I appreciate when I see Roadhogs and Zaryas help kill Pharahs. If someone is playing Bastion, they better be aiming at them too.
yea, 4-7AM was the worst fucking time. I will never play Comp during those times again. I was awake and was in the mood to climb. Learned my lesson. It might be a good time to stack tho.
there's still times where whoever is playing soldier they don't try to take out pharah. i thought we are pass that by now lol.
Complaining about pharah when she's in such an awkward place right now makes me wonder if the people saying so are on consoles? I hear she's an actual problem there
Complaining about pharah when she's in such an awkward place right now makes me wonder if the people saying so are on consoles? I hear she's an actual problem there
Calling out the scrub in me >_> <_<I don't think she is an awkward spot at all. Ever since the patch with the D.Va nerf she has been steadily rising as a strong meta pick in ladder and in pro matches. She's actually having massive impact in the pro games she is in too.
Character is crazy strong right now, almost on par with all the other upper tier DPS picks. Only real difference is she is more situational than something like Tracer or Genji, but in the situation she's strong in she looks unstoppable sometimes.
I do! Gamer tag is my user name, but 70 instead of 80.Does anyone play on XB1? I know Yager does.
Work on the dps heros. At that rank, general people either have low awareness or so-so mechanical skills or both. When I sunk to gold in S2 it was both from my experience. My awareness is so so (no headset to listen to footstep, i hate wearing headsetI just finished my placement matches. Bastion wasn't nearly as prominent and problematic as I imagined. This was on EU servers, though, maybe it's different on NA. So, last season my final rank was 2703, season high was 2909. I'm now at 2474.
Those were some terrible matches. I'm not usually one to blame others, but I mostly played Reinhardt and it felt like most of the time I was just watching the enemy team melt my shield while my team was seemingly doing nothing. Sorry if I sound a bit salty, but I feel like there is a correlation between people instalocking DPS and then sucking as DPS. I mean, I'm not great at DPS either, but that's why I mostly stick to tanks and healers. Also, playing Reinhardt and getting flanked and shot at from four sides at once has to be one of the more frustrating experiences in Overwatch.
Overall, this wasn't a lot of fun and didn't really get me excited for the season. In season 2 I played 85 hours, in season 3 only 15. I wonder if will play even less in season 4. I always get back to Overwatch after a while, but it seems like the breaks are getting longer each time. I hope I don't end up slowly losing interest in the game![]()
console are hard to aim up the sky. the analog and the range of motion while camera is looking up is limited/restrictive. but then the most problematic is the combination of the flight height of pharah (which = dmg drop due to range) and aim with analog is not as precise like kb/mComplaining about pharah when she's in such an awkward place right now makes me wonder if the people saying so are on consoles? I hear she's an actual problem there
I had a lucio help finishing off a low hp pharah yesterday on Nepal Shrine, we had Ana, Soldier, Roadhog, Mercy and Lucio on point, I was Winston and the one harassing her, I swear some people lack any kind of awareness.
I do! Gamer tag is my user name, but 70 instead of 80.
Fighting against Pharah in a 1v1 as Soldier isn't a huge problem for me. But when you're in a team fight and she's right above you spamming missles, it's a chore. You need to literally stay back and take her out before joining the team fight.
Cool, I'll confirm when I get home. I'll warn I typically show as offline when I'm playing so you may not see me on. I'll send a message before I invite to play. Usually play after 6 until around 9 EST on days when I'm able.Added
So I haven't played in about a week and a half and I'm probably gonna do my placements soon. Anything new I need to look out for (I know bastion was nerfed, but do you still see him a lot?)
My OCD everytime when a match finishes, and my teammates still has their ultimates...
I'm okay with losing, but Mercy mains please stop throwing!
I tilted over the weekend cuz FIVE people in my team had their Ults and they didn't use them before Overtime ended. They announced it. Thanks fellas.
I'll be that guy what if they just got their ult right before defeat.My OCD everytime when a match finishes, and my teammates still has their ultimates...
I'm okay with losing, but Mercy mains please stop throwing!
D.Va girl get a comb
I'll be that guy what if they just got their ult right before defeat.
I bet these are the same people that kill others still when the match is "over"you still use it on defeat/victory screen![]()
Yesterday I deliberately jumped at an ulting Pharah and dropped bubble in her face so she blew herself up. Considered retiring from Overwatch in that moment.Nothing like getting an air melee kill on pharah as Winston. So good.
I really like that they keep reiterating the UI, makes the game feel a little bit fresher.they keep refining those portraits, heh
Yesterday I deliberately jumped at an ulting Pharah and dropped bubble in her face so she blew herself up. Considered retiring from Overwatch in that moment.
Mercy should just have a gigantic yellow sticker on her forehead that says "REZ IS ONE OF THE FASTEST CHARGING ULTS IN THE GAME, IT'S OKAY TO ONLY REZ ONE PERSON"My OCD everytime when a match finishes, and my teammates still has their ultimates...
I'm okay with losing, but Mercy mains please stop throwing!
there's still times where whoever is playing soldier they don't try to take out pharah. i thought we are pass that by now lol.
Symmetra is really good at doing that, too, lolYesterday I deliberately jumped at an ulting Pharah and dropped bubble in her face so she blew herself up. Considered retiring from Overwatch in that moment.
a tracer that blinks over the water is doing it wrong.![]()
When you hack a Tracer just before she blinks over the water on Volskya B.
Playing this game with headphones it's such a difference experience. So many sounds that I wasn't hearing from my TV...
Don't have any with mic though which sucks.
Playing this game with headphones it's such a difference experience. So many sounds that I wasn't hearing from my TV...
Don't have any with mic though which sucks.
Playing this game with headphones it's such a difference experience. So many sounds that I wasn't hearing from my TV...
Don't have any with mic though which sucks.
There was a time when Ana / Reaper was in meta, and if you couldn't hear the crows from Reaper's teleport out of the back corners of your audio setup you'd be dead.
I also love how I can callout people based on their footsteps now.
Basically I'll be playing Lucio and say "Hey I can hear Roadhog up and to the right of the point but I can't see exactly where he is. Be careful."
are you playing right now?
lmao i do that sometimes, if someone kills me in a way that shook me i just avoid them until i know i have the upper handThat's not as fun though. Walking on a ledge pssh.
Was pretty funny cos when they saw me next time then blinked away asap.
My experience from League and DOTA.
If you play rank and lose two in a row. Call it quits for the day. You're frustrated and typically will be playing worse.