how do you play reinhardt
i cant figure him out at all
Play aggressive dont be a bitch
Charge lijiang spawn or no balls
how do you play reinhardt
i cant figure him out at all
I feel like it's rare for Zarya to build energy past 50. Maybe they should give more energy from shielding team mates.
I've had unusually good games between 1-2 A.M. these last two nights. It's when I dared to keep going past 3 that I realized I had made mistakes.don't play ranked on a weekend. learn from the mistakes of those who came before you.
shoulda played genji to balance it out.The moment when they select Hanzo, Torb, Widow, Bastion one after another... nope I'm out.
People dont play rein because one mistake leads to your whole team dying, no one wants that pressure lol
Or firestriking at a bad time so a healer gets hooked/sniped and killed and you all subsequently die.that one time you charged in like a dumbass or the one time you didnt charge in you scared little pussy
I've had such bad luck with comp this season and enjoyed the games so little that I'm pretty much full-time QP/Arcade Sombra at this point.I just hope this season hasn't ruined comp forever and that people will take it more seriously when everything stabilizes.
never nanoboost soldier unless he has tac visor. dont expect your dps to know how to aim unless the game does it for him.
It's been a fucking train wreck. And I can't even say I only play it to avoid trolls because there are PLENTY in comp these days. I guess it's for the CP's and because I've gone on like 3 really good win streaks in between what is probably a 15% win rate otherwise. And at those times it's still really fun, especially with a gaf group.I've had such bad luck with comp this season and enjoyed the games so little that I'm pretty much full-time QP/Arcade Sombra at this point.
I want to play more comp, but eh. It's been really dull this season.
Or jumping with shield and letting an earthshatter come inthat one time you charged in like a dumbass or the one time you didnt charge in you scared little pussy
Yeah, I think partly it's because I've been solo q'ing so much.It's been a fucking train wreck. And I can't even say I only play it to avoid trolls because there are PLENTY in comp these days. I guess it's for the CP's and because I've gone on like 3 really good win streaks in between what is probably a 15% win rate otherwise. And at those times it's still really fun, especially with a gaf group.
Looking back at it, it is nothing short of a miracle that I won 9 out of 10 after placements to hit master. And later me Optimus, Biscuit, and Cappa had a huge streak to get Biscuit to master. EVERYTHING else has been terrible.
It's like I made a deal with the devil to hit master after getting to 3490 last season. And my punishment is that the rest of the season is miserable.
Season high 3521 currently at 3002.How far are you from your season high now?
Don't take it personally if I don't accept invites for awhile. I hate joinng the group knowing that the group is now doomed.We won our next game as soon as Batman left...also helped we didn't have a Bastion perched up where he couldn't fire on anyone.
Don't take it personally if I don't accept invites for awhile. I hate joinng the group knowing that the group is now doomed.
Maybe this offseason we can play QP, and try to find better roles for everyone to play. So that we can be a competent team when we group up for season 4.
How can you say that when our winning percentage as a group is about 10%? By all accounts you guys have reasonable success when I'm not there.I don't think we are more or less doomed if the group is 4 people as opposed to 3, joinnnnnn us.
This is correctIf you don't join I will assume it's because I am a Mercy main.
How can you say that when our winning percentage as a group is about 10%? By all accounts you guys have reasonable success when I'm not there.
This is correct
I'm up for trying a bit of duo queue if that might help break the slump at all but yeah our group does not seem to be working out and it's hard to pinpoint why.How can you say that when our winning percentage as a group is about 10%? By all accounts you guys have reasonable success when I'm not there.
I wrote up a concept for Doomfist's abilities over on Reddit. Maybe you guys would be interested in seeing it? Feedback would be cool as well
I'm up for trying a bit of duo queue if that might help break the slump at all but yeah our group does not seem to be working out and it's hard to pinpoint why.
Sounds like his combo would have too much DPS. Jump on somebody 100HP and then 100HP DPS= 200HP hero dead in a second. The auras sounds a lot like Lucio. You said all heroes so does this include the enemy team? Would be interesting mechanic if both teams took more damage or became slower. Risk/reward kinda thing.
How would the auras interact with other abilities (ie a cap)? Inspirational aura plus discord is 60% damage increase on that target. 50% speed boost ontop of Lucio would be too much speed probably. The reduced speed by 30% would be pretty bad to have since speed is so good to have. If doomfist takes 50% of the damage and your team was slower then it might be bad since enemy team finds it easy to shoot you but deal the same amount of damage (since its transferred to doomfist and not eliminated) so find it easier to build ult charge?
Ult sounds good to counter certain ults and stop pushes. Would probably be a high skill cap hero.
EDIT: just saw how you described they stack after. Was going through the abilities one by one and the stacking part was afterwards. Might be better to have a cap on it. Zen with 50% discord was silly. 60% would be nuts. Cap at 50% might be good since it makes it back to prenerf but at the offset of harder to hit.
Yep just played and won 3 solo queue games. Even though we got Hanmaura twice and I had to take the Reinhardt role in both games.Yeah I can't understand why our group doesn't work together. Just did a few matches while soloq and it was all victories, recovered the lost points of our last matches plus 50. My last game was probably the most one-sided I ever had, 51-0 as S76 on Ilios.
When I played with batman before I didn't felt like I was doing that well as S76 or Tracer. Same thing with Pharah in some previous games with the group, which were probably some of the worst ever. And those are by far my best characters. Maybe I can't handle the pressure lol
But I think sooner or later we will start winning, hopefully before we all fall to gold.
Today a guy switched from Zarya to Junkrat leaving our only tank on Defense to be Roadhog... on Hanamura.
You gotta complete your placements so the game can tell you just how bad you are!Pretty easy to pinpoint, actually.
It's missing me to be the worst on the team to take the pressure off.
I was Ana we had a Mercy too, but they were res'ing semi-sporadically, I had a couple temporary game saving nano boosts, but FML a triple tank comp against a bunch of squishies.And Roadhog isn't even a proper tank. If that happened to me, I'd probably switch to Dva. Probably best in a solo tank situation (on second point).
You gotta complete your placements so the game can tell you just how bad you are!![]()
People dont play rein because one mistake leads to your whole team dying, no one wants that pressure lol
Yep just played and won 3 solo queue games. Even though we got Hanmaura twice and I had to take the Reinhardt role in both games.
On Illios I went Lucio and our Zarya was furious that I was on speed so often. He kept spamming ' Ineed healing' and meleeing me in between rounds. Don't know what the hell his problem was because we won and I had 22 offensive assists, 15 defensive assists, and gold healing even though we had an Ana. His duo was on my team on Hamamura the next game and his buddy autolocked Lucio so that I couldn't.
Good thing I wasn't on mic because I might've gotten mad at him and we would've lost.
Do they not let you do placements with people who have already placed? AKA am I doomed to soloing this?
Today a guy switched from Zarya to Junkrat leaving our only tank on Defense to be Roadhog... on Hanamura.
Yea I get that. Especially in solo queue lots of times I'll speed boost into a fight and it turns out no one came with so I end up all alone surrounded by enemies. It's a play style I have to get better with but it really does make a huge difference, that much is obvious just from my limited playtime.I don't think people are used to speed Lucio, at least I'm not. I really liked it when I was playing Zen on Nepal, but for example as a S76 I felt a bit of trouble aiming when the enemies were close to me.
And it also depends a lot on the other healer, if he doesn't do a good job your team is probably screwed.
People don't play Rein because grouping up is a foreign concept. You see contrary to popular belief Overwatch is not a team based objective game, it's a k/d arena shooter.People dont play rein because one mistake leads to your whole team dying, no one wants that pressure lol
Yea I get that. Especially in solo queue lots of times I'll speed boost into a fight and it turns out no one came with so I end up all alone surrounded by enemies. It's a play style I have to get better with but it really does make a huge difference, that much is obvious just from my limited playtime.
I know that it makes it harder to aim or control yourself. But it is also much harder for the enemy to hit you. Also stuff like chasing down stragglers, or quickly getting behind an enemy Reinhardt is important.
The fact that I just started using speed, and my 6 offensive assists per game has me in the 99th percentile should tell us everything. Having that boost when the other team doesn't is a huge deal, like having a Reinhardt when the enemy doesn't. I just have to get better with it and stop trying to 1v1 Soldier's. Lol
Then everyone would just veto the same maps lol.You should be able to veto 3 maps like in StarCraft II.