Seriously. I'm still baffled that we were actually comparing this game to fucking fighting games. Literally nothing alike, gameplay-wise.

So what the fuck is the custom when a Mei drops that fucking atom bomb-like ult of hers on KOTH? It encapsulates the whole damn point since her buff. Like, what do you do if you're a Tank for example and you hear her tell-tale sign to get the fuck out of dodge? You have like a second to move your fat ass to the nearest door and it's always too late.
Is the point to take the hit? Should I be predicting how far into the game she'll have her ult? Should I be counting on team composition that someone in my solo game has a counter ult? Because otherwise I just don't understand why her ult is such a stand out. Even Zaryas Graviton Surge + someone else's ult combo isn't as annoying and shoulder slumping as Mei and her fucking pizza killer.
Transcendence is the best case, in my experience. Or a good Zarya that can bubble herself and then you or a more important target.
Otherwise, having the whole team fight on point isn't ideal in KOTH once you have it. Branching just past (but not overextending too far) gives you more breathing room. Especially when they have a Mei. Could help mitigate the effect of her ult.