hmm, OK. I just went on a 4 game winning streak in competitive... I think I'mma only soloQ in the evenings from now on. >__<
aside: in 2 of the games Anubis & R66(6) I had guys
'advising' peeps on what to be. I complied (ran Rein) and we lost the first point in Anubis, switched back to D.Va and we held the sedond point and took point 1 & 2 on attack (as D.Va, again he kept asking for a Rein...). The next guy on R66(6) wanted a Rein on attack... but I stuck w/ D.Va. ¯\_(ツ

_/¯ We pushed the payload almost to the 3rd point, and on attack he kept harping on the Ana on our team, going on about wanting a Mercy... we kept the enemy team from reaching the 1st point. SMH
honestly, peeps need to CHILL at the beginning of a match and just see how things shake out. If things are not working out or begin to go sideways... then ok, maybe, suggest some composition switch-ups?, but until then just chill, yo!