.
Shit, the only Canadian I know is Surefour. Who are these people?
Hopefully Blizzard is listening.I think he'll still be really good, but losing speedboost power opens up the game for other strats besides Lucio blitzing every fight. My goal isn't to have Lucio be bad. I want other strats that don't involve speedboost to have room to exist.
Hanzo needs a quicker draw
Bastion needs to be completely reworked
Mei's spray needs a wider arc
Symmetra needs faster ball speed
Torbjorn's turret needs to upgrade faster
Tracer needs to be deleted
These are my changes
I was in an incredibly fun comp match we won the other day with a Torb and Sym on Anubis defence. I was Zen behind Rein's shield and basically nobody got past the first chokepoint (the few that got through died really quickly).
What the hell Talespin's most played character is MEI?!
Also really not liking the lack of female OW players.
they exist.
Most girls ik don't use mics for good reasons.
lol my bad I meant in the Voting thing for World Cup.
Is the GAF train full tonight? Guess I missed it. Probably will try solo then.
Any GAF games going on right now? Psn
What the hell Talespin's most played character is MEI?!
Also really not liking the lack of female OW players.
Are you both on PC? We could start a group.
My BattleNet ID is "Josh5890#1468"
I think he'll still be really good, but losing speedboost power opens up the game for other strats besides Lucio blitzing every fight. My goal isn't to have Lucio be bad. I want other strats that don't involve speedboost to have room to exist.
I've ran into quite a few, but yeah, isn't the pro scene of most esports dominated by males anyway?
All that leads to is a new meta and more people complaining.
I've ran into quite a few, but yeah, isn't the pro scene of most esports dominated by males anyway?
I mean you can notice it
Games and gamers can try and be more inclusive, but sexism/"no girls!" logic still applies and you regularly see girls annoyed about it or never even get into things that would start them towards esports. Obviously not a law of games or anything but it's sad it's still so much a thing.
depends. New meta might be more open than now. There will always be a meta. There will always be complaining. I just want a meta more open than what we have now.
Reminds me of that korean female zarya player who was accused of cheating.
How is she nowadays? Hopefully still dominating with zarya.
depends. New meta might be more open than now. There will always be a meta. There will always be complaining. I just want a meta more open than what we have now.
But things change all the time without removing abilities. No one played Zen now he's viable. And now we have people trying to nerf discord. HAHA
Are you both on PC? We could start a group.
My BattleNet ID is "Josh5890#1468"
Zen got buffed out the ass though. Discord got significantly buffed itself.
This seems like a troll.
But things change all the time without removing abilities. No one played Zen now he's viable. And now we have people trying to nerf discord. HAHA
There are a ton of people playing zen now.
It's not a troll. The point being no matter the buffs or nerfs someone will take to the boards and complain. It's human nature and a never ending cycle.
No one here should claim to know how to balance this with any certainty.
I already said there will be a new meta and people will complain. You just keep balancing until the meta is "good enough" that there can be decent enough diversity and strats. Of course nobody knows for certain what's up, but we do have a decent idea of a direction that might be good to go in?