Nah, i love pharah but i don't think she needs the 250hp. Especially not with the mobility buff i suggested. That would just turn her into a nightmare. Mobility buff would already raise her survivability, but also raise her skill ceiling in a really fun way.
People already do it with her concussive blast but shortening the cooldown of concussive blast would make her real obnoxious to face against and i want her to be able to do it without facing a wall.
True, but I would be fine if Blizzard could implement either for the PTR. I want to have fun playing this character, gosh darn it!
People who spam a character to try and get you to pick it, naw fuck you.
It's just as annoying as people who say thanks when they're trying to blame us for losing
I just mite my television when that happens. Not my responsibility to listen to them beg, 'cause I ain't having any of that.
I came into the game loving Lucio. He has such a cool design with his wall running, speed boost. Hell I love his animations and character flourishes too. The problem is when you decide to main support it can be so frustrating, when you realise that if the other team wants you dead you die. Especially in solo que when you can't call for help. In the end the best thing about learning Lucio was movement. After maining Lucio, I am a weave and dodge master now all I need to do is learn how to track my shots better.
For me flying solo, I felt obligated to play support, as the DPS & Tank roles would be taken or no one would select a Support Hero, aside from Ana. It became frustrating that my teammates will never protect me from the Roadhog's that are there for the sole purpose of silencing Lucio/Zenyatta. I politely ask the tanks to watch out for me when they can, but thyy tell me "Lucio's fast. You can outrun anyone! BTW, push the payload while I go & get a kill streak & stare at Mercy's sweet ass. Later, shorty!"
It gotten so bad, that I make it a mental thought to protect my healers and watch over them when playing Zarya. I've gotten some nice replies, telling me that they appreceated the protection.
With that said, I'm so glad that I can play with Whippy or the other members on this forum, as he and I rotate between support/tank, & we know that we can rely on each other to watch each other's backs. The POTG's I got when he fired Ana's dart at Reinhardt's butt.