But the thing is, it still comes down a lot to luck if you get a team that can play their role good and don't get pissy when people try to change up the team if it isn't working. I've been stuck around the 3k mark for quite some time now because I keep getting teams where people throw games intentionally (had a total of 5 of them during one night), they go 3 DPS and then don't actually get any kills, refuses to change character etc.
I can do pretty good as a DPS, but in solo queue I don't get to play it often because that's usually what gets picked first and if 3 people lock in DPS it ends up with me changing to tank or support because the others refuse. And then they end up not getting any kills anyway. It's always fun to see a DPS complain that the other DPS is garbage and then I look at my stats as a support and see I have gold eliminations with 8 kills as lucio after 2 rounds of control point. ¯\_(ツ

I had a much easier time climbing in ranks in S1, about half my games were solo and I climbed from 52 to 69 without much problem at all and probably could've reached at least 72 if I had played more. But during that season I got lucky and didn't get matched with players who threw games, I didn't get matched with people who got super salty and complained about everyone in voice chat. It was for the most part good and fairly even games because the matchmaking gods were nice to me. I have not had this luck this season.